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Training and pruning for Agro forestry trees

• Training is a practice in which tree growth is directed into a desired shape
and form. The main goal of tree training is to direct tree growth and
minimize cutting. Training includes summer training.
• Pruning is the removal of a portion of a tree to correct or maintain tree
structure. Pruning is most often done during the winter, commonly
referred to as dormant pruning.
Training Systems
Training helps develop a strong tree architecture that can support crop loads. Training
also helps to bring young trees into production early. Basic training systems include:
• Central Leader System:   A vigorous shoot near the center is chosen at planting
time, and competing upright shoots around it are removed.
• Open-Center System:  Three or four shoots are chosen to form the main
architecture during the first year, and competing limbs are removed. Other systems
have developed from this basic tree architectural system.
• Modified Central leader System:  The tree structure is created in two dimensions
by using trellis systems. The main trunk is tied to the wires. Buds are selected to
form branches, and shoots are fastened to training wires. Other styles that built on
this method include bush and Palmette systems.
• Espalier: Espaliers are a year-round garden feature, and they're easier to maintain
and harvest than standard or dwarf trees
Height and canopy measurement for selected
Agroforesty trees
• The canopy is the aboveground portion of a tree , covered by the area of individual
tree branches.
• Canopy cover of individual trees is measured as the proportion of a fixed area of
the ground covered by tree crowns. The canopy cover will be determined by
the tree species, is = average diameter of covered tree branches.
• Generally measured by Cc=A+B/2, where, Cc= Canopy covered by tree branch, A=
North to south diameter covered by tree branches, B= East to West diameter
covered by tree branches,
Important Values to memories: a. √2=1.414 b. √3=1.732 c. √5=2.236
• Eg: For example, if I stood 20 m from a tree and the angle between the tree’s top
and horizontal from my eye was 30 degrees, I would calculate the height as
height = tan(angle) x distance
height = tan(30) x 20 = √3/3 x 20 = 1.732 /3 x20
height = 11.55 m
• Man height 1.75 m tall at my eyes and so
• total height = 11.55 m + 1.75 m
total height = 13.3 m

30 0


laser measuring tree height

Abney Level
Canopy Volume
• Crown Area is measure by four to six cardinal directions namely North South, East
west, ESE, WSW and WNW, respectively and the average diameter, which is
effectively the average crown spread, d, calculated.
The crown projected area was then calculated using formula
Crown Area (CA)=πd2/ 4
Canopy Volume = Canopy Height × (Crown Diameter)2 × Multiplier (0.3927)
Exp- 9.
Different AFS development (SALT and Home garden)
Home Garden
• A home garden refers to the traditional land use system around a homestead,
where several species of plants are grown and maintained by the household
members and their products are primarily intended for the family consumption.
• For the degraded lands in the shifting cultivation areas, contour hedgerow
intercropping and Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT) have been
advocated . The contour hedgerow intercropping technology is based on
modification of agroforestry system in which nitrogen-fixing plants are planted
along contour with desired food crops and other useful plants in the alleys.
Desmodium rensonni, Tephorosia candida, Indigofera anil, Leucaena leucocephala
and Crotalaria tetragona are the suitable hedgerow species. Similarly, for SALT,
contour hedgerows are prepared and the space between two rows of hedgerow
areas is called a strip. Alternate strips are selected for cultivation during the year
and the strips left uncultivated area planted with permanent crops of horticultural
and wood value.
Home Garden Models
Sloping agricultural land technology (SALT),
• Sloping agricultural land technology (SALT), known as contour hedgerow
intercropping (agroforestry) technology (CHIAT). It is a system in which dense
hedgerows of fast growing perennial nitrogen-fixing tree or shrub species are
planted along contour lines thus creating a living barrier that traps sediments and
gradually transforms the sloping land to terraced land. The nitrogen-fixing
hedgerows lining the terrace help improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation at
the roots and incorporation of the hedgerow trimmings into the soil.
• Detailed investigations have been made of the impact of SALT on soil erosion,
water runoff, and soil fertility; the conditions for establishment; appropriate
nitrogen-fixing hedgerow species for mid-hill areas; crop/hedgerow combinations;
and potential competition between crops and hedgerows. SALT offers a potentially
very valuable method for controlling soil erosion and increasing soil fertility in the
HKH mid-hills. It can be established on farmland slopes with gradients ranging
from 5 to 25 per cent or more.
Establishment of Agroforesty farm at Agriculture and
Forestry University (AFU)
A visit to success story of Agroforestry project(s) at
local level
• Objectives
• Date and place
• Study: Types of forest/ farm, planting date/
year, Planting systems, methods, species,
topography, etc. Detailed report prepaired

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