Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Class No-1: Introduction To AI

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine

Class No-1:
Introduction to AI

Dr. Niranjan Panigrahi
CSE, PMEC, Berhampur,Odisha
Recommended Books

• Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, & Shivashankar B Nair, Artificial

Intelligence, McGraw Hill,3rd ed.,2009
• Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence -A Modern
Approach, 4/e, Pearson, 2003.
• Nils J Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan
Kaufmann Publications,2000
• Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Dan W
Patterson, PHI.,2010
• S Kaushik, Artificial Intelligence, Cengage Learning, 1st ed.2011
Class Outcomes
• At the end of the class, learners will be able
– Know what AI is all about
– Differentiate between conventional computing
system & AI system
– Know different sub-domains of AI and its
– Understand basic steps to solve problem in AI
What is AI????
• Automation of intelligent behavior of human
– Decision making
– Learning
– Reasoning…..
• To make computers to do thing which at
present human do it better
Conventional Computing Vs AI
Conventional Computing Artificial Intelligence
• Based on quantitative • Based on qualitative
algorithm reasoning
• Example: ?? • Example??
• Based on data • Based on knowledge
Sub-domains of AI
• Machine Learning
• Game Playing
• Natural Language
• Expert System
• Robotics
• Automated Reasoning
• Compute Vision
AI Applications
• Autonomous Planning & Scheduling:
– Autonomous rovers.
AI Applications
• Autonomous Planning & Scheduling:
– Analysis of data:
AI Applications
• Medicine:
– Image guided surgery
AI Applications
• Medicine:
– Image analysis and enhancement
AI Applications
• Transportation:
– Autonomous vehicle control:
AI Applications
• Transportation:
– Pedestrian detection:
AI Applications
AI Applications
• Games:
AI Applications
• Robotic toys:
Other AI Applications
• Bioinformatics:
– Gene expression data analysis
– Prediction of protein structure
• Text classification, document sorting:
– Web pages, e-mails
– Articles in the news
• Video, image classification
• Music composition, picture drawing
• Natural Language Processing .
• Perception.
Steps followed to solve problem in AI
Identification & Definition of the problem

Problem-Specific Knowledge

Application of Searching strategies for

Work from Home-1
• Identify and list out real-world problems from
different domains like healthcare, education,
industry & agriculture, environment etc…which can
be better solved by AI
Any Q’s????
Artificial Intelligence & Machine
Class No-2:
Identification & Definition of AI Problems:
State-space representation of problems in AI
Dr. Niranjan Panigrahi
CSE, PMEC, Berhampur,Odisha
• Definition of AI
• Difference between Conventional Computing
& AI
• Applications of AI
• Steps followed in AI problem solving
Identification & Definition of AI Problems

• Identification of the problem

– In which scenario you should use AI?
• Algorithmically, problems which are NP-complete or
NP-hard are suitable candidate-problems for AI-based
• Example: Chess Playing
– roughly 10 120 (exponential ) moves
– Writing a deterministic algorithmic solution for
chess is impossible
Examples of Classical AI problems
• Water-jug problem
• 8-puzzle problem
• TSP problem
• Tic-Tac-Toe
• Crypt-arithmetic problem
• Block-world problem
• Many more……
Types of AI Problems
• As per problem characteristics, AI problems
are of following types:
– Decomposable Vs Non-decomposable
– Ignorable Vs Recoverable Vs Irrecoverable
– Certain-Outcome Vs Un-certain Outcome
– Any-path Vs Best-path
Definition of AI Problem
• AI problems are mostly defined & represented using state-space
• A state is a (representation of) a physical configuration
• The states might be legal board configurations in a game, towns and
cities in some sort of route map, collections of mathematical
propositions, etc.

• The state-space is the configuration of the possible states and how

they connect to each other
• A state-space model consists of:
– Initial state
– Set of Actions/Rules
– Goal state
State-space representation:
general outline

• Select some way to represent states in the problem in an

unambiguous way.
 Formulate all actions that can be performed on states:
 including their preconditions and effects
 Represent the initial state (s).
 Formulate precisely when a state satisfies the goal of our
 Activate the production rules on the initial state and its
descendants, until a goal state is reached ( This is known as
state-space search)
Example: The water jugs problem

• Given: 2 jugs:
4l 3l

• Problem: fill the 4 l jug with 2 l of water.

 Representation:
 a state:
 [content of large jug, content of small jug]
 initial state:
 [ 0, 0 ]
 goal state:
 [ 2, x ]
Rules for the jugs example:
– Fill large:
 [ x, y ] and x < 4  [ 4, y ]
 Fill small:

 [ x, y ] and y < 3  [ x, 3 ]
 Empty large:

 [ x, y ] and x > 0  [ 0, y ]
 Remove some from large:

 [ x, y ] and x > d > 0  [ x - d, y ]

 Empty (remove some from) small.

Rules for the jugs example (2):
– Fill large from small:
[ x, y ] and x + y  4 and y > 0  [ 4, y-(4-x) ]
 Fill small from large.

 Empty small in large:

[ x, y ] and x + y  4 and y > 0  [x+y,0]

 Empty large in small.

Part of the state space:
[ 0, 0 ] Fill small

[ 4, 0 ] [ 0, 0 ] [ 0, 3 ] Empty small
in large
[ 0, 3-d1] *
[ 3, 0 ]
[ 0, 0] [ 4, 3]
Fill small
[ 0, 3-d1-d2] [ 3, 3 ]

[ 3-d1, 0]
Fill large
[ 4, 3-d1] [ 4, 2 ]
from small
subspace ! [ 0, 2 ] Empty large

[ 2, 0 ] Empty small in large

Production-rule systems
• Definition:
Programs that implement approaches to search problems
using the state space representation.

 Consist of:
 A rule base,
 a ‘working memory’, containing the state(s) that have currently been
 a control strategy for selecting the rules to apply next to the states in the
‘working memory’ (including techniques for matching, verifying
preconditions and whether a goal state has been reached)

Work from Home-2
• Design state-space model for 8-puzzle
problem, 8-queen problem and tic-tac-toe
Any Q’s????

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