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a Doobo

Limca used to be a local soft drink

(soda) brand until 1992 when Coca-
cola entered the Indian market and
bought the brand. It was born in
1972 and has been unchallenged in
the lemon segment of the market
ever since. It owes its success to the
unbeatable formula of sparkly, sharp
fizz and a strong lemon punch. It’s a
refreshing and reasonably priced
drink which has quelled thirst of
millions of consumers for more than
three decades.
• The new Limca ad has left everyone smiling.
The campaign is not only new in style &
technique, but also the models selected are
fresh & invigorating. It’s not often that ad
makers realize that new faces like Hrishitta
Bhatt bring a breath of fresh air to the
commercials and indirectly create a new
excitement towards the product.
• This recent Limca ad is very eye catching and
leaves the consumer refreshed. Everything is
‘fresh’ in this campaign, be it the models or
the voice of the playback singer or even the
locations. The plot of the commercials is
simple, about two young people romancing
and getting together because of the product.
But what makes this campaign different from
others is its treatment.
• A friendly battle-of-sexes ensues when the guy drinks a
sip of Limca and a lot of water splashes on his neighbor, a
girl who is harmlessly sitting & trying to read her book. In
a few seconds as the guy goes on drinking his Limca,
everything the girl touches or is near to, starts turning into
big water splashes leaving her completely drenched. She
takes her revenge by going to his house with a full bottle
of Limca & a single sip turns his bike into a water splash
soaking him completely. The ad ends with both of them
standing together with Limca bottles in their hands,
completely soaked and smiling mischievously.
The ad’s target
•It’s very obvious that through this ad Limca is targeting mainly the youth as
audience and consumers. It’s trying to bring back romance into lives of those
young adults who have become too involved in trying to meet goals for success.
This ad not only brings pleasant ‘refreshment’ but also reminds us of excitement,
enthusiasm and spontaneity which is slowly diminishing in our mundane lives. A
very characteristic feature of this ad is its music. The melodious song is much
adorned by the sultry- yet apt-female voice and befitting lyrics, therefore making
the ad not only a treat to the eyes but also to the ears.

•This Limca campaign has a positive and feel-good effect on the audience. I
personally smile every time I watch this ad. Unlike other ads, it doesn’t prompt me
to change the channel or put the TV on mute. It would be right to say that this ad
truly captures my attention for the 45 seconds it lasts. It has a tangy flavor which
uplifts the mood and rejuvenates the senses, much like the soft drink it is
advertising. Hence we can say that the Limca ad truly lives up to its campaign of
“fresh ho jao”.
• Now the Indian SD market is hotting up. With the traditional Coke- Pepsi war is
hotting up with lousy ads from both sides : Pepsi with the rubbish Pepsi TV and
Coke with an equally bizarre‘ Thande ka Thadka”. While Sprite has messed up with
Sania Mirza, Mountain dew is stuck with the three Hooligans. While 7 up is trying
to be more Clear, its agency had forgotten the fact that every time you talk about
being Clear, Sprite comes to the mind. The brand element Fido has not been able to
connect with the Indian psyche. The only silver lining is Thums Up surprisingly is
back with its “ Taste the Thunder “ campaign ( it could have avoided the hyperbole).
While Mirinda is nowhere remembered and so is Fanta.
• Hence there is enough space for a different flavour, a flavour that is most popular in
India, lemon. And Limca makes perfect sense. The ads of Limca is in line with the
earlier campaigns that shows lots of water and really urges you to take some liquid .
In the earlier avatar, Limca had that COOL attitude while Gold Spot was the Zing
thing.In India, lemon flavored drinks had to compete with our very own Nimbu
pani, that is a reason why earlier nimbu version of Mirinda failed in Indian market.
Hence Limca have to bypass the direct comparison with the cheaper Nimbu paani.
Presented by :-

Aashima Joshi
Batch 2, Foundation Programme

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