Lesson 3 Meaningful Living

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Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

1. Listen to Advice

Deut 32:7
1 Kings 12:8
Proverbs 11:14
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

1. Listen to Advice

Only a fool does the same thing, the

same way, and expects a different
result.” How does Solomon state this
truth in Proverbs 26:11?
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

1. Listen to Advice

Like a dog that returns to his vomit

is a fool who repeats his folly.
Proverbs 26:11
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

1. Listen to Advice

Wisdom is better than folly as light is better

than darkness

The wise person looks at all the facts

before making a decision. This
includes practicing what words of
Solomon in Proverbs 1:5?
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

1. Listen to Advice

Let the wise hear and increase in

learning, and the one who understands
obtain guidance.
Proverbs 1:5
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

Solomon realizes that the fool and the wise
man both have the same life experiences
and eventually will both face death.
Therefore, what does Solomon say about
being wise without God? (vs15)
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

It is also vanity
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

To be forgotten and leave

everything behind after he
died caused Solomon to hate
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

However godly wisdom

makes our end much
different. How do we get
godly wisdom according to
Psalm 111:10?
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

The Fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom; all those who
practice it have a good
understanding. His praises endures
Psalm 111:10
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

The Hebrew word for fear includes

reverence, awe, and submission.
How does Daniel express the
difference that Godly wisdom
makes in a persons life? Daniel
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

The Hebrew word for fear includes

reverence, awe, and submission.
How does Daniel express the
difference that Godly wisdom
makes in a persons life? Daniel
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

2. Keep the end in view

“And those who are wise shall shine

like the brightness of the sky above;
and those who turn many to
righteousness, like the stars forever
and ever.”
Daniel 12:3
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Consider what you leave behind

Solomon hated that he would have to leave

everything he had worked for to someone
else. This reminds us of the parable that
Jesus taught about the rich farmer. What
question does God ask the farmer in Luke
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Consider what you leave behind

“But God said to him, Fool! This night your

soul is required of you, and the things you
have prepared, whose will they be?”
Luke 12:20
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Consider what you leave behind

Solomon isn't telling us not to leave an

inheritance for our children. To the
contrary what does he write in
Proverbs 13:22?
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Consider what you leave behind

“A good man leaves an inheritance to

his children's children, but the sinner's
wealth is laid up for the righteous.”
Proverbs 13:22
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Realize everything is a gift from God

Solomon decides to eat, drink and

enjoy the fruits of his labor because he
realizes it all has come from the hand
of God.
Money, career, nice car, houses will
never bring happiness unless we view
them as gifts from God. How does
James remind us of this fact in James
Avoiding Foolish Mistakes

3. Realize everything is a gift from God

“Every good gift and every perfect gift

is from above, coming down from the
Father of lights with whom there is no
variation or shadow due to change.”
James 1:17

Deuteronomy 8:18

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