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Presented by Francis Williams

What is point-of-experience survey?
 This is feedback survey delivered right at the
point when your customer is experiencing your
product or services offerings.
 Feedback gathered at this time allows your
customer to truly express how the feel about
your products and services when the
interaction is fresh in their minds.
Are you really aware of the problems you
are facing?
 If your business interfaces directly with
consumers, measuring feedback is critical to
improving your operation.
 By understanding what customers think and
feel about your products and services, you’ll
have actionable data that can be used to make
improvements – instantly.
 Feedback allows you to refine your product and
services offering to ensure you are providing
the right solution to your customers problems.
You owe it to your business
 You are in the business of providing solutions to
problems that people have whether you believe it or
 The lady who goes to a massage parlor is ultimately
not going for a massage, to strip naked, lie on a
piece of board covered by a short sheet to be
handled by some stranger! No she is going for the
relaxation the massage produces.
 You therefore owe it to your business to truly
understand the reasons why your customers
patronize your business so that you can serve them
You only have to ask
 Your customers are more that willing to
provide feedback to you on the reasons they
utilized your products and services.
 You simply have to ask using an easy and
unobtrusive way for them to provide feedback.
 Who wouldn’t want to read their customers
mind and yet with a simple question you
almost can predict their future behavior
towards your business.
How to get started
 In Answering the Ultimate Question, Richard Owen
and Laura Brooks, co-developers of Net Promoter
Score posits that every company's customers can be
divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives,
and Detractors.
 They believe that by asking one simple question —
How likely is it that you would recommend
[Company X] to a friend or colleague? — you can
track these groups and get a clear measure of your
company's performance through its customers' eyes.
 Why don’t you give it a try for starter.
The End

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