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Hyper-Spectral Imaging 

collects and processes information from across the 

electromagnetic spectrum i.e Provides very high spectral
resolution image data and the potential for discrimination of
subtle differences in ground covers; special sensors and processing
Systems provide for hyper spectral imaging.

But the vast amount of data bring a lot of difficulty to the subsequent interpretation
and analysis :

High dimensional data spaces are mostly empty i.e the data structure involved exists
primarily in a subspace.

Therefore a need to reduce dimensions of data to the right number without losing
the oringinal information…

There are 2 strategies to reduce these dimensions :

2. Feature SELECTION
Feature Selection

This is achieved by removing irrelevant, redundant,

and noisy features (i.e., selecting the subset of features
that can achieve the best performance in terms of
accuracy and computational time).

 allows the reduction of feature space

 crucial for reducing the training time
 improving the prediction accuracy.
 helps people to acquire better understanding about their data
by telling them which are the important features and
how they are related with each other.
Stepwise search :
adds/removes single feature from the subset ; the feature once
removed cant be later reconsidered; the solution is sub-optimal; also called
Sequential Forward Selection or Sequential Backward Selection.

-Branch and Bound algorithm :

requires monotonic evaluation functions; may find a practicable solution for a
moderate feature set but impracticable for problems involving a large number of
features, especially because it may need to search
the entire feasible region to find the optimal solution.

-Generic Algorithm (GA) :

a combinatorial search technique based on both random and probabilistic
measures; employs a population of competing solutions, evolved over time, to
converge to an optimal solution; Effectively, the solution space is searched in
parallel, which helps in avoiding local optima.
We propose in this paper a subset search procedure that utilizes
the ACO algorithm and aims at achieving similar or better results
than GA-based feature selection.

Ant Colony Optimisation ( ACO )

• Invented by Marco Dorigo in 1991 in collaboration with Colorni and

• Draws inspiration from the behaviour of real ants to provide a

method of optimisation.

• Normally works with combinatorial optimisation problems e.g. TSP,

scheduling, facility placement, telecommunications networks, data
mining, vehicle routing, etc.
• When walking the ants leave a pheromone trail
PHEROMONE – an odorous substance ; used as an indirect
communication medium.

• When choosing a route they are more likely to follow a route

which has more pheromone deposited

• Accordingly, the path that has been used by more ants will be more
attractive to follow. In other words, the probability with which an ant
chooses a path increases with the number of ants that previously
chose the same path.

• Pheromones evaporate allowing changes if a locally minimal

route is found. Pheromone evaporation helps in avoiding rapid
convergence of the algorithm towards a sub-optimal region.
Natural Ants
Natural ants: How do they do it?
 The pheromone concentration on
trail B will increase at a higher
rate than on A, and soon the ants
on route A will choose to follow
route B

 Since most ants will no longer

travel on route A, and since the
 Since the route B is shorter, pheromone is volatile, trail A will
the ants on this path will start evaporating
complete the travel more
times and thereby lay more  Only the shortest route will
pheromone over it.

Every spectral band of hyper spectral imaging data which

is in the high-dimension space may be looked as a feature.
So the feature selection is band selection in the hyper spectral
imaging such that the selected subset has clearly reduced
numbers of dimension of data as well as reserves the interesting
information as much as possible.
The process discards the redundancy features from a set of features
in order to reduce the number of dimension, i.e. a set of features X
which has m ( m < n ) features is selected from a set of features
which has n features, with the criterion function J(X) up to
For a given classification task, the problem of feature
selection can be stated as follows: given the original set, F, of
n features, find subset S, which consists of m features (m < n,
S is a subset of F), such that the classification accuracy is maximized .

The feature selection problem representation exploited by

the artificial ants includes the following:
• n features that constitute the original set, F = {f 1 , …, f n }
• A number of artificial ants to search through the feature
space (na ants)
• Ti , the intensity of pheromone trail associated with feature fi
• For each ant j, a list that contains the selected feature
subset, Sj = {s 1 , …, s m }.

We propose to use a hybrid evaluation measure that is able

to estimate the overall performance of subsets (a classification algorithm
called the wrapper evaluation function ) as well as the
local importance of features ( filter evaluation function).
• In the first iteration, each ant will randomly choose a
feature subset of m features. Only the best k subsets, k < na,
will be used to update the pheromone trial and influence the
feature subsets of the next iteration.
• In the second and following iterations, each ant will start with m – p features that
are randomly chosen from the previously selected k-best
subsets, where p is an integer that ranges between 1 and m – 1.

In this way, the features that constitute the best k subsets will
have more chance to be present in the subsets of the next
However, it will still be possible for each ant to
consider other features as well.
For a given ant j, those features are the ones that achieve the best
Compromise between previous knowledge, i.e., pheromone trails, and Local
Importance with respect to subset Sj , which consists of the
features that have already been selected by that specific ant.
It is worth mentioning that there is little difference between
the computational cost of the proposed algorithm and the GA-
based search procedure. This is due to the fact that both of
them evaluate the selected subsets using a “wrapper
approach”, which requires far more computational cost than
evaluating the local importance of features using the “filter
approach” adopted in the proposed algorithm.
We conducted an experiment to classify speech segments
according to their manner of articulation. Six classes were
considered: vowel, nasal, fricative, stop, glide, and silence.
We used speech signals from the TIMIT database, where
segment boundaries were identified. The SFS, GA and proposed ACO
algorithms are used to select from a set of 152 features. Results show
that the overall performance of ACO is better than that of both GA
and SFS, where the average classification accuracy of ACO, GA and
SFS over all the cases are : 84.22%, 83.49% and 83.19% respectively.
In this paper, we presented a novel feature selection search
procedure based on the Ant Colony Optimization
metaheuristic. The proposed algorithm utilizes both the local
importance of features and overall performance of subsets to
search through the feature space for optimal solutions. When
used to select features for a speech segment classification
problem, the proposed algorithm outperformed both stepwise-
and GA-based feature selection methods.

Hyper spectral remote sensing is used in a wide array of real-life applications.

Although originally developed for mining and geology (the ability of hyper
spectral imaging to identify various minerals makes it ideal for the mining and
oil industries, where it can be used to look for ore and oil.
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