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To provide a sound general and
professional foundation for the
practice of nursing through quality
nursing education.
Republic Act No.9173,otherwise
known as the “Philippine Nursing
Act of 2002”’ which was approved
on October 21,2002.
Republic Act 9173- Change in the
Philippine Nursing Act 2002 from R.A.
7164, the Philippine Nursing Act of 1998,
taken from the Implementing Rules and
regulations of RA 9173.
Two – fold state policy for the nursing
1. The state responsibility- pertains to
the government’s responsibility to protect
and improve the nursing profession
through the institution of measures for
the attainment of the following:
a. Relevant nursing education
Humane working conditions
c. Better career prospects
d. Dignified existence of the Filipino nurses

2. The state guarantee- is the

government’s commitment to deliver
quality health care services by providing
adequate nursing personnel throughout
the country (Sec.2,Art II,R.A. No.9173)
With the passage of this new law in
nursing, the government affirms
the State policy to make
education accessible to all, apart
from its commitment to provide
quality education, deliver quality
health care, and support the
advancement of the nursing
Republic Act 9173 (Philippine Nursing
Act of 2002) empowers the PRC-Board
of Nursing to revoke or suspend the
certificate of registration/professional
license or cancel the special/temporary
permit of a nurse.
Prohibited Acts
a. Causes mentioned in the preceding
section on practice through
special/temporary permit
b. Unprofessional and unethical
c. Gross incompetence or serious
d. Malpractice or negligence in the
practice of nursing
e. Use of fraud deceit, or false
statements in obtaining a certificate of
registration/professional license or a
temporary special permit
f. Violation of this Act, rules and
regulations, Code of Ethics for
nurses and technical standards
for nursing practice, policies of
the Board and the Commission, or
temporary/special permit.
g. Practicing his/her profession
during his/her suspension from
such practice.
Implementing Rules and
Regulations of RA 9173
1.Composition of the Board of
Nursing- The Board is now
composed of a Chairman and six
(6) members instead of a
Chairman and four (4) members.
2. Submission of names of
qualified nominees by the
Accredited Professional
Organization (APO) to the
Commission, three (3) nominees
per vacancy, not later than three
months before the vacancy.
3. The Commission submits to
the office of the President two
(2) nominees per vacancy not
later than two months before the
vacancy occurs. The
appointment must be issued not
later than thirty (30) days before
the scheduled licensure
4. Qualifications of Board Members
4.1 Educational requirement for
members of the Board is not limited to
registered nurses with Master’s degree
in nursing but also to registered nurses
with master’s degrees in education, or
other allied medical profession
provided that the Chairperson and
majority of the members are holders of
a Master’s degree in nursing.
4.2 Of the ten years of continuous
practice of the profession prior to
appointment, the last five (5) years
must be in the Philippines. This
was not specified in RA 7164.
4.3 The section that states that the
Board member must not be a
green card holder (Art III Sec. 5
R.A. 7164) does not appear in the
new law.
5.Powers and Duties of the Board,
Art. II Sec. 11 added:
5.1 Adopt and regulate a Code of
Ethics and Code of Technical
Standards for the practice of nursing
within one year from the effectivity of
this Act.
5.2 Recognize specially organizations
in coordination with accredited
professional organization.
6. Licensure Examination and
6.1 Specific Dates of examination has
been deleted. (RA 7164 Sec. 14)
Specific dates of examination- not
earlier than one month (1) month and
not later than two months after the
closing of each semestral term
6.2 Specific age of applicants to take
the examination to be at least eighteen
years (18) of age has been deleted.
(RA 7164 Sec. 13b)
7. Ratings, Sec 15 RA 9173
7.1 Specific number of times an
examinee may take the licensure
examination has been deleted
(RA 7164 Sec.16 3rd paragraph)
7.2 Added: Removal examinations
shall be taken within two (2) years
after the last failed examination.
8. Revocation and Suspension of
Certificate of Registration
8.1 Added: Sec. 25 for violation of
RA 9173, the Implementing Rules
and Regulations, the Code of
Ethics, the Code of the Technical
Standards, for Nursing practice,
and policies of the Board and of
the Commission.
8.2 Sec 28g. Added: For
practicing the profession during
the period of suspension
8.3 Period of suspension of the
certificate of
license not to exceed four (4)
9. Rule IV, Nursing Education
9.1 Sec.26, Rule 1-Added:
requirement for inactive nurses
returning to practice-Nurses who
have not actively practiced the
profession shall undergo one
(month) of didactic training and
three (3) months of practicum
9.2 Sec.27, Qualifications of
Faculty-Requirement of clinical
experience in a field of
specification has been
reduced from three (3) years
to one (1) year in a field of
9 .3 The Dean of the College of
Nursing must have at least five
(5) years of experience in
teaching and supervising a
nursing education program. Note:
An increase from three (3) years
as specified in RA 7164
10. Rule V, Nursing Practice
10.1 Scope of Nursing- Duties and
Responsibilities of the Nurse:
a. Deleted: Special training in
intravenous injections
Note: Nursing Service Administrators
still require formal training in this
aspect for the safety of the patient,
and the protection of the nurse and
of the agency/institutions where the
patient is being treated or confined.
b. Added: Special training for
suturing the Lacerated Perineum
Note: This is being undertaken by
the Association of Nursing
Service Administrators of the
Philippines (ANSAP) with the
Maternal and Child Association
of the Philippines (MCNAP).
c. Added: Observe the
Code of Ethics and the
Code of Technical
Maintain competence
through continual
professional education.
10.2 Qualification of Nursing
Service Administrators.
a.Sec.30. Priority in Appointment
a.1 For appointment as Chief
Nurse in a Public Health Agency,
priority shall be given to those who
have Master’s degree on Public
Health/Community Nursing.
a.2 For appointment as Chief
Nurse in Military Hospitals,
priority shall be given to
those who have a Master’s
Degree in Nursing and
completion of a General
Staff Course (GSC).
11. Rule VI, Health Human Resource
Production and Utilization Additions:
11.1 Sec.32. Comprehensive
Nursing Specialty Program. The
Board is mandated to formulate and
develop a comprehensive nursing
specialty program that would
upgrade the level of skills and
competency of specialty nurse
clinicians in the country.
11.2 Sec.33, Salary. Minimum base
pay of nurses in public health
institutions shall not be lower than the
first step or hiring rate prescribed for
Salary Grade 15 pursuant to RA
6758, otherwise known as the
“Compensation and Classification Act
of 1989”. For nurses working in Local
Government units, adjustments in
salaries shall be in accordance with
Sec. 10 of the same Act.
11.3 Sec 34 Funding for the
comprehensive Nursing Specialty
Program. The annual financial
requirement to train at least (10)
percent of the nursing staff of the
participating hospital shall be
chargeable against the incomes
of the Philippine charity
11.4 Sec. 35. Incentives and Benefits.
Incentives and benefits shall be
limited to non- cash benefits such as
free hospital care for nurse and their
dependents, and, and scholarship
grants. As part of the improved
working condition of nurses, the
government and private hospitals are
mandated to maintain the standard
nurse-patient ratio set by the
Department of Health.
12. Rule VII. Penal and Miscellaneous
12.1 Penalty for violation of this Act in
fines has been increased (from not
less than ten (10) thousand pesos
(10,000) nor more than forty thousand
pesos (P40,000) as specified in RA
7164 to not less than fifty thousand
pesos (P50,000) nor more than one
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000)
Imprisonment of not less than
one (1) year nor more than five
(5) years reduced from not
less than one (1) nor more
than six (6) years from RA
7164, or both fine and
imprisonment upon the
discretion of the Board.
Penalty and fine are not only for those
who practice nursing under
circumstances prohibited by the Act
but also for persons or employers of
nurses of judicial entities who
undertake review classes for foreign or
local examination without permit from
the Board; or violate the minimum
base pay of nurses, incentives and
benefits. Or any provision of this Act
as implemented by its IRR.
PRC Resolution No. 2004-17 Series
of 2004 re- implemented continuing
Professional Education requiring
sixty (60) credit units for three years
for professionals with bachelor’s
degree. Any excess unit earned
cannot be carried on the next three
–year period except for units
earned for doctoral and masteral
The total CPE units for
registered professionals
without baccalaureate
degrees shall be thirty (30)
units for three (3) years. Any
excess shall be not be carried
to the next three-year period.
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Rules on licensure exam • In R.A. 7164, if the exam
with the exclusion of a was taken for 3 times
requirement of the without passing, a
refresher course. refresher course is
required. While in R.A.
9173, the taker could
have the exam countless
times without a refresher
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Addition of a section: • 1 month didactic program
Requirements for nurses and 3 months practicum
who have not actively in any hospital accredited
practiced for 5 to conduct continuing
consecutive years. education units. This
ensures the quality and
competency of the nurse.
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Revision on the • Deans of the college
qualifications of the should be equipped with
faculty and dean of the the right knowledge and
College of Nursing. mastery of the subject.
The Dean should have
sufficient experience on
how to manage the
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Simplification but • It makes the scope of
comprehensiveness in nursing practice easier to
the scope of nursing understand and apply. At
practice. the same time, it sets a
higher standard and
quality of all nurses is
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Refocusing on continuing • Trainings and seminars
professional education updates all nurses with
with trainings and current setups and new
seminar information, procedures,
and skills.
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• Enrichment on the • In R.A. 7164, A Master of
qualifications of Nursing Arts in Nursing Major in
service administrators by Nursing Service
giving priority to those Administration and 9 units
with Master’s degree in of Management courses
Nursing and general staff is required. The new
course. provision only gives
power to those who are
qualified and already
have the degree.
RA 9173 Provisions on Nursing
Education Purpose of Inclusion/Improvement
• This act also repealed • This act allowed more
Section 23 Article IV of aspiring nurses to enroll
R.A. 7164 that states in the Colleges of
“Applicants desiring to Nursing.
enroll in nursing course
must belong to the 40%
of the graduating class in
general secondary
education duly certified
by the principal.”

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