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Sophia Papaleo


Candidate #1094

AS Global Perspectives
z Mr. Groothuis

10 February 2021
What is the Problem?
 Deforestation affects the indigenous people and animals in
the areas in which the trees are cut. The elimination of
trees has destroyed the earth in many ways, but most
importantly, has caused climate change. Animals are
losing habitats and sources of food and indigenous
peoples’ communities are threatened.

 The biggest cause of deforestation is when humans chop

down trees to make room for new architecture and homes
to populate and control.

 Climate change is slowly causing the earth to deteriorate

because the balance of the ecosystems is being thrown

 Deforestation can occur anywhere with a large population

of trees and plant life because it is the destroying or
removing of trees whether its intentional, from natural
causes, or accidental. It’s the most concerning in forests
because they are major sources of necessary aspects to
induce life.
Why is it a Problem?

 Deforestation is a global problem that is affecting the earth itself and

those who inhabit it.

 Land animals and plant species are losing their habitats due to the
fact that 70% of these species live in forests

 Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing and without

trees, carbon dioxide isn’t being absorbed efficiently

 The water cycle is affected because trees help to regulate the water
in the atmosphere. Because of the deforested area, the soil becomes
dry due to the lack of water and crops will not be able to be grow.

Other Group Members Perspectives:

 Ella: government regulations

 Cristian: increase promotion of resource efficient smart city solutions

 Barbara: create partnerships to provide services like was disposal and housing

 Sydney: banning clear cutting of forests

Loss of Tree Cover on Earth from 2001-2018

The zLocal Problem
 Here in the US, Florida is home to a multitude of
animal and plant life. There is a high amount of
biodiversity, especially in the forests and wetlands
of South Florida.

 With the amount of construction, homes, and

roads – deforestation is inevitable.

 About 31% of earth consists of forests but is

decreasing everyday. Florida is inhabited by 70
endangered species and with deforestation and
construction projects, matters are only getting
worse. Native animals, such as the Florida Scrub
Jay, are struggling to survive after their habitats
had been destroyed and taken over by humans.

 It is going to be difficult for these species to

recover considering the population of Florida is
projected to increase rapidly within the next
The Global Problem

 Brazil contains about 2/3 of the Amazon

Rainforest and is known to be the worlds
largest rainforest. Other countries in South
America with the Amazon in their territory
includes Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, French
Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and

 In January of 2020, the Amazon was

consumed in roaring flames. Consequently,
more than one million hectares of forest were

 Although forest fires can be beneficial and are

natural, they can also be very detrimental to
the health of the ecosystem in which they
occur in.
Whatz are the Local Implications of this

 Major habitat loss

 Endangerment of Florida's
wildlife population

 Endangered species are faced

with extinction

 Destruction of the ecosystems

in Florida’s forests and wetlands
What are the global
implications of this

 Extinction of biodiversity

 Indigenous peoples’ lives

are at risk and forced out
of their homes

 Invasive species surface

 The water cycle is


 Greenhouse gas
emissions increase,

 Soil erosion increases

is currently being done to
tackle this problem?
 Sustainable infrastructure is being used to ensure that
the financing of roads, mines, and other types of
infrastructure are being weary of the nearby forests – I
do not find this to be effective as people do not find it
important to conserve land when attempting to expand
urbanization and follow through with the job they are

 Designated Conservation areas- parks are dedicated

and ”protected” but are not funded or managed enough
which leads to deforestation

 Promoting sustainable bioenergy- instead of using wood

or charcoal, the WWF promotes the use other materials
that promote bioenergy like scrap wood, oil, fats, sugar
and starch crops, residues and wastes, and algae

 This would decrease the dependence on forests

and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and
in turn reducing the effects of global warming
which I find to be an effective solution
z My Innovative Solution

 Utilizing and enforcing reforestation methods and consistently replanting new

young trees in urban areas along with the rest of the earth

 By initiating reforestation methods and replanting trees, areas that were once
logged are now being replenished with new trees and therefore continuing the
life cycle of these plants
 This would in turn reduce the effect of climate change by removing the
excess carbon dioxide from the air and performing photosynthesis to
release oxygen into the atmosphere

 This is different from existing solutions because instead of finding a way

around the problem, my solution involves taking direct action to enforce
Why my Solution is
the Best:
 Replanting trees that were
demolished is the best way to
replenish the population of the green
that was once on Earth.

 My solution involves physically taking-

action rather than putting legislation in
place and waiting for something to
happen. Instead of saying what needs
to be done, I’m doing what needs to
be done. Planting new young trees in
urban areas will be the step in the
right direction
z Bibliography





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