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Family and Consumer

Date: May 28, 2021
Grade: 7: Manley
Topic: Goals and Values
Teacher: Mr. Nugent
Focus questions

 What are values?

 What are goals?
 What are some examples of values?
 What are some examples of goals?

Definition of Goals

Goal-A goal is a desired result that a person plans and commits to

Goal setting- Goal setting involves the development of an action
plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a
Why setting Goals?

  It gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation .

 It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to
organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very
most of your life.
 It allows to measure your progress because you always have a
fixed endpoint or benchmark to compare with.
 Goals help you achieve your highest
Types of Goals
 Types Of Goals Short Term Goal- A short-term goal is something
you want to do in the near future. The near future can mean today,
this week, this month, or even this year. A short-term goal is
something you want to accomplish soon. (finish term paper, wash
dishes, mail Christmas cards by Friday, etc.). They help you achieve
your long term goals.
 Intermediate goals are called process goals they are the goals that
must be achieved before the final goal.
For example; if I want to buy a gift for someone I must save the money

Long Term Goal- A long term goal is that goal which takes a long time
to achieve. For example: graduate from college, become a pilot, lose
pounds, etc.
Definition of Values

 Qualities, characteristics, or ideas about which we feel strongly.

 A belief or feeling that someone or something is worthwhile.
 Values define what is of worth, what is beneficial, and what is harmful
 Values are standards to guide your action, judgments, and attitudes.
Steps in forming values

 Steps in Valuing Process . Choosing after thoughtful consideration

of the consequences of each alternative.
 A value must be freely chosen after careful study of the
consequences of each alternative.
 Only after the foreseeable alternatives or options open to him/her
are fully and clearly understood is a person able to make a free and
intelligent choice.
 Steps in Valuing Process. Prizing and cherishing.
 A value is something a person feels positive about: he/she prizes it,
cherishes it, respects it, rejoices in it and celebrates it.
 As the individual grows toward full development of his/her values,
he/she derives increasingly greater contentment, satisfaction,
fulfillment, and joy from the act of choosing his/her own destiny.
 Steps in Valuing Process . Affirming.
 This is criterion directly related to the preceding criterion that a value is
 When we have good news, we like to share it.
 When we discover a value that is freely chosen, the consequences of
which we know and that makes us happy, we want to tell others about it.
 Steps in Valuing Process . Acting upon choices. • A value is acted
upon, performed, carried out : it influences a person’s behavior in
some way. • Thus, what a person does reflects his/her values.
Repeating. • Values are acted on repeatedly and become a pattern of
life. • A value tends to permeate and influence all aspects of one’s

List five (5) of your goals and state how is it that

you are going to achieve these goals.
Explain the relationship between goals and values.

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