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Managing Conflict

Presented by: Manpreet Kaur

Conflict is generally defined as the
internal or external discord that result
from differences in ideas, values, or
feeling between two or more people.

 Conflict can be defined as an expressed

struggle between at least two
interdependent parties who perceive that
incompatibles goals, resources, or
interference from others are preventing
them from achieving their goals. (Wilmot
and Hocker )
Conflict management is the process of
planning to avoid conflict where possible
and organizing to resolve conflict where it
does happen, as rapidly and smoothly as

 Intrapersonal conflict
 Interpersonal conflict

 Organisational conflict
 Intrapersonal conflict -: an intrapersonal
conflict occurs within an individual in
situation in which he or she must choose
between two alternatives.

 Interpersonal conflict: - conflict between

two or more individuals. It occur because of
different value, belief, background, and
 Organisational conflict:- conflict also
occur in organization because of differing
perceptions or goals. It may be interpersonal
and intrapersonal, but they originate in the
structure and functions of the organization.
Two areas are responsible for conflicts in
organization are:
 Role ambiguity

 Role conflict.
 Role ambiguity:-occur when employees
do not know what to do , how to do it , or
what the outcome must be this frequently
occur when polices and rules are unclear.
 Role conflict:-occurs when two or more
individual in different position within the
organization believes that certain actions
or responsibilities belong exclusively to
them. The conflict relate to competition.
Common Cause of Conflict

 Vertical conflict

 Horizontal conflict

 Line staff conflict

 Role conflict
 Economic conflict

 Value conflict

 Power conflict

 Lack of Information

 Limited Resources
Conflicts may arise between
individuals because:
 Clash of personalities, difference of opinion,
or harassment
 Aggressive or weak management style

 Some employees may feel

others are treated more

Conflict may arise between groups
 Disagreements or resentment
 Resentment of senior management, poor

morale, low motivation, disagreement over

pay, health and safety,
lack of proper consultation
 ‘them and us’ mentality

between large groups.

Characteristics of conflict:
 At least two parties are involved
 Conflicts do not just appear, Conflicts

 Conflict is like a virus when it appears it

begins to spread like crazy.

 Conflict is energized through opposing

 Conflict is by poor communications.

 Conflict intensifies when trust breaks

 Conflicts are encouraged by differing

 The groups makes each other with mutually

opposing action and counteractions

The conflict process

 Identify and clearly define the real

 Brainstorm solution

 Evaluate the solutions

 Choose the best solution

 Implement this solution
 Choose a follow up date to evaluate.

 Celebrate your success

 Effects of conflict in organization

 Conflicts have positive and negative

effect on organization depending up on
the environment created by the manager
as she or he manage or regulate the
conflict situation.
 Positive effect of conflict
 Diffusion of more serious conflict: -

games can be used to moderate the attitude

of people by providing a competitive
situation which can create tension in the
conflicting parties, as well as having some
entertainment value in organization.
 Stimulating of a search for new facts or
resolution. When two parties who respect
each other face a conflict situation , the
conflict resolution process may help in
clarifying the facts and stimulating search
for mutually acceptable solution.
 Increase in group cohesion and
performance- when two or more parties are in
conflict. The performance and cohesion of each
party is likely to improve, in a conflict
situation, an opponent’s position is evaluated
negatively and group allergens is strongly
reinforced, leading to increase the group
efforts and cohesion.
 Assessment of power and ability;-in a conflict
situation. The relative ability and power of the
parties involved can be identified and
 Negative effect of conflict
 Impediments of smooth working.

 Diminishing output obstruction in the

decision making process.
 Reduce employee commitment to

organization goal and organization


 Contd…..
 Stress

 Absenteeism

 De motivation

 Non-productivity
 Sign of conflict between individual

• Colleague not speaking to each other and

ignoring each other.
• Contradicting and bad mouthing one another
• Deliberately undermining or not co-operating
with each other, to the downfall of the team
The optimal goal in resolving conflict is
creating a win solution for all involved. This
outcome is not possible in every situation,
and often the manager’s goal is to manage
the conflict in a way that lessen the
perceptual differences that exist between the
involved parties.
The choice of most appropriate strategy
depends on many variables, such as the
situation itself, the urgency of the decision,
the power and status of the players, the
importance of the issue, and the maturity of
the people involved in the conflict.
Discipline: In using discipline to manage or
prevent conflict, the nurse manager must
know and understand the organization rules
and regulation on discipline.
1 Discipline should be progressive.
2 The punishment should fit the offence
3 Assistance should be offered to resolve on
the job problem. The best approach for each
employee should be determined.
4. Manager should be consistent and should
not show favouritism.

5. Discipline should be clear and specific.

6. It should be
objective, sticking to facts.
7. Discipline produce varied reaction. If
emotions are running too high, a second
Consider life stages:- most organizations
will have nurses at all life stages in their
employ. Conflict can be managed by
supporting individual nurse in attaining
goals that pertain of their life stages. Three
developmental stages are as follow:-
1. Young adult stages
2. Middle age
3. After 55 years
Communication :- communication is an art
that is essential to maintain therapeutic
environment it is essential to accomplish
work and solve the issue. To promote
communication and prevent conflict do the
Active listening: - active or assertive listening
is essential to manage conflict. It gives the
employee opportunity to hear the supervisor
perception of the emotions expressed.
Technique for active listening:
 Do not share anger

 Responds in verbal and non verbal

 Ask question and listen answer.
Assertive training:- assertive nurse,
including manager , will stand up for their
right while recognizing the right of other
and they are straight forward and know that
they responsible for their thought, feelings,
and actions.
 They can accept challenges and prevent
conflict by helping other deal with their own
anger. Assertive can be taught through
staff development programmes. They learn
about when to accept the responsibility
rather than to blame other.

 Aims: - The manager should work on a

compromise to stimulate the interaction and
involvement of the parties. Other aims
include better decisions and commitment to
decisions that have been made.
1. Avoidance conflict style
  Avoidance conflict style is typically used

when an individual has reduced concern for

their own outcomes as well as the outcomes
of others. During conflict, these avoiders
adopt a “wait and see” attitude, often
allowing conflict to phase out on its own
without any personal involvement.
2. Accommodating Conflict style
 In accommodating” conflict styles are
characterized by a high concern for others
while having a low concern for one’s own
self. This passive pro-social approach
emerges when individuals derive personal
satisfaction from meeting the needs of
others and have a general concern for
maintaining stable, positive social
3. Competitive conflict style
 Competitive or “fighting” conflict style
maximizes individual assertiveness and
minimizes empathy. Groups consisting of
competitive members generally enjoy seeking
domination over others, and typically see conflict
as a “win or lose” predicament. Fighters tend to
force others to accept their personal views by
employing competitive, power tactics (e.g.,
argue; insult; accuse; violence) that foster
feelings of intimidation.
4. Cooperation conflict style
 Characterized by an active concern for both pro-

social and pro-self behaviour cooperation conflict

style is typically used when an individual has
elevated interests in their own outcomes as well
as in the outcomes of others. During conflict, co-
operators collaborate with others in an effort to
find an amicable solution that satisfies all parties
involved in the conflict.
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