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Introduction to Chromatography
What is Chromatography?

Derived from the Greek word Chroma

meaning colour, chromatography provides a
way to identify unknown compounds and
separate mixtures
Applications of Chromatography


Pharmaceutical industry
Types of Chromatography…

Thin layer

HPLC Gas Column

Your mission should you choose
to accept is to……..
 Analyse coloured markers

Test whether they contain E133 (blue), E122

(pink), E124 (red) or E110 (yellow)
Thin Layer Chromatography

 Sample – marker
 Standard – food dyes
 Stationary phase – chromatography paper
 Mobile phase - water
Structures of E numbers…..

E122 pink
E110 yellow

E124 red E133 blue

So what will happen?

 Each dye will travel up the paper at different


 The speed depends on the solubility of the dye in

water and its interaction with the paper

 The dyes are all different molecules with different

Calculation of results
Calculation of results
You must now calculate an Rf value for each spot.

Rf = Distance from the start to the middle of a spot

Distance from start to finish point of the water
Conclusions – writing up

 One of the key elements of all scientific

experiments is to write up your results

 At the end of this experiment we would like each

person to conclude from the Rf values as to which
E numbers are contained in the markers

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