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Fundamentals of

Hardware and Software

Basic computer components
What is Information Technology?
The study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing,
retrieving, and sending information.

What is a computer?
Computers are an important aspect of information
technology. A computer is an electronic device,
operating under the control of instructions stored in
its memory. Whether on its own or connected via a
network (such as the Internet), it can:
◆ accept data (input)
◆ manipulate data (processing)
◆ produce results (output) from the processing
◆ store the data and results for future use (storage)
The Input, Processing, Output, Storage (IPOS) Cycle
Components of a Computer
The basic components are generalize as Hardware and Software

What is Hardware? This the physical parts of the computer

· The Central Processing Unit (CPU)- it is the brain of the and the computer controls how the computer
works. The Control Unit (CU) and Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU).
· Input device- to get information into the computer. The mouse, keyboard and a scanner are examples of
inputting devices.
· Output devices- get processed information out of a computer.
· Memory- enables a computer to temporarily store instructions and data.
· Storage media- include hard disks, CD- ROMs, DVDs and USB flash memory sticks, while the storage
devices include hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives and DVD drives. Most of these devices can read data
whilst others, such as USB ash memory sticks, allow data to be saved as well as read.
· Peripheral devices are located outside the CPU but are controlled by it at is, they can be added to a
computer system. Input, output and storage devices may be peripheral devices.
Software is the name given to computer programs that tell the hardware how to work. Without software the
computer hardware would do absolutely nothing, as there would be no instructions. Software includes the
following types of program.

Computer programs these are instructions (programs) produced by programmers to create system and
application software.

System software This software is usually called an operating system since it controls the hardware and how
all other software works. The most commonly used operating system is Windows, written by the Microsoft
Corporation. System software also includes utility software. Is software aims to protect and maintain the
system software, just as a mechanic maintains the smooth working of a car’s engine when it is serviced.
Examples of the tasks undertaken by utility software include: protecting software against damage caused by
computer viruses, making copies of files (‘backing up’), and recovering files after software has stopped
working (‘crashed’).

Application software is software that instructs a computer to carry out a specific task. Word processors,
spreadsheets and databases are all application software.
Information Technology (IT) is the term used to describe the equipment (hardware and computer programs
or software) that allows us to access, retrieve convert, store, organise, manipulate and present data and
information.IT may also refer to the use of such equipment and programs to produce the information.

Communications Technology (CT) is the term used to describe telecommunications equipment through
which data and information can be accessed. Examples of CT equipment are phones, faxes, scanners,
modems and computers.
Data must be provided in a suitable form for any computer system to be able to process it. So, it is always
important to think of the different ways of entering data into a computer, particularly since all data needs to be
entered as accurately as possible. ‘Input’ means to enter data, programs, commands and user responses into
the memory of a computer. therefore, an input device is any device that transfers data from the outside world
into a computer.
With a manual input device, you must enter or transfer data into the computer yourself. Some examples of
these devices are explained next.

A keyboard has a set of alphabet keys, a set of digit keys and various function keys, so the data entered by the
person operating the keyboard is in the form of individual letters, words or numbers. When you press a key on
the keyboard, a number (code) is sent to the computer to tell it which key you have pressed. The keyboard has
the disadvantage that it is easy to make mistakes by pressing the wrong keys.

You can also move data directly into a computer using a range of input devices. The most common is a
pointing input device called a mouse. As you move it along a flat surface, the pointer on the screen moves in
the same direction. If the mouse has two buttons, the left one issued to ‘select’items such as text and the right
one is used to ‘access’menus.
A scanner allows you to transfer pictures, graphics and text to your computer. It scans the image from the top
to the bottom one line at a time and transfers it to the computer. You can then take that copy and use it in a
program, send it as an email attachment or print it.

Data can be entered into a computer through a microphone. The computer responds to this data by carrying
out instructions such as printing a document or turning the spoken words into text in a word processor. These
are called voice-activated or voice-response systems.

Digitisers convert drawings and images into data. For example, a digital camera captures still and video
images and stores them in electronic format for printing or editing later. A webcam is a type of digital camera
connected to a computer, typically for transmission of still or moving images over the Internet or other

A touchscreen is another way to input data. It is a screen that is sensitive to touch, so you do not need to use a
keyboard or mouse.

A touchpad is a flat rectangular surface which also senses the movement of one or more fingers on its
A light pen is similar to a mouse, but is rarely used since touch-sensitive devices have replaced it. A variation
of the light pen is a stylus, which is a small pen-like device with a plastic or felt tip that uses pressure instead
of ink. A stylus is used to draw on graphics tablets or type on touchscreens to avoid using fingers on the

These devices send data through signals each time a button is pressed on the device. The signal is received by
another device that processes the instruction.

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