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The structural and functional unit of a tissue,
and consequently of the plant body itself is
known as a cell. Some species or kind of
plants consist of single cell, but large type are
make up of uncountable millions or even
billions of these structural units.
• Plant cells are eukaryotic cells present in
green plants, photosynthetic eukaryotes of
the kingdom plantae. They are eukaryotic cells
which have a true nucleus along with
specialized structures called organelles that
carry out different functions.
• Cell wall- plant cells have
a rigid wall surrounding
the plasma membrane, it
is a far more complex
structure. However, it
serves a variety of
functions, from
protecting the cell to
regulating the life cycle
of the plant organism.
• Cell membrane – all living
cells have a membrane
that encloses their
contents. In prokaryotes
and plants, the membrane
is the inner layer of
protection surrounded by
a rigid cell wall. These
membranes also regulate
the passage of molecules
in and out of the cells.
• Chloroplast – the most
important characteristic of
the plants is their ability to
photosynthesis, in effect
to make their own food by
converting light energy
into chemical energy. This
process is carried out in
specialized organelles
called chloroplast.
• Endoplasmic Reticulum – is
a network of sacs that
manufactures, processes,
and transports chemical
compounds for use inside
and outside of the cell. It is
connected to the double-
layered nucleus and the
cytoplasm. In plants, the
endoplasmic reticulum also
connects between cells via
the plasmodesmata.
• Golgi apparatus – is the
distribution and shipping
department for the cell’s
chemical products. It
modifies proteins and fats
built in the endoplasmic
reticulum and prepares
them for export as
outside of the cell.
• Nucleus – is a highly specialized
organelle that serves as the
information processing and
administrative center of the cell.
This organelle has two major
1. It stores the cell’s hereditary
material, or DNA.
2. It coordinates the cell’s
activities, which include
growth, intermediary
metabolism, protein synthesis
and reproduction (cell division).
• Nucleolus – is a round body
located inside the nucleus of
a eukaryotic cell. The
nucleolus makes ribosomal
sub units from proteins and
ribosomal RNA, also known
as rRNA. It then sends the
sub units out to the rest of
the cell where they combine
into complete ribosome.
• Mitochondria – are
oblong shaped
organelles found in the
cytoplasm of all
eukaryotic cells. In plant
cells, they break down
carbohydrate and sugar
molecules to provide
energy, particular when
light isn't available for
the chloroplast to
produce energy.
• Ribosomes – all living cells
contain ribosomes, a tiny
organelles composed of
approximately 60 percent
RNA and 40 percent of
protein. In eukaryotes,
ribosomes are made of
four strands of RNA. In
prokaryotes, they consist
of three strands of RNA.
• Cytoplasm – has all of the
contents in a cell that exist
outside of the nucleus that are
all encased in the cell
membrane inside of the cell.
Cytoplasm supports and
suspends organelles and
cellular molecules while
performing processes such as
cellular respiration for
breathing, synthesizing proteins
and having division of cells by
both mitosis and meiosis.
• Vacuole – each
plant cell has a
large, single vacuole
that stores
compounds, helps
in plant growth and
plays an important
structural role for
Organelles That Present Only
On Plant Cells
Cell Wall
• A rigid layer of
polysaccharides lying
outside the plasma
membrane of the cells
of plants. In the algae
and higher plants it
consist mainly of
• Organelles that conduct
photosynthesis, where the
photosynthetic pigment
chlorophyll captures the
energy from sunlight,
converts it, and stores it in
the energy-storage
molecules ATP and NADPH,
while freeing oxygen from
water in plant cell.
• Are essentially enclosed
compartments which are
filled with water containing
inorganic and organic
molecules including
enzymes in solution.
Vacuoles are formed by the
fusion of multiple
membrane vesicles and are
effectively just larger forms
of these.
The end

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