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First Aid And Safety Measures

(Common Diseases and Ailments)

Convulsion and Seizure
 Convulsion is usually brought on by a high fever,
poisoning, or injury and is basically a violent seizure.
Seizure lasts from 1-3 minutes or less. The indication of
seizure includes fall to the floor by the victim and shakes
or twitches in the arms, legs or body for a minute or
longer, there is blank state or empty expression and
minor twitching of the face or jerking of the hand, loss
of body fluids or functions-drooling may pee or poop, no
memory of what happened and confused.
What to do?
Have someone call for an ambulance, especially if victim was poisoned
or injured or if seizure lasts over 3-5 minutes.
Stay calm; you can’t stop the convulsion or seizure.
Do not out anything between teeth or in mouth.
Move things that could hurt or fall on victim.
Put something soft under victim’s head, if possible.
When convulsion or seizure is over, help roll victim on their side to keep
an open airway.
Look for any other injuries and keep checking airway, breathing, and
Stay with the victim, until help arrives and try to calm them.
Ask if the victim takes any medication for seizure and help him take
them according to the instruction.
Cardiac arrest
 A person is experiencing cardiac arrest if he is not
responding or passed out, not breathing, and no pulse.
Main thing to do is compression to keep blood moving
until help arrives.
What to do
Call for an ambulance immediately.
Check airway, breathing and circulation.
Tilt head all the way back and lift chin. For children,
just tilt a little bit.
Watch chest, listen and feel for breathing for 5
If victim is not breathing, begin the rescue breathing
by pinching victim’s nose shut. Open mouth wide to
make tight seal around victim’s mouth.
 A stroke or brain attack occurs when oxygen and vital
nutrients carried by blood are cut off causing brain cells
to die.
 A person who is suffering from the stroke may have
sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding,
loss of muscle control on one side of the body.
What to do
Call an ambulance.
Get victim to lie back with head raised. Put pillows or
blankets under head and shoulders so partially sitting
Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.
See if there are other injuries.
If victim is drooling or having problems swallowing,
place him on his side to keep the airway open.
Stay with victim until medical help arrives.
Heart attack
A person is having attack if he experiences chest pain
that can spread to shoulder, arm or jaw, there is
shortness of breath or trouble breathing, there is
strange pulse-faster or slower than normal or sporadic,
and the skin becomes pale or bluish.
What to do
Tell victim to stop what he is doing, sit down and relax.
Call for an ambulance immediately.
Loosen any tight clothing, especially around neck and
Ask victim if he is taking any prescribed medicines for
his heart, and if he is , have them take it.
Take a couple of pure aspirin if available.
Watch victim’s breathing and be prepared to give CPR.
13 ways to get out of the red
1. Close your nose and open your mouth.
2. Make your nose cold.
3. Keep a child calm.
4. Leave your nose alone.
5. Moisturize
6. Turn on a nebulizer.
7. Avoid aspirin.
8. Get enough vitamin C and Zinc.
9. Check your iron
10. Control your hypertension.
11. Don’t smoke.
12. Stop the picking.
13. Teach you child to use tissue.

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