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The Palanok Castle or Mukachevo Castle
is a historic castle in the city of Mukacheve in the
western Ukrainian oblast of 
The Palanok Castle is delicately
and is located on a former
68 metre high volcanic hill.
The castle complex consists of
three parts: the high, middle,
and low castle.
Built in 1396 to 1414, the castle was owned by Fyodor Koriatovich, who
received it along with other lifelong possessions in exchange for the
transfer of rights to the Principality of Podolsk to the Hungarian king
Sigismund. He strengthened the castle and significantly increased its size,
turning it into his residence. At the same time in the rock was cut winding
85-meter well. During the XV-XVI centuries in the defense system of the
castle was 14 towers, in its upper part was the Grand Palace.  Located on a
huge outcrop of flat rock.
In 1633, Mukachevo castle with the right of inheritance was bought by
Transylvanian Prince Prince György I Rákóczi. After the death of György I in
1648, his widow, Zsuzsanna, and Loranthi, pitches Middle and Lower terraces as
well as the outer defense ring. In the years 1685-1688 Mukachevo castle became
one of the principal strongholds of the struggle of the Transylvanian Principality
with the power of the Habsburgs, led by the second husband of Ilona Zrínyi,
Imre Thököly.
In November 1685, General Siegbert von Geister captured
Uzhgorod castle, and then approached
Mukachevsky and surrounded him —
the Princess had to lead the garrison,
consisting of 2.5 thousand soldiers.
On March 10, 1686, new Austrian 
forces led by General Aeneas Caprara
approached the castle. The siege
lasted seven months.
In the early XVIII century, Palanok once again becomes the focus of
hostilities between kurozumi and labanca committed to Habsburg
domination. After the victory of the Austrians, the castle was rebuilt, but
the former strategic importance no longer had. In 1782-1896 years there
was a political prison of the Holy Roman first, then the Austrian Empire.
In 1896, the prison was abolished, after which the castle gradually
collapsed and fell into decay. 
During the Czechoslovak Republic, troops were stationed in the
castle. After Hungary annexed the territory of Subcarpathian Rus
(Carpathian Ukraine) at the beginning of World War II, the palace
housed the Hungarian military forces.

After the war, according to the Treaty of June 29, 1945, the
territory of the former Carpathian Rus became part of the
Ukrainian SSR, after which the castle housed vocational school.

Since 1960, the Mukachevo castle is a historical Museum.

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List of the used words:
• Winding • Hostilities- бойові дії
• Outcrop • Abolish-ліквідувати
• Decay • Collapsed- зруйнований
• Built in • Troops- войска
• Pitch- спороджувати
• Stronghold- фортеця, бастіон
• Struggle- боротьба
• Capture- захвачувати
• Approach- наближатися
• Surround- оточувати
• Siege- блокада

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