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Interesting Facts

About Human
Emotions That You
Should Know
Humans are plagued by things like love,
anger, fear, sarcasm, happiness,
excitement, etc. These are emotions. But,
where do they come from? Are there
scientific explanations for emotions? Are
they good? Are they bad? There are several
questions that often go unanswered. We
are often told not to express our emotions
but is that really a good idea? Lets find out
the answers to these questions with my list
of 5 interesting emotion facts.
1. Bad is Good! Bad feelings are
necessary and are actually good.
Negative emotions help to strike a
balance and help people evaluate those
experiences with a positive mind set.
Experiencing only positive emotions is
not really good because when 
that happens, a person simply starts ignoring issues that
are really important for shaping one’s life. Negative
emotions include things like anger, fear, etc.
2. Charles Darwin believed that
emotions were beneficial for evolution
because emotions improved chances
of survival. For example, the brain uses
emotion to keep us away from a
dangerous animal (fear), away from
rotting food and fecal matter (disgust),
in control of our resources (anger), and
in pursuit of a good meal or a good
mate (pleasure and lust).
3. While researchers have not found any culture where
people spontaneously smile when disgusted or frown when
they are happy, they have found some oddities. For
example, the Japanese have a harder time discerning anger
in a face and they tend to mask their facial expressions of
unpleasant feelings more than did Americans.
4. Of all facial expressions, the smile may be the most
deceptive. There are around 18 different smiles, including
polite, cruel, false, self-effacing, and so on. But only one
reflects genuine happiness; this is known as the Duchenne
smile, in honor of the French neurologist who determined
this phenomenon, Guillaume-Benjamin-Amand Duchenne.
5. Fitness = Happiness. Exercise
makes you happy.
Cardiovascular activity increases
endorphins in your body, which
improves your mood. Running
or other intense workouts
sometimes also boosts
adrenaline, which can make you
feel as though you have more
energy after the workout than
when you started.
           The End!
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