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 Introduction to nexus between Energy, Environment and Sustainable

 Energy transformation from source to services;

 Energy sources, sun as the source of energy; biological processes;

photosynthesis; food chains,

 classification of energy sources,

 quality and concentration of energy sources;

 fossil fuel reserves - estimates, duration; theory of renewability, renewable


 overview of global/ India’s energy scenario.

Renewable Nonrenewable
Resources Resources

take longer than a

can be replenished
human lifetime to
in a human lifetime
Renewable Nonrenewable
Resources Resources

Sun Fossil fuels

As you can tell, it takes longer to get more of the
nonrenewable resources.

That’s why we need to conserve our nonrenewable

resources. We need to use them wisely and not
waste them.

We renew our water through the

water cycle!
You’ve learned about 5 natural sources of energy :

1. The sun 2. Wind 3. Water

4. Trees 5. Fossil Fuels

Those 5 sources are called
natural sources of energy
because they are found in

We can also look at energy sources a

different way.
We can group energy sources
according to how long it takes to renew

Renewable sources Nonrenewable

Renewable sources Nonrenewable
can be renewed in a sources take longer
human lifetime. than a human lifetime
to renew.


Physicists, who are scientists who study force, motion and energy, say that energy is the ability
to do work, and work is moving something against a force, like gravity. There are a lot of
different kinds of energy in the universe, and that energy can do different things.

Energy can be found in many things, and takes many forms. There is a kind of energy called
kinetic energy in objects that are moving. There is something that scientists call potential energy
in objects at rest that will make them move if resistance is removed.

The molecules making up all matter contains a huge amount of energy, as Einstein's E = mc^2 pointed out to
us. Energy can also travel in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as heat, light, radio, and gamma rays.
Your body is using metabolic energy from your last meal as you read this.

An energy resource is anything that can be used to generate power

for human use. There are two categories of energy resource:

 non-renewable energy resources  renewable energy resources can be

will eventually run out – once used
replaced or regenerated and will
they cannot be used again.
Examples are fossil fuels (coal, oil, never run out. Examples are wind,
natural gas) and nuclear fuels hydroelectricity and solar power.
(uranium, plutonium).

Non-renewable (84%) Renewable (16%)

Oil Solar
Natural gas Wind
Coal Falling, flowing water
Nuclear power Biomass
Important Nonrenewable Energy Sources
Energy Source- Sun

Can you imagine life without sun on Earth ?

 Earth surface temperature
 Photosynthesis
 Evaporation
 Water cycle

Energy come from the Sun’s surface or core ?

It is like a hydrogen bomb so how it is balance ?
Energy Source- Sun

 The sun's energy is the primary source of energy for all surface phenomena and life on Earth.

 The sun is a medium, yellow star, consisting primarily of hydrogen at temperatures high enough to cause
nuclear fusion.

 Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse together to form helium nuclei and
release energy.

 The Sun releases an estimated 384.6 yotta watts (3.846×10^26 watts) of energy in the form of light and
other forms of radiation

 In this state, some 120 million tons of matter--mostly hydrogen--are converted into helium on the sun
every minute, with some of the mass being converted into energy. The size of the sun determines its
temperature and the amount of energy radiated.
Energy Source- Sun

About 2 billionth
of it comes on
earth surface

1% ocean current 0.023%

40% warm earth 25% water recycle
absorbs photosynthesis
Energy Source- Sun

Using the mass-energy equivalence equation we can precisely quantify how much
energy is released during a fusion reaction.
To do this we note that 4 hydrogen atoms have slightly more mass than 1 helium
atom. We can summarize it this way:
 4 H nuclei weigh 6.693 x 10-27 kg
 1 He nucleus weighs 6.645 x 10-27 kg
 missing mass converted to energy is 0.048 x 10-27 kg
In the pp-reaction you see a number of odd looking terms:
In symbols you can write the pp-reaction as: • e+ is a strange particle called the "anti-electron" or positron.
This is a electron with a positive charge!
• γ is a gamma ray photon which is emitted and carries away
some of the energy produced in the fusion process
•  n is a neutrino - an elusive particle that carries away a tiny
amount of energy in the fusion process
• 2H and 3He are isotopes of hydrogen and helium respectively.
Occasionally you see 2H written as 2D where D stand for
deuterium which is an isotope of hydrogen.
Energy Source- Sun
Example 1. How much energy is released when 4 hydrogen atoms fuse to form a
helium atom?

Solution: Use  .

In this case the mass "m" converted into energy is the missing 0.048 x 10-27 kg. In order to use
consistent units you will need to express 'c' in m/s, so c = 3 x 108m/s. Inserting numbers then
tells us that 1 fusion reaction liberates E = (0.048 x 10 -27 kg)(3 x 108m/s)2 = 4.3 x 10-12 J of

The energy released in the fusion of 4 hydrogen atoms may not seem to be very much but there
are a LOT of hydrogen atoms in the sun. Since we can measure the amount of energy we
receive from the sun it is quite easy to estimate how many fusion reactions must occur each
second to "power the Sun". We know that the power output from the Sun is approximately 4 X
1026 J/s. To produce this energy s there must be:
Energy Source- Sun

Example 2.  How many tonnes of hydrogen must be converted into helium each second in
order for the Sun to shine as it does?
You have, in a sense already answered this when you concluded that there must be
1038 fusion reactions each second. Since there are 4 hydrogen atoms used in every
fusion reaction this means that each second 4 x 10 38hydrogen atoms get used up. The
mass of 1 hydrogen atom is 1.67 x 10-12 kg so the total mass of hydrogen consumed
each second is:

or about 700 million tonnes!

Energy Source- Sun
Food Energy

Food energy is chemical energy that animals (including humans) derive from food through

the process of cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration may either involve the chemical reaction of food molecules with
molecular oxygen (aerobic respiration) or the process of reorganizing the food molecules
without additional oxygen (anaerobic respiration).

Humans and other animals need a minimum intake of food energy to sustain
their metabolism and to drive their muscles. Foods are composed chiefly
of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals.
Food Energy
Food Energy
Food Energy
Food Energy
Originating from the Greek word phos meaning "light" and synthesis, "put together".

Photosynthesis is a process used by plants that turns Sunlight into chemical energy.

The chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules like sugars which are synthesized from carbon
dioxide and water.

Photosynthesis begins with the plant taking in energy from light through the leaves' chloroplast.

Chloroplast uses chlorophyll which is the green pigment found in plants.

Chlorophyll is green because of the red and blue light that the plant adsorbs but can not be seen by the
human eye.

The green light that is unable to be absorbed is what we are able to see making the leafs appear green. 

NADPH: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate,

ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate
Food Chain and Food Web

All living things need food to give them the energy to grow and move. A food chain shows
how each living thing gets its food. It shows who is eating who. The arrow means "is eaten
by" .

Grass is eaten by Grasshopper is eaten by Toad is eaten by Snake is eaten by Hawk

Plants are called producers (they make/produce their own food by photosynthesis.)

Food Chain and Food Web
Food Chain and Food Web
Food Chain and Food Web
Food Chain and Food Web
Food Chain and Food Web

All living things need food to give them the energy to grow and move. A food chain shows
how each living thing gets its food. It shows who is eating who. The arrow means "is eaten
by" .

Herbivore - an animal that eats plants.

Carnivore - an animal that eats other animals.
Omnivore - an animal that eats both plants and animals example- bears and humans. Producer - usually a
green plant that produces its own food by photosynthesis 
Primary Consumer - Animals that consume only plant matter. They are herbivores - example- rabbits,
caterpillars, cows, sheep, and deer.
Secondary Consumer - Animals that eat primary consumers (herbivores). 
Tertiary Consumer - Animals that eat secondary consumers i.e; carnivores that feed on other carnivores.
Predators - kill for food. They are either secondary or tertiary consumers - example- polar bears, golden
Prey - are the organisms that predators feed on. Examples of predator and prey species are: fox and
rabbit; blue tit and caterpillar; wolf and lamb
Food Chain and Food Web

Scavenger - a consumer that eats dead animals (example- crab, crow, vulture, buzzard and
hyena. ) 
Detritivore - a consumer that obtains its nutrients from detritus 
Decomposer - an organism such as bacteria and fungi that breaks down dead organisms and
their wastes. . (They do not 'eat' the food like scavengers, as they have no mouth-parts.
Instead they break down solid matter into liquids which they can absorb.) Examples: bacteria
and some fungi. 
Trophic Level - A trophic level is each level in a food chain. Matter is always 'lost' as heat
energy at each trophic level. 
Basal Energy Requirement (B.E.R.)- the amount of energy used by an organism's body just to
keep alive, when no food is being digested and no muscular work is being done.
Food Web - a network of interrelated food chains in a given area.
India’s Energy Transformation

 India has become a frontrunner in energy transformation

 India added more renewable energy (RE) capacity than conventional generation capacity in
 RE tariff in the country dropped to a level that is cost competitive with coal-fired
 According to EY’s renewable energy country attractiveness index, India pipped the US to
become the second most attractive country for RE investments.
 According to government data, the share of renewable energy in the total installed capacity
was 13% at the end of financial year 2016. But it is expected to increase significantly in the
coming years, with solar a big driver.
India’s Energy Transformation

Ambitious targets
In 2014, the domestic RE target was revised to 175 GW of installed capacity by 2022.
 In 2015, in its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), India made a global
pledge to achieve 40% cumulative installed capacity from fossil-fuel-free resources by
 The country already has 33% fossil-fuel-free generation capacity, and as predicted by
Central Electricity Authority, it may achieve the INDC target sooner.

 Ashok Chawla Committee on Natural Resources

Creation of national database of natural resources
 Allocation of natural resources, if possible, through e-auction
 Measures for benefit of stakeholders in mineral rich areas
India’s Energy Transformation

Need for conserving Conventional Energy Resources

Are limited in supply and cannot be renewed easily.
Due to population explosion, modernization and industrialization the demand for energy resources is increasing day by
To control energy crisis there is need to conserve conventional energy resources.
There is also an eminent need to explore alternative sources of energy

Energy Crisis 
A situation in which resources are less than the demand
In the past few decades due to high demand, there is shortage of energy resources, which has created energy crisis.
Major causes for Energy Crisis:
Rapid Industrialization
Over Population
Transfer losses
Rise in oil prices
Problems in Middle east
Wastage of energy resources.
India’s Energy Transformation

 Quality of coal is determined by its carbon content
 Major problems of Indian Coal
 Low Carbon content
 High Ash content
 Low Calorific Value
 Major coal producing areas in India  Jharkhand > Odisha > Chhattisgarh > West Bengal Chhota Nagpur
 Region   Hub of 90 % of Indian minerals ( Coal & Iron  Ruhr of India)
India’s Energy Transformation
India’s Energy Transformation
Petroleum / Mineral oil
 Found in sedimentary rocks of marine origin
 Formed by decomposition of tiny marine creatures, plants & vegetation under mud, silt & sand
 Over the years, it underwent chemical changes to form crude oil & natural gas under the action of
heat & pressure
 20 % of India’s crude oil & gas demand is produced domestically & 80 % is imported
 Jamnagar Refineries of Reliance industries is world largest refinery complex
Natural Gas
Mainly contains methane & found in association with mineral oil ( 75 % lies in Bombay high & Bassein
oil fields) Largest share of NG is as follows –
 40 % Production of chemical fertilizers
 30 % Power generation
 10 % LPG (Cooking Gas )
 Conventional sources  Shale gas, Coal bed methane, Methane Hydrates, Tight sandstones
India’s Energy Transformation

 Fuel derived from Non fossil plants
 In India, mainly centers around cultivation & processing of Jatropha plant seeds, used
in production of Bio – Diesel
 Encouraged only on wasteland / government / forest land
 Not allowed on fertile land
 To produce ethanol from sugarcane (Bio-ethanol)
 National Bio-fuel Policy – Targets minimum 20 % biofuel blending (both bio-diesel
and bio-ethanol) across the country by 2017

Electricity in India Thermal > Hydro > Wind >

India’s Energy Transformation
Thermal Energy
 67 % of total energy production
 Generated by using fossil fuels (Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas)
 No Geological conditions required
 Limited reserves, Rising demands (cost) & non – ecofriendly
 Largest Producer → Maharashtra
 To boost Thermal power production gov. has promoted Ultra Mega Power Projects (4000 MW & above)
 18 % of total energy production
 Eco-friendly, Clean & Renewable
 Small hydel power projects < 25 MW
 Are counted under New renewable energy sources
 Largest Producer  Andhra Pradesh
 Central electricity authority (CEC) has estimated Hydel power potential of 84000 MW at 60 % load
factor from 39000 MW at present
India’s Energy Transformation
Nuclear Energy
 26 % of total energy production
 Energy obtained from atomic minerals viz. Uranium, Thorium, zircon, beryllium
 Provide colossal energy through a small quantity of substance
 Thorium  Found as monazite sand in lakes & sea beds
 Thorium   AP > TN > Kerala > Orissa constitutes 30 % of world reserves
 Largest Producer    Tamil Nadu
 Very economical; does not produce green-house gases that pollute atmosphere.
Wind Energy
 Non-conventional Renewable source of energy
 5th largest installed wind power capacity in the world
 Largest Producer    Tamil Nadu
 High cost as compared to the efficiency of power generated
 Nagercoil (TN) and Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) are well known for effective use of wind energy in the
India’s Energy Transformation

Solar Energy
 Non-conventional Renewable source of energy
 Thermal + Photovoltaic   Sunlight to energy
 High cost as compared to the efficiency of power generated
 India plans to add 20000 MW of solar energy by 2022 under Jawahar Nehru National Solar
 The largest solar plant of India is located at Madhavpur, near Bhuj, where solar energy is
used to sterilize milk cans.
India’s Energy Transformation
Tidal Energy
 Non-conventional Renewable source of energy
 Oceanic tides can be used to generate electricity.
 Floodgate dams are built across inlets
 During high tide water flows into the inlet and gets trapped when the gate is closed.
 After the tide falls outside the flood gate, the water retained by the floodgate flows back to
the sea via a pipe that carries it through a power-generating turbine.
 In India, the Gulf of Kutch, provides ideal conditions for utilizing tidal energy.
 Experimental plant (150 kw) at Vizinjam (Thiruvananthapuram) & 900 mw at Kutch.
Geo Thermal Energy
 Refers to the heat and electricity produced by using the heat from the interior of the Earth
Exists because, the Earth grows progressively hotter with increasing depth
 Groundwater in such areas absorbs heat from the rocks and becomes hot.
 It is so hot that when it rises to the earth’s surface, it turns into steam.
 This steam is used to drive turbines and generate electricity.
India’s Energy Transformation
An expanding body of research shows that there is a strong relation between climate change
and the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that are produced through energy production and

Carbon dioxide emission pollutants are primarily produced by combustion of fossil fuels.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates, the share of energy production
and consumption in carbon dioxide emissions was 81.6 % in 2010 (IEA 2012b).

Therefore, energy consumption is the main cause of climate change.

According to the International Energy Outlook 2011 (IEO 2011), the global energy-related
carbon dioxide emissions have risen from 30.2 billion metric tons in 2008 to 35.2 billion
metric tons in 2020 and will rise to 43.2 billion metric tons in 2035 (Conti and Holtberg 2011).

Developing non-OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

countries that continue to be heavily dependent on fossil fuel consumption account for much
of this growth. These countries need to meet their continuously rising energy demand.
Moreover, fossil fuels are subsidized in many countries.
Government policies have played a crucial role in the recent growth in renewable energy
sources, especially in the electric power sector.

Reducing carbon dioxide emission and local pollutants constitutes a core part of
environmental concerns. More than 70 countries are expected to implement policies for
deploying renewable energy technologies in the power sector by 2017 (IEA 2012c).

Among other objectives, these policies need to achieve an increase in power generation
through renewable energy sources so that the unit cost decreases to the level of other energy

Henrik Lund (2010) defines renewable energy as “energy that is produced by natural resources
—such as sunlight, wind, rain, waves, tides, and geothermal heat—that are naturally
replenished within a time span of a few years.” According to his view, all technologies that are
able to convert natural resources (e.g., solar) to any kind of energy could help in the generation
of renewable energy.
The General Trend of Energy Consumption
Energy consumption depends on different factors such as economic progress, population,
energy prices, weather, and technology. Global consumption of primary energy in 2011 was
12.2 Gtoe (BP 2012).

The consumption of crude oil, natural gas, and coal was 4.1, 2.9, and 3.7 Gtoe respectively.

The USA, China, and Japan have been the major oil consumers at 833.6, 461.8, and 201.4
Mtoe respectively.

While the USA, Russia, and Iran are the biggest consumers of natural gas at 626, 382.1, and
138 Mtoe, China is the biggest consumer in the coal market at 1.8 Gtoe followed by USA and
India at 501.9 and 295.6 Mtoe.
The General Trend of Energy Consumption
According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy (BP 2012), the average primary
energy consumption has been 2,306.7 Mtoe during 2001–2010 compared with 2,140.5

Mtoe in 1991–2000, which shows a growth rate of 7.8 % per year. On the other hand, the
average carbon dioxide emission was 6,315.9 Mtoe in 2001–10 as against 5,882.7 Mtoe in
1991–2000, showing a growth rate of 7.4 % per year.

About 87 % of primary energy consumption in 2010 was from fossil fuels, while the share of
nuclear energy, hydroelectricity, and renewable energy was 5.2, 6.5, and 1.4 %respectively.

Compared with the primary energy consumption in 2011, the share of fossil fuels has barely
changed, but the share of nuclear energy and hydroelectricity has decreased to 4.9 and 6.4
respectively, while the share of renewable energy has gone up to 1.6 %.
The General Trend of Energy Consumption
Fossil Fuels
According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy (BP 2012), at the end of 2011, 48.1 %
of the proven oil reserves were located in the Middle East.

As we see in above Table , Europe and Eurasia have 8.5 % of the reserves, of which a majority
is located in the Russian Federation (5.3 %) and Kazakhstan (1.8 %). Africa has 8 % of the
global oil reserves, mostly in Libya (2.9 %) and Nigeria (2.3 %).

In South America, the proven oil reserves are mostly located in Venezuela (91 % of the
regional reserves and 17.9 % of the global reserves). North America has 13.2 %of oil reserves,
most of which belongs to Canada (80.6 % of regional reserves and 10.6 % of total global

This means that 87 % of proven oil reserves in the American continent are located in
Venezuela and Canada. Natural gas reserves are more concentrated geographically than crude
oil because 38.4 % of the reserves are located in the Middle East and 37.8 % can be found in
Europe and Eurasia. Russia, Iran, and Qatar have almost half the global natural gas reserves. If
we take a look at coal reserves, we will find that around 60 % of the global coal reserves are
located in the USA, Russia, and China
Fossil Fuels

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