Electrical Cords

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1.Identify the minerals and

metals used to build the
computer component
Copper is regarded as the
standard in electrical conductors,
second only to silver in conductivity,
but far more plentiful and therefore
Because soldering copper can be difficult
unless a flux is used (which can leave
corrosive residues behind), it is usually
tinned or plated if it is intended to be
soldered. (This does not preclude the use of
flux, but the coating makes soldering easier,
and affords some protection against
corrosion overall.)
Bare copper is perfectly suited
for pressure terminations
(crimping, etc.) which break
through surface oxidation.
2.Identify the properties of each
mineral/metal that makes it useful
to the function of that computer
a good electrical conductor
a good thermal conductor
corrosion resistant
non magnetic
easy to alloy
Corrosion resistant
Copper is low in the reactivity series. This means that it
doesn't tend to corrode. Again, this is important for its use
for pipes, electrical cables, saucepans and radiators.
However, it also means that it is well suited to decorative
use. Jewellery, statues and parts of buildings can be made
from copper, brass or bronze and remain attractive for
thousands of years.
Non magnetic
Copper is non magnetic
and non sparking.
Alloys easily
Copper can be combined with other metals to
make alloys. The most well known are brass and
bronze. Although copper has excellent electrical
and thermal properties, it needs to be hardened
and strengthened for many industrial
applications. It is therefore mixed with other
metals and melted..
Copper can be recycled without
any loss of quality of the world's
demand is met by recycled copper
3.Select one specific mineral/metal from
the computer part. Discuss how the
mineral is formed (what are the ore
minerals and the most realistic origin of
the ore resource)
Origin of the name
The name is derived from the
Old English name 'copper' in
turn derived from the Latin
'Cyprium aes', meaning a
metal from Cyprus
A reddish-gold metal tha
is easily worked and
drawn into wires.
Most copper is used in electrical equipment
such as wiring and motors. This is because it
conducts both heat and electricity very well,
and can be drawn into wires. It also has uses in
construction (for example roofing and
plumbing), and industrial machinery (such as
heat exchangers
Copper is a ductile and malleable 
base metal that is valued for its high therma
and electrical conductivity. Easily
identifiable because of its iridescent, golden
red colour, copper and its alloys, have been
used by humans for thousands of years.
Is typically extracted from
oxide and sulphide ores that
contain between 0.5 and 2.0
percent copper.
Regardless of the ore type, mined
copper ore must first be concentrated
to remove gangue, unwanted materials
embedded in the ore.The first step in
this process is crushing and powder-
izing ore in a ball or rod mill.
largest corporate producer of copper worldwide
 is the Chilean state enterprise Codelco.
Codelco produced 1.76 million metric tonnes
of refined copper in 2010, or about 11% of total
global production. Other large producers
include Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold
Inc., BHP Billiton Ltd., and Xstrata Plc.
4.Based on the list, hypothesize what
minerals would be useful for another
electronic item (television, media
player, mobile phone, etc.)
For us, it is the copper because based
on the idea that we gathered copper is
very helpful in everyday life specially
the armed that we used for protection
specially these gadgets and electronics
needed energy so if we will use
insulator how will it work?
This, combined with its corrosion
 resistance, ductility, malleability,
and ability to work within a wide
range of power networks, makes
the metal ideal for electrical
5.Discuss environmental implications of
disposing outdated computer equipment. Should
it be landfilled? Why is computer waste one of
the biggest waste issues facing the world?
Discuss the global implications of computer
Computer recycling, electronic
recycling or e-waste recycling is the
disassembly and separation of components
and raw materials of waste electronics.
Although the procedures of re-use, donation
and repair are not strictly recycling, they are
other common sustainable ways to dispose of
IT waste.
Obsolete computers and old electronics are
valuable sources for secondary raw materials if
recycled; otherwise, these
devices are a source of toxins and carcinogens.
Rapid technology change, low initial cost, and 
planned obsolescence have resulted in a fast-
growing surplus of computers and other electronic
components around the globe.
. Most electronic waste is sent to 
landfills or incinerated, which releases
materials such as lead, mercury, or
cadmium into the soil, groundwater,
and atmosphere, thus having a
negative impact on the environment.
. Reuse of tin, silicon, iron, aluminium, and
a variety of plastics that are present in bulk
in computers or other electronics can
reduce the costs of constructing new
systems. Components frequently,contain 
lead, copper, gold and other valuable
materials suitable for reclamation.

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