Green Manufacturing

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Presented by


ROLL NO-002011702003


Under the guidance of

Prof. Souren Mitra

Department of Production Engineering

Jadavpur University
 Introduction
 Different Aspect in Green Manufacturing
 Recent Advances in Green Manufacturing
 Literature Survey
 Case Studies
 Conclusion
 What is green manufacturing?

• Green Manufacturing is a method for manufacturing

that minimizes waste and pollution achieved through
product and process design.

• It slows the depletion of natural resources as well as

lowering the extensive amounts of trash that enter
Why green manufacturing?
 Earth’s average surface temperature has risen about 2.12
degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century, a change
driven largely by increased carbon dioxide emissions into the
atmosphere and other human activities.
 Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances

have enabled scientists to collect data about our planet and

its climate globally. This data, collected over many years,
reveals the signals of climate change. 
 Ice cores are drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical

mountain glaciers show that Earth’s climate responds to

changes in greenhouse gas levels.
Benefits of green manufacturing.
 Environmental Benefits
Green Manufacturing will have a substantial impact on the environment.
Nearly 80% of toxic waste is from the electrical and electronics industry.
The goal of Green Manufacturing is to reduce waste to zero.
 Company Benefits
A company that practises Green Manufacturing creates a great image to
the public. With the public getting more and more aware of the green
house effects, going green is an action much appreciated and supported
by the public.
 Technological Benefits
Green Manufacturing spins off a lot of research and development
projects. Each of these projects enhances our technology.
Application of green manufacturing
• Fuel is the major issue in the world, the fuel used in our day
to day life is non renewable and it will get finish soon . The
only hope is Renewable energy i.e. solar, wind, tidal, bio
diesel etc. which are green products .

• Water purification is the another issue of human life as water

is our most important need but due to population and due to
chemical process the water is not hygiene for drink. The solar
distillation process is very useful for the water purification
process .

 Process of green manufacturing

Companies move from traditional end-of-pipe control to

new technologies.
Examples of new technologies would be things like pollution
prevention, production process modernization, materials
substitution Etc .
 End-Of-Life Management

End of life management is the full life cycle starting from the
virgin materials to the use and disposal of the final product.

 Virgin Materials are recycled

Virgin materials can be recycled through the process of
distillation and filtering. The distilled or filtered materials
could be reintroduced in the life cycle wherever new
materials aren't required.
 An advanced manufacturing system promotes green design

and production strategies.

Manufacturing systems promotes green design because both
strategies are based on the dedication to product
improvement, cost reduction, and technology innovation.
 Funding research facilities.

Companies can fund researches that includes finding

substitute chemicals and materials that will eliminate
pollution at the top.
Green supply chain management (GSCM)
 GSCM is defined to be the addition of green issues into supply
chain management .
 GSCM supply chain involves from suppliers to manufacturers,
customers And reverse logistics throughout the so called
closed-loop supply chain.
 Green supply chain in automobile industry has become the
main interest in many industrial fields.
 Because evaluation and measurement of its performance is
essential when environmental issues have been addressed all
over the world Olugu et al., (2010). Hence, applying green
concepts into automobile manufacturing is essential to
reduce environmental impacts, enhance market competition.
JIT Manufacturing
 In manufacturing, speed to market and costs of production
can make or break a company.
 Just in time (JIT) manufacturing is a workflow methodology
aimed at reducing flow times within production systems, as
well as response times from suppliers and to customers.
 JIT is seen as a more cost efficient method of maintaining
stock levels.
 Its purpose is to minimise the amount of goods you hold at
any one time without compromising the production volumes.
• Reduces cost on storing raw • Lead to potential supply
materials. chain destruction.
• Less investment in raw • Manufacturer have no
material. margin to make errors.
• Eliminates lead time
• Unable to meet any
• Helps in shorter production
unexpected order from the
• Speeds up manufacturing • No time for renegotiation
process as material is available
with customer.
Environmental Management Tools
 The environmental management tools include Mass balance
i.e. consideration of input and outputs of a process and to
determine its effectiveness and wastage.
 Environmental management focuses on the improvement of
human welfare for present and future generations.
 Some Environmental management tools are:
• Eco labelling
• Life cycle assessment
• Waste minimization programs
• Environmental risk analysis
What are ISO 9000 and ISO 14000?
 It is an International Quality Standards used by companies on
a voluntary basis.
 Study done on National US Manufacturing firms found that
most companies were moving from ISO 9000 to ISO 14000
such as Sony Corp and Safety Kleen.
 The ISO 14000 environmental management standards exist to
help organizations minimize how their operations negatively
affect the environment .
 ISO 14000 is an internationally accepted specification for an
environmental management system (EMS).

 Recently, focus has turned towards increasing chemical

process safety and sustainability for fundamental and applied
research as well as manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and
specialty chemicals.

 Flow chemistry techniques have attracted significant interest

as a way to implement and improve chemical processes in
order to satisfy the growing demand for chemical
Literature survey
 Nowadays, environmental consequence are considered
strategically essential for business operations with the aim to
reduce costs and develop quality products Atasu etal.,(2008);
Kleindorfer et al.,(2005).
 The scope of green operations (GO) spans from product
development to management of the entire product life cycle
involving such environmental practices as eco-design, clean
production, recycling, and reuse with a focus on minimizing
the expenses associated with manufacturing, distribution,
use, and disposal of products Lai and Wong, (2012); Guide
and Van Wassenhove, 2001; Kleiner, (1991).

 Environmental impact (e.g. air emissions) occurs at all stages

of a product life cycle from resource extraction to
manufacture, use, reuse, recycle, and disposal Zhu et al.,
 Hervani et al. (2005) proposed that green supply chain
management (GSCM) practices which include green
purchasing, green manufacturing, materials management,
green distribution/marketing and reverse logistics refer to the
involvement of environmental thinking into the supply chain
management from the extraction of raw materials to product
design, manufacturing processes, delivery of the final
products to the consumers and end-of life management
Srivastava, (2007)
Case study was conducted on the manufacturing industry
which mainly manufactures fasteners for the transmission
lines. According to the general practices followed in the
industry following factors has been observed in the industry.
 Green Purchasing (Average mean score 1.792)

Green purchasing is nothing but environmental friendly

purchasing which helps in reducing harm to the environment.
 Green Design (Average mean score 1.960)

Green design is a plan which has a goal to minimize the use of

recyclable materials that clog landfills and replacing them
with materials that are reusable.

 Green Distribution (Average mean score 1.472)

Green Distribution consists of green packaging. Packaging
characteristics of the materials such as size, shape and
materials have an impact on distribution because they affect
the transportation characteristics of the product.

 Customers Awareness Program. (Average mean score 1.826)

Customer meetings are carried out for green purposes also
interaction and feedback from customers is taken on green
product to create awareness about green concept and green
 Green Manufacturing is vital in preserving our natural
resources for future generations.
 It may be costly and requires a lot of determination but many
companies have taken the initiative to go green.
 For example, Nissan Motor Co. Ltd has launched a green
marketing campaign, Nissan Green Program 2010 to meet
upcoming U.S. and European emissions standards and the
development of various alternative-power technologies.
 So It is time that other companies, be it large or small
recognize their role in making the Earth greener and take up
the Green Manufacturing challenge.

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