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Explanation text Procedure text

- Desc
ribe ho
h ow someth w to m
o De s cr i b e ing wh a ke
h en om enon close t ich is
certain p ns - form
o our d
or eve n t h a pp e ed in th ily activity
instruc e mode
tion of
t h e m o d e
o Formed in
f d e sc ri p tion
Wax Cap

Inside the Honey Stomach



in cell
1. From where do the bees drink nectar?
The bees drink nectar from the

2. How do they drink it?

The bees drink nectar by using its

long tongue

Long Tongue
3. Inside the honey stomach, what does the
enzyme change nectar into?

The enzyme change nectar into

fructose and glucose

2. After the bee return to their hive, what do they

spit from their honey stomach?

They spit nectar from their honey

Spit nectar
5. What happen to the nectar after the heat
evaporate the water?

It changes into honey

in cell

6. How do the bees cover the cell?

Wax Cap

They cover the cell with a wax cap

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Tha n

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