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What is Definition
 The term “definition” came from the Latin word “Definers”
means, “to lay down the markers or limits.”
 Definition is a conceptual manifestation either of the meaning of
the term or of the formal features of an object. “ definers” meaning
“ to lay down”
 Definition is an explanation of a thing, word, phrase or symbol
that is used in order to explain the defined thing clearly.”
 By using a definition, we explain actual things as well as abstract
concepts. We can see that there are two parts in any definition. The
first part consists of thing that is defined and second consists of
words used to explain this thing.
Definiendum and Definiens
 These two parts have specific names in a definition. The part of
definition that is explained by rest of words is called
the definiendum.
 The part of the definition that explains the definiendum is called
the definiens.
 So, “a definiendum is a thing, word, phrase or symbol that is
defined in a definition.” whereas, “the set of words that are used to
explain something, or some word or phrase or symbol are called
the definiens.”
 Example:- “ Triangle is a plane figure bounded by three straight
line”, the definiendum is ‘triangle’ and the definiens is ‘ a plane
figure bounded by three straight line’.
Purpose of Definition
1. To increase vocabulary
 By explaining the meaning of a new word definition increase
vocabulary. One way of clarifying the meaning of a word is by
using it.
 But sometimes the context does not clarify the meaning in that
case the meaning has to be deliberately explained. Deliberate
explanation of meaning involves definition.
 Example:- Imagine the situation when a share broker tell his client
that the market is “bull market”. If the client does not understand
the expression “bull market”, then the share broker has to define it.
He will tell his client that the “bull market” is one in which the
prices of the share are rising.
 This shows that definitions of new word increase the vocabulary.
The share broker client has learned the new word.
2. To eliminate ambiguity
 Some words have many meanings and at times are used
ambiguously and one does not understand which meaning to use.
At such times, definition is of help.
 Example:- Industry should be encouraged. Here we are not sure
whether ‘industry’ means ‘hard work’ or ‘industrial organization’.
This is due to ambiguity of word “industry”.
 Sometimes disputes arises, because people are arguing from
different point of view. In such cases, by clarifying the different
meanings of the ambiguous word, a dispute can be resolved.
3. To reduce vagueness of word
 Sometimes the meaning of a word depends on the context and
without clarity about context, the word appears vague. Definition
is necessary at such times.
 Example:- The government exempts from the entertainment tax
those films which are in the national interest, which promote
Indian culture, or which have educational value. The expression
“national interest”, “promoting Indian culture”, and “having
educational value” are vague. Due to this it is difficult to
determine which film to be exempted. If these expressions are
defined, the vagueness will be reduced. And then it will become
easier to determine their application.
4. To explain a word theoretically
 We have a number of technical terms and words that cannot be
understood without definition. It is a correct and clear
definition that can help us understand these words and
symbols and phrases correctly.
 Example:- Digestion is the transformation of complex and
insoluble food substances into simple and soluble food
substances. This is the biologist’s definition of ‘digestion’. It
explain the nature of digestion.
5. To influence attitude
 Definition also plays a very important role in the society
where people gain by influencing the attitudes of others. At
times for social good or for personal good, people define some
words or terms in order to influence attitudes.
 Example:- “There is no meaning in planning one’s family. For
planning consists in bothering about the best method of
achieving and accidental results.” The expression “accidental
adult” arouses an unfavorable reaction. By using this
expression in the definition of “family Planning”, our attitude
towards family planning is being influenced.

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