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Coping with Stress

in Middle and Late

Defining Stress
● Defined as a reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus that disturbs
the well-being, state of cal, or equilibrium of a person.
Stress as Stimulus, Response and
● As Stimulus - stress is caused by situations that may be life-threatening or life-
changing, such as separation, moving into a new home, or having a new job.
● As Response - is the way the body reacts to challenging situations.
● As Relational - when a person experiencing stress takes a step back to look at the
situation that is causing the stress, and assesse it.
Healthy Stress

● A type of stress can motivate, energize, and spur an individual into fruitful action.
Knowing Your
Possible Stressors
● School Demands and Expectations
● Selecting a School, College Course, or Career
● Separation Anxiety
● College Life
● Romantic Relationships or the Lack of it
● Family Demands and Expectations
● Health Concerns
● Demands of Social Life
● Bullying
Coping with
Stress Reduction Methods:
● Conduct creative imagery of the problem
● Seek group or social support
● Get into relaxation activities like breathing exercises, regular physical exercises, regular
physical exercise, meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis, reading a good book, or listening to
relaxing music.
● Create a situation where you can feel more relaxed.
● Learn to manage your time
● Eat properly by selecting nutritious, healthy food.
Additional Coping Mechanisms
● Seek spiritual growth through prayer and meditation.
● Having a worthwhile hobby.
● Watch a movie with friends.
● Have a n ice, quiet walk.
● If the stressor is one of your expectations, assess it and see if it is doable and realistics or
● Believe in yourself.
● Stop worrying about something in the future that has not happened yet.
Reaction Paper:
TED Talk - “How to make stress your friend”

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