Transcript and Translate

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DNA Transcription and

• DNA Transcription :
– Is a process that involves the
transcribing of genetic information
from DNA to RNA
• The transcribed DNA message is
used to produce proteins
• The information in the DNA is not
directly converted into proteins, but
must be copied into RNA first

HOW ????

3 m a in ste p s in th e D N A tra n scrip tio n

p ro ce ss:

1 . R N A Po lym e ra se B in d s to D N A

D N A is tra n scrib e d b y a n e n zym e

ca lle d R N A p o lym e ra se . S p e cific
n u cle o tid e se q u e n ce s te llR N A
p o lym e ra se w h e re to b e g in a n d w h e re to
e n d . R N A p o lym e ra se a tta ch e s to th e
D N A a t a sp e cific a re a ca lle d th e
p ro m o te r re g io n .

2. Elongation

 Transcription factors (a type of protein)

unwind the DNA strand and allow RNA
polymerase to transcribe only a single strand of
DNA into a single stranded RNA polymer called
messenger RNA (mRNA). The strand that serves
as the template is called the antisense strand.
The strand that is not transcribed is called the
sense strand.
Like DNA, RNA is composed of nucleotide bases.
RNA however, contains the nucleotides adenine,
guanine, cytosine and uricil (U). When RNA
polymerase transcribes the DNA, guanine pairs
with cytosine and adenine pairs with uricil.

3. Termination
RNA polymerase moves along the DNA

until it reaches a terminator

sequence. At that point, RNA
polymerase releases the mRNA
polymer and detaches from the DNA.
Components of RNA

• a) Core enzyme = 3 different types of subunits (2α;

1β; 1β’)
– (1) β - binds incoming nucleotides
– (2) β’ – binds DNA
– (3) α - helps with enzyme assembly; interacts with
other transcriptional activator proteins.
• b) Holoenzyme = core + σ factor (recognizes the

• c) σ factors – Initially, people thought that there was

only one σfactor that functioned to direct RNAP to
the promoters of genes. Later, different classes of
σfactors were found. Each σ factor directs RNAP to
a different type of promoter (differentiated by a
specific DNA sequence in the promoter).

• RNA polymerases – Much more complex

than prokaryotic RNAP (numerous
additional factors required, multiple
polymerases )
– a) RNAP I – synthesizes ribosomal RNA
– b) RNAP II – synthesizes messenger RNA
– c) RNAP III – synthesizes transfer RNA and 1
type of rRNA 2.
 Eukaryotic RNAPs have subunits that are
homologous to α, β, and β’ of prokaryotic
RNAP; however, eukaryotic RNAP also
contain many additional subunits.
• Construction of proteins by mRNA in
the cytoplasm.

• In translation, mRNA along with
transfer RNA (tRNA), and
ribosomes, work together to
produce proteins.
• After leaving the nucleus, mRNA must
undergo several MODIFICATIONS
before being translated.
• Sections of the mRNA that do not code
for amino acids, called INTRONS, are
• A poly-A tail, consisting of several
adenine bases, is added to one end of
the mRNA, while a guanosine
triphosphate cap is added to the other
• These modifications remove unneeded
sections and protect the ends of the
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
• Transfer RNA plays a huge role in
• Its job is to translate the message
within the nucleotide sequence of
mRNA to a specific amino acid
• Transfer RNA is shaped like a clover leaf
with three loops. It contains an amino
acid attachment site on one end and
a special section in the middle loop
called the anticodon site.
• The anticodon recognizes a specific
area on a mRNA called a codon.
• Ribosomes consist of two parts,
– a large subunit
– a small subunit.

 They contain a binding site for mRNA

and two binding sites for tRNA located
in the large ribosomal subunit
What’s happening now……..
During translation,

• a small ribosomal subunit attaches to a mRNA

molecule. At the same time an initiator tRNA
molecule recognizes and binds to a specific
codon sequence on the same mRNA
• A large ribosomal subunit then joins the newly
formed complex. The initiator tRNA resides in
one binding site of the ribosome called the P
site, leaving the second binding site, the A
site, open. When a new tRNA molecule
recognizes the next codon sequence on the
mRNA, it attaches to the open A site. A
peptide bond forms connecting the amino
acid of the tRNA in the P site to the amino
acid of the tRNA in the A binding site.
• As the ribosome moves along the mRNA
molecule, the tRNA in the P site is
released and the tRNA in the A site is
translocated to the P site. The A binding
site becomes vacant again until another
tRNA that recognizes the new mRNA
codon takes the open position. This
pattern continues as molecules of tRNA
are released from the complex, new tRNA
molecules attach, and the amino acid
chain grows. The ribosome will translate
the mRNA molecule until it reaches a
termination codon on the mRNA. When
this happens, the growing protein called a
polypeptide chain is released from the
tRNA molecule and the ribosome splits
• The newly formed polypeptide chain
undergoes several modifications before
becoming a fully functioning protein.
• Some proteins will be used in the
membrane of the cell, while others will
remain in the cytoplasm or be transported
out of the cell.
• Many copies of a protein can be made from
one mRNA molecule.
• This is because several ribosomes can
translate the same mRNA molecule at the
same time. These clusters of ribosomes
that translate a single mRNA sequence
are called polyribosomes or polysomes.

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