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1. splendid - very good
2. cowrie - a small shiny shell that was used in the past as money in parts of Africa and
3. prosperous - rich and successful
4. sensible - reasonable, practical, and showing good judgment
5. good-tempered - pleasant, kind, and not easily made angry
Night Market
By: Supanee Khanchanathiti
A young boy named Makato was an orphan, and didn't have any way to support himself, so he
worked hard doing whatever jobs that he could to survive. He was a very hard worker, and
people noticed that. He would dream of going on an adventure to a bigger place where the land
was fertile and the
people were kind, and he was encouraged to do that. One day, when he had prepared enough,
he set out. It took him a month to get to the bigger town, and when he arrived he asked a
woman for water. He told her that he had come such a long way because he wanted to see the
king, who he had heard was kind. She worked with the king's elephants and he started working
for her. After some time working, he did encounter the king, and during the encounter he picked
up a cowrie shell that was lying on the road and offered it to the king (Cowrie shells were used
for money, but just one was practically worthless). When Makato offered the shell to the King,
the King said he could keep it, and so Makato pondered what he could do to honor the king's
gift. He saw some lettuce seeds at a stall in the market and thought that he could grow them. He
asked the woman about them, and she let him have as many as would stick to his finger in
return for his treasured cowrie shell. He grew the lettuces, and next time
he saw the king, he gave one to him, telling him he grew them from the shell the king had given
him. The king was impressed, gave him a job in the castle, and he eventually grew up and
married the daughter of the king. 
Oral Recitation
1. Who is Makato in the story?
Makato is an orphan boy. He is hardworking, cheerful, good tempered, and sensible.
2. What is Makato's dream for his future?
He wanted to try his luck in a faraway land and engage into an adventure.
3. How did Makato impress the king Pra Ruang?
He worked hard in the elephant sheds cleaning and feeding the king's elephants. He made good
use of the one cowrie shell given to him by the king. He bought lettuce seeds and later was able
to put up a large farm of lettuce. All of which impressed the king.
4. What is symbolically represented by the cowrie shell?
It shows that great things start from small beginnings. The cowrie shell is of little value but thru
hard work and commitment, it became a thing of great value. The cowrie shell is like Makato.
5. What evidence in the story would tell that Makato is wise and sensible?
He was able to make good use the one cowrie shell by making bargain with the lettuce seed

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