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 The design specifications describe the

features of the system and their appearance
to users

 The success of a system depends on whether

it has proper features
Elements of the Design

Analysts must design the following elements:

1)Data Flows-This describes the movement of
data into, around and out of the system
2)Data Stores-Temporary or permanent
collection of data
3)Processes-Activities to accept, manipulate
and deliver data and information.

4)Procedures-Methods and routines for using

the information system
5)Controls-Standards and guidelines for
determining whether activities are occurring
in anticipated manner.
6)Roles-The responsibilities of all persons
involved in the new system including end
users, operators and support personnel.
Design of Output

 End users use output from the system and do

not enter data through workstations.
 System analysts must accomplish the
 #Determine what information to present and
decide whether to display, print or “speak”
the information
 #Arrange the presentation of information in
an acceptable format.
Design of Files

 This includes decisions about the nature and

content of the file itself.
 Decisions made during the file design are the
 #Which data items to include in a record
format within a file
 #Length of each record and the sequencing
of records within the file
Design of Database
 Databases are important to many systems
 So their design is established and monitored
by a database administrator
 The systems analyst provides the database
administrator the description of
 #data needed from the database
 #actions that will affect the database
Design of Input

System analysts must design the following

input design details:
 What data to input and medium to use
 How the data should be arranged
 Dialogue to guide users in providing input
 Data items needing validation to detect error
 Method for performing input validation

 Analysts decide whether to input data

directly or use source documents
 Includes specifying the means by which end-
users direct the system about which action to
 Online systems include a “dialogue” between
the user and the system.
Design of Control

 A good information system design offers the

means for detecting and handling errors
whether minor or serious.
Input controls provide ways to ensure that
 Only authorized users access the system
 Validate the data for accuracy and determine
if any necessary data is omitted.
 Guarantee that transactions are acceptable.
Design of Procedures

Important procedures include

 Data Entry Procedures-Methods for capturing
transaction data and entering it into the
information system
 Run-Time Procedures-Steps taken by system
operators interacting with the system to get
desired results

 Error-Handling Procedures-Actions taken

when unexpected results occur.

 Security and Backup Procedures-Actions to

protect the system against damage
Design of Program Specifications

Designing computer software is important to

ensure that
 The actual programs produced perform all
tasks in the intended manner
 Structure of the software into modules
provides suitable validation to ensure that
procedures are correct.
 Future modifications can be made in an
efficient manner

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