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“Event Management System”


Hetang Patel (BSCIT0951859206)

Sahil Patel (BSCIT0951859210)

B.Sc.(CA&IT) – VI


Project Profile
Project Name Event Management System
Objective The Objective of Event Planner is to develop a web
based application using which customer can view
various packages related to event and make online
booking of their events. It provides the facility of
managing events such as Birthday Party, Ring
Ceremony, Marriage and Anniversary .

Front End Tool PHP

Back End Tool MySQl Server
Other Tools Apache Server
Platform of Application Web application
Internal Project Guide -----
Time Duration 50 Days
Submitted To Department of Computer Science, HNGU.
Existing System
• Currently Event Management is done manually. If any customer wants to
organize event such as Birthday Party, Marriage , Reception, Ring
Ceremony than they have to contact various event organizer and book the
package of event manually.
• It takes lots of time of customer because they have to search such event
organizer and contact them individually.
• In existing system there are of paper work and manual processing.
• While Writing a paper records the management have to keep the records
very carefully as the entire data is written in those books.
• Everything is paper based hence it is time consuming.
• More than one person cannot access the data at same time.
Need For System
• In order to solve the disadvantages of existing system a new system is
proposed to be developed. It is going to be developed in PHP and MySQL.
Following are the advantage of New System:

(1) Customer can explore various event packages online by seating at their
home or office.
(2) Customer can view services provided by event organizer.
(3) Customer can search for available date for their events.
(4) Customer can book their events online.
(5) Customer can give feedback for improvement in services and qualities.

Thus, we can say that New System is fully dynamic and , time saving and
requires less man power as compared to existing System
Functional Specification
Module Specification
 Registration/Login
 Profile
 Event Categories
 Services
 Book Events
 Venues Details
 Feedback
 Payment
Function Specification

Visitor :

 View Event Categories

 View Services

 View Venus Details

 Give Feedback
Users :
 Registration/Login
 Manage Profile
 Select Event Categories
 View Services
 Book Events
 Venues Details
 Give Feedback
 Payment
Admin :
 Registration/Login
 Manage User
 Manage Event Categories
 Manage Services
 Manage Book Events
 Manage Venues Details
 View Feedback
 Manage Payment
Software Requirement
Operating System Windows 10
Front End PHP
Back End MySQL Server
Web Server Apache Web Server

Web Browser Google chrome or any other Compatible

Operating System Windows 10

Hardware Requirement

Processor 2.0 Ghz
Free Hard disk space 20 GB

Processor 1.0 Ghz
Free Hard disk space 10 GB
System Flow Chart


Is No

User Yes

View Venue Book Event

View Service View Booking

View Event Details Payment Details


Context level

Req for Manage Event Req for View

Admin Management User
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
Data Flow Diagram

(Level 1)
Data Dictionary
Registration table

Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Reg_Id Int Primary key Store the Registration id

2 First name Varchar (20) Not Null Store the first name

3 Last name Varchar (20) Not Null Store the last name

4 Address Varchar (100) Not Null Store the address

5 City Varchar (30) Not Null Store the city

6 Mobile no Int(10) Not Null Store the mobile no

7 Email Varchar (50) Not Null Store the email

8 Username Varchar (20) Not Null Store the username

9 Password Varchar (20) Not Null Store the password

10 Conpass Varchar (20) Not Null Store the confrim password

Event table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Event_Id Int Primary Key Store the event of id

2 Eventtype Varchar(25) Not Null Store the event type

Place_Category table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Category_Id Int Primary Key Store the category id

2 Image Long Not Null Store the imagepatha

(long int)

3 Place_Name Varchar(50) Not Null Store the Place name

Place_details table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description
1 P_Id Int Primary Key Store the place of id
2 Pname Varchar(40) Not Null Store the place of
3 Image Long Not Null Store the imagepath

4 Cost Float(10,2) Not Null Store the cost

5 Address Varchar(100) Not Null Store the Address

6 Contact Int(10) Not Null Store the Contact

7 No_guest Int Not Null Store the Number of
8 Category_Id Int Foreign Key Store the Categoryid
Food_pack table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description
1 Pg_Id Int Primary Key Store the food
package of id
2 Pgname Varchar(10) Not Null Store the pg_name

3 item_1 Varchar(10) Not Null Store the item 1

4 Item_2 Varchar(10) Not Null Store the item 2
5 Item_3 Varchar(10) Not Null Store the item 3
6 Item_4 Varchar(10) Not Null Store the item 4
7 Item_5 Varchar(10) Not Null Store the item 5
8 Price Float(8,2) Not Null Store the price
9 Foodtype Varchar(10) Not Null Store the type of food

10 Image long Not Null Store the imagepath

11 Description text Not Null Store the descriprion

Equipment table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Equipment_Id Int Primary Store the

Key Equipment id

2 Name Varchar(20) Not Null Store the name

3 Cost Float(6,2) Not Null Store the price

Book_Decoration table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Book_Id Int Primary Key Store the booking


2 Name Varchar(20) Not Null Store the name

3 Cost Float(6,2) Not Null Store the price

Decoration table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 D_Id Int Primary Key Store the

decoration id

2 Venue_Name Varchar(20) Not Null Store the


3 D_Name Varchar(20) Not Null Store the

Decoration name

4 City Varchar(10) Not Null Store the city

5 Description Text Not Null Store the


6 image long Not Null Store the image

Booking table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description
1 Booking_Id Int Primary Key Store the Booking Id
2 D_Id Int Foreign Store the D_Id
3 P_Id Int Foreign key Store the P_Id
4 Start date Date Not Null Store the start date
5 End date Date Not Null Store the end date
6 Equipment_Id Int Foreign key Store the
(Equipment) Equipment_Id
7 Pg_Id Int Foreign Key Store the Pg_Id
(food package)
8 Event_Id Int Foreign Key Store the decoration
(Event) id
Contact table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 contact _Id Int Primary Key Store the


2 Name Varchar(10) Not Null Store the name

3 Email Varchar(20) Not Null Store the email

4 Message Text Not Null Store the

Feedback table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Feedback_Id Int Primary Key Store the

feedback id
2 EventService Varchar(50) Not Null Store the event
3 Comment Text Not Null Store the
4 YourName Varchar(20) Not Null Store the your
5 YourEmail Varchar(20) Not Null Store the your
Payment table
Sr.No Fields Name Data Type Constraint Description

1 Pay_Id Int Primary Key Store the

payment of id
2 Nameofcard Varchar(20) Not Null Store the name
of card
3 Email Varchar(20) Not Null Store the email

4 Exp_ Date Date Not Null Store the expiry


5 CVVNumber Int Not Null Store the CVV

Input Design Admin Login Page

Description:-This is the admin Login page.

Add Event

Description:-This page is the add event page. Admin can be add all types of event.
Add Category place

Description:-This page is category page. Admin can be different venue add in category page.
Only admin edit and delete category
Add Category Details

Description:-This is the manage category page. This page shows the venue of the category.
Only admin edit and delete category
Add Food Package

Description:-This web page is the add food package. Only admin edit and delete Package
Add food Package View

Description:- Show the Package Details. Only admin edit and delete package.
Add Equipment

Description:-This web page is the add all equipment . Only admin add the new equipment
Add Equipment View

Description:-Show the Equipment Details. Only admin edit and delete Equipment.
Add Decoration

Description:-This is the add decoration page. This page shows the all decoration information.
Only admin edit and delete decoration
Add Decoration View

Description:-Show the Decoration Details. Only admin edit and delete Decoration.
Add Gallery

Description:-This web page is the add gallery. Only admin edit and delete gallery
View Gallery

Description:-Show the gallery Details.

Add Contact

Description:-Show the user side contact details.

Show Feedback

Description:-Show the user side feedback details.

Show booking

Description:-Show the user side Booking details.

Show Registration

Description:-Show the user side Registration details.

Output Design Home Page

Description:-This web page is home page, It shows the service, event Information.
Our Service

Description:-User can view our event services details can view new user.
Our Work

Description:-Our Best Works images to see the user can be attraction to book event planning
our website.
Contact Us

Description:-User can talk to event planner the full fill your detail contact form and
all about information to understand to management teams to call.

Description:-Any Visitor can be planning event organizes then it is your best choose for
this website and registration after book our event panning planning

Description:-User can already register our website and again book event planning the login
our site.
Our Venue

Description:-Our Best Event panning management to creative decoration can make

best panning to makeover to pictures to attract new user.
Our Services

Description:-Our Best Services to different Venus to choose user and view to more
option available.
Our Booking Services

Description:-This web page is the place information

Booking Page-1

Description:-This web page is the booking page. There are the different step in booking page.
Booking Page-2

Description:-This web page is the step 2 booking page.

There are Show the equipment name and price.
Booking Page-3

Description:-This web page is the step 3 booking page.

There are Show the food booking package.
Booking Page-4

Description:-This web page is the step 4 booking page.

There are Show the Decoration name and price.
Final Booking

Description:-This web page is the final booking page.

Than show the user booking the all information in this web page

Description:-This web page is the payment page

Booking Status

Description:-This web page is the booking details page.


Description:-To add Feedback form in user review check admin and manage more facility
Validation Testing

In this form user not proper

way to written in textbox
then validation will display
Please enter an Username .

This is a login page for User.

Feature Enhancement
This project is completed but still they want to update and modify some modules. We are
always thinking about Guest requirements also growing day by day. We always want
implement something more. This project is completed when you watch, but we want to
implement more things.

In future our software could be further enhanced by providing our customers with the more
facility of booking more than one rooms at the same time and keeping his/her customer id
the same.

Apart from that in future our software can also be used for hotels that provide both lodging
and fooding facilities.

So in the future we‘ll try our best to provide more and more efficiently services regarding the
website to the user.
Thank you

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