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• . R.A. 1425 – Rizal Law R.A. 1425 – Rizal Law  Jose P. Laurel – Father of Rizal Jose P. Laurel – Father of
Rizal Law Law  Senate Bill 448 hopes to give Senate Bill 448 hopes to give people knowledge about the
people knowledge about the oppression suffered by the oppression suffered by the Filipinos during the Spanish
Filipinos during the Spanish era. - for Filipinos to understand- for Filipinos to understand themselves and their
country themselves and their country better and realize the greatnessbetter and realize the greatness
•  Sen. Decoroso Rosales Sen. Decoroso Rosales  Sen. Mariano CuencoSen.
Mariano Cuenco  Francisco “Soc”Francisco “Soc” RodrigoRodrigo argued that it
will be argued that it will be a violation of religious violation of religious freedom.
•  R.A. 1425 is an act to R.A. 1425 is an act to include in the Curricula include in the Curricula of
all public and private of all public and private schools, colleges & schools, colleges & universities
courses on universities courses on the life, works life, works and writings of Dr. of Dr. Jose Rizal.
•  There is a need to giveThere is a need to give utmost importance toutmost importance to the
ideals of freedom,the ideals of freedom, nationalism & patriotismnationalism & patriotism through
anthrough an understanding of theunderstanding of the works & life of Rizalworks & life of Rizal
• WHAT THE LAW IMPOSESWHAT THE LAW IMPOSES  Inclusion in theInclusion in
the curricula studies on thecurricula studies on the life & works of Rizallife & works of
Rizal  Reading of theReading of the unexpurgated versionsunexpurgated versions of
Noli Me Tangere & Elof Noli Me Tangere & El FilibusterismoFilibusterismo
 Schools should haveSchools should have adequate copies of Rizal’sadequate copies of Rizal’s worksworks  The law authorizes
theThe law authorizes the translation of Noli & Filitranslation of Noli & Fili  While the teaching of RizalWhile the teaching of
Rizal as a subject is required, theas a subject is required, the doctrine of separation of thedoctrine of separation of the church &
state is & state is upheld.

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