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Divine Comedi

Dante Alighieri

Daniel Andrés Navarro

It is the first of the three songs of the divine comedy of the Florentine poet Dante
In his divine comedy, Dante shows us his vision of
"inferno" divided into nine circles:

In the limbo are the unbaptized and the

virtuous pagans who, despite not being
sinners, did not know Christ.
In the second circle of Hell are those who
have sinned of lust. Dante condemns
these "carnal malefactors" for letting their
appetites outgrow their reason. They are
the first to be truly punished in Hell.
Third circle (gluttony)
In this is punished those condemned by
the sin of gluttony with the pain of being
beaten by a strong rain mixed with thick
hail, and deafened by the terrible barking
of Cerberus, which also tears with their
nails and teeth.

Those whose attitude towards material

goods deviated from the inadequate
average are punished in the fourth circle.
Here are condemned the greedy, who
accumulated possessions, and the
prodigals, who squandered them.
Fifth circle (anger and laziness)
The Styx Lake where the angry and the
lazy dwell; the former maintain their rabid
spirit by beating each other for eternity,
while the latter, little given to action in life,
remain in the mud deprived of air and
In the sixth circle, the Epicureans, who denied
in life the immortality of the soul, are
condemned to lie in flamboyant unburied
Seventh circle (violence)

Violence. From this level, there are all those

who have lived committed to malice,
comparable to the bestiality represented by
the Minotaur that guards the entrance.
Eighth circle (fraud)

Fraud. Circle divided into ten precincts

where those who were not trustworthy
Ninth circle (treason)

The last circle is also divided into several

rooms and is also inhabited by giants, who
at the same time are condemned and
custodians. It is a great icy side where
those who exercised the coldness of their
heart ended: those who betrayed those
who trusted them. There are four
differentiated zones:
The center of hell

Condemned for committing the ultimate sin

(betrayal of God), there is Satan. Satan is
described as a giant, frightening beast with
three faces, one red, one black and one
pale yellow.

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