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• The supply of oxygen is absolutely essential for the existence of

higher organisms.

• As the saying goes too much of even the best is bad.Very high
concentration of O2 are found to be toxic and can damage tissues.

• A free radical is defined as ----- a molecule or a molecular species

that contains one or more unpaired electrons and is capable of
independent existence.Oxidative stress occurs----- when an
oxygen molecule splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons,
which are called free radicals.

• The body is under constant attack from oxidative stress. Oxygen

in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons.

• Electrons like to be in pairs, so these atoms, called free radicals,

scavenge the body to seek out other electrons so they can
become a pair.

• This causes damage to cells, proteins and DNA. 


• Substances that generate free radicals can be found in the

food we eat, the medicines we take, the air we breathe and
the water we drink.

• These substances include fried foods, alcohol, tobacco

smoke, pesticides and air pollutants.

• Oxygen is required in many metabolic reactions particularly for

the release of energy.
• During these process,molecular oxygen is completely reduced &
converted to water.
• If the reduction of oxygen is incomplete,a series of reactive
radicals are formed.
• O2
• Superoxide(o2-)
• Hydrogen peroxide
• Hydroxyl radical
• Water
• The other free radicals are singlet oxygen,hydroperoxy
radical,lipid peroxide radical,nitric oxide and peroxynitrite.
Functions of Free Radicals

• Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism.

• Sometimes ------- the body’s immune system’s cells

purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria.

• Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants

are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes
excessive, damage can occur.

• Free radicals are harmful to cells and tissues.

1.Cardivascular diseases (CHD) : oxidized low density
lipoproteins formed by the action of free radicals promote
2.cancer : free radicals can damage DNA and cause
3.Inflammatory diseases :Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic
inflammatory disease.The free radicals produced by neutrophils
are causative agents.
4.Respiratory diseases : Direct exposure of lungs to 100 %
oxygen for a long period (more than 24hrs) is known to destroy
endothelium and cause lung edema.Cigarette smoke as such
contains free radicals and damages the lungs.
5.Diabetes : Destruction of islets of pancreas due to accumulation of free
radicals is one of the causes for pathogenesis of insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus.

6.Cataract : Increased exposure to oxidative stress contributes to cataract

formation which is mostly related to ageing.

7.Ageing process : Free radicals are closely associated with various

biochemical and morphological changes that occur during normal ageing.

8.Other diseases : Free radicals plays a key role in Parkinson’s disease,

Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, liver cirrhosis, muscular dystrophy,
toxemia of pregnancy etc…
Free radicals: Our enemies or friends

• Although essentially cancer and degenerative diseases are to

major extent caused by damage done to our DNA by them, free
radicals also play an important role in cell metabolism.
• The immune system----- is the main body system that utilizes
free radicals.
• Foreign invaders or damaged tissue ----- is marked with free
radicals by the immune system.
• This allows ------for determination of which tissue need to be
removed from the body.
• Because of this some question the need for antioxidant
supplementation, as they believe supplementation can actually
decrease the effectiveness of the immune system.

• Any substance that delay or inhibits oxidative damage to target
• At a time one oxidant molecule can react with single free
radicals and are capable to neutralize free radicals by donating
one of their own electrons, ending the carbon stealing reaction

Types of antioxidants
1.Enzymatic antioxidants
2. Non-enzymatic antioxidants
i. Metabolic antioxidants ii. Nutrient antioxidants
1.Enzymatic antioxidants


• It is described as ------ an antioxidant than a vitamin.

• The effect of inadequate vitamin E ---- intake usually develop

over a long time, typically decades, and have been linked to
chronic diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis.

• Its main function ----- avoids cell membrane damage through its
antioxidant action.
1.Enzymatic antioxidants


• also----- stimulates the immune response.

• may inhibit ------- cancer initiation through enhanced


• inhibits the ------ conversion of nitrites in smoked, pickled

and stored foods to nitrosamines in the stomach.


It is an important water soluble antioxidant in biological fluids.

• Vitamin C efficiently scavenges free radicles .

II.Non-enzymatic antioxidants

A.Metabolic anti oxidants:


• It is a hormone ----- obtained from pineal gland.

• It is also a potent scavenger of free radicals, mainly of OH radicals.

ii.uric acid :

• a powerful scavenger(searches for and collects discarded sunstances)

iii.ceruloplasmin : inhibits iron and copper dependent peroxidation.

II.Non-enzymatic antioxidants

iv.Transferrin : binds to iron and prevents iron catlysed free radical


v.albumin : it can scavenge the free radicals formed on its surface.

vi.bilirubin : protects the albumin bound free fatty acids from peroxidation.
(a type of reaction in which oxygen atoms are formed leading to the
production of peroxides. It is stimulated in the body by certain toxins and 

vii.Haptoglobin : binds to free hemoglobin and prevents the acceleration

of lipid peroxidation.
B.Nutrient antioxidants

i.selenium is a trace element which enhances the antioxidant activity

of vitamin E.

ii. Beta carotene: Carotenoids are pigmented micronutrients present

in fruits and vegetables.

uThese are the precursors of vitamin A and also have antioxidant


u Dietary beta-carotene is converted to retinol at the level of the

intestinal mucosa.
Antioxidants from plant sources

• Garlic, grape fruit, soyabean, turmeric, tomato.

• Spirulina is a blue green algae from shallow pond water having

excellent antioxidant properties.

• As part of normal metabolism, body produces toxins which have

to be eliminated.
• Humans are constantly exposed to ------- exogenous &
endogenous toxins.
• Biotransformation is the process whereby a substance is changed
from one chemical to another by a chemical reaction in body.
• Detoxification is the process by which toxic substances are
converted into more soluble & less toxic substances, which are
mainly eliminated through urine & bile.
• Takes place in the “liver”.
• The compounds to be detoxified include Drugs ----- antibiotics,
cardiac drugs, steroids, etc

• Importance of Detoxification
• Detoxification is a process by which we reduce the levels of
toxins in our bodies.
• Reducing the levels of toxins in our bodies, reduces the strain on
the immune system.
• It can help prevent the onset of disease, help the body fight
health issues, and it can in some cases, reverse disease
• Toxins can cause changes to our cells and DNA.
• Toxins can be a major causative factor in the growing incidence
of cancer. (Note: There are now 70,000 chemicals in existence. 
A number of organs in the body assist with detoxification:
◦ Skin
◦ Intestines
◦ Lungs
◦ Liver
◦ Kidneys


• In addition to the various organs involved with detoxification,

especially our liver, there is another type of detoxification that deals
with heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum).

• It is Metallothionein (MT)

• Metallothionein ------- is a peptide, a smaller component of protein.

• People who have trouble removing the heavy metals often fall into
the autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, and behavioral

Role of Metallothionein :

◦ Regulates zinc and copper in the blood

◦ Detoxifies mercury and other heavy metals

◦ Involved in the development and functioning of the immune

system and brain neurons

◦ Involved in the production of enzymes that break down casein

and gluten

◦ Affects the body’s response to intestinal inflammation


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