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Two Sentences
Combining Two Sentences
Does the combined sentence contain all of the essential ingredients of the two
sentences? (1st criterion)

Look at which choice most tersely and smoothly combines the two sentences
(normally would be the briefest sentence)


What is the most effective way of joining the two sentences at the underlined
During the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, Sir Ernest Shackleton led a group
of explorers on a dangerous voyage. This voyage lasted nearly two years and was by
far the longest southern polar journey to date.
What is the most effective way of joining the two sentences at the underlined
A) Sir Ernest Shackleton led a group of explorers on a dangerous voyage to the
South Pole, which was known as the Nimrod Expedition and lasted for nearly two
years and was by far the longest
B) A group of explorers was led on a dangerous voyage to the South Pole by Sir
Ernest Shackleton, and this was known as the Nimrod Expedition and lasted for
nearly two years, being by far the longest
C) During the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, a group of explorers was led on
a dangerous voyage by Ernest Shackleton, which lasted for nearly two years and had
been by far the longest
D) During the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, Sir Ernest Shackleton led a
group of explorers on a dangerous voyage that lasted for nearly two years and was by
far the longest
[1] During the 19605, many directors from Czechoslovakia contributed to a
film movement called "Czechoslovak New Wave." [2] This period is often
considered to be the golden age of Czechoslovak cinema. [3] These films
often used improvised dialogue rather than a script and featured many non-
professional actors. [4] The directors from this period wished to capture the
authentic experience of living in Czechoslovakia at the time.
What is the best option for combining Sentences 1 and 2?
A. During the 1960s, a period often considered to be the golden age of
Czechoslovak cinema, many directors from Czechoslovakia contributed to
a film movement called "Czechoslovak New Wave."
B. During the 1960s, many directors from Czechoslovakia contributed to a
film movement called "Czechoslovak New Wave," this period is often
considered to be the golden age of Czechoslovak cinema.
C. During the 1960s, many directors from Czechoslovakia contributed to a
film movement called "Czechoslovak New Wave" because this period is
often considered to be the golden age of Czechoslovak cine-ma.
D. During the 1960s, many directors from Czechoslovakia, often
considered to be the golden age of Czechoslovak New Wave."
[1] Cowboys have long been a symbol in American society. [2] On the
one hand, they represent American strength, adventurousness, and
indefatigability. [3] They also call up images of oppression, racism,
and exploitation. [4] However, both of these romanticized views of
cowboys betray the dull routine and everyday realities of the lives that
many cowboys lived.
What is the best option for combining Sentences 2 and 3?
A. While they also call up images of oppression, racism, and
exploitation, they represent American strength, adventurousness, and
B. They represent American strength, adventurousness, and
indefatigability, and they call up images of oppression, racism, and
C. On the one hand, they represent American strength,
adventurousness, and indefatigability; moreover, they call up images
of oppression, racism, and exploitation.
D. On the one hand, they represent American strength,
adventurousness, and indefatigability; on the other hand, they call up
images of oppression, racism, and exploitation.
[1] While perhaps not as well-known as Bluebeard or Captain Kidd, Bill
Johnston was still known as a feared pirate and river smuggler in his day.
[2] That day was the War of 1812. [3] He came from a British Loyalist
family and settled in Upper Canada before beginning a career as a Lake
Ontario schooner captain. [4] His ships carried some legal cargo, but they
also smuggled tea and rum into Canada.
What is the best option for combining Sentences 1 and 2?
A. While perhaps not as well-known as Bluebeard or Captain Kidd, Bill
Johnston was still known as a feared pirate and river smuggler in his day,
the War of 1812.
B. While perhaps not as well-known as Bluebeard or Captain Kidd, Bill
Johnston was still known as a feared pirate and river smuggler during the
War of 1812.
C. While perhaps not as well-known as Bluebeard or Captain Kidd,
Johnston was still known as a feared pirate and river smuggler in his day:
that of the War of 1812.
D. While maybe he wasn't as well known as Bluebeard or Captain Kidd,
Bill Johnston was still known as a feared pirate and river smuggler in his
day of the War of 1812 era.
[1] While many people feel strongly about the genetic modification of foods, most do not understand the full nature of genetically
modified (GM) plants and animals. [2] Genetic modification is defined as the artificial manipulation of a species' DNA usually for the
purpose of improving crop yield, resistance to disease, or nutritive value. [3] It has been going on for millennia: ancient farmers were
selectively breeding foods to provide better flavor, produce smaller seeds, or withstand drought and flooding. [4] Today, more
sophisticated tools allow scientists to transfer genes for desirable characteristic such as better resistance to pests from one organ-ism
to another. [5] Opponents of genetic modification argue that the DNA modifications are unstable, undesirable, and unhealthy for the
environment, though scientific evidence suggests this is not true. [6] Additionally, some also argue that consuming GM foods is
unsafe for humans, despite much scientific evidence to the contrary.
What is the best option for combining Sentences 5 and 6?
A. Arguing that DNA modifications are unstable, undesirable, and unhealthy for the environment, opponents of genetic modification
argue that consuming GM foods is unsafe for humans, despite much scientific evidence to the contrary.
B. Opponents of genetic modification argue that the DNA modifications are unstable, undesirable, and unhealthy for the
environment, and additionally, some also argue that consuming GM foods is unsafe for humans, despite much scientific evidence to
the contrary.
C. Opponents of genetic modification argue that the DNA modifications are unstable, undesirable, and unhealthy for the environment
as well as unsafe for human consumption, despite much scientific evidence to the contrary.
D. Though arguing that DNA modifications are unstable, undesirable, and unhealthy for the environment, opponents of genetic
modification argue that consuming GM foods is unsafe for humans, despite much scientific evidence to the contrary.
[1] As anyone who has tried it can tell you, Filipino food involves an exciting and
intriguing blend of flavors. [2] Due to its interaction with various nations and cultures,
it's cuisine is marked by influences from Austronesia, Spain, China, Malaysia, and the
United States. [3] For example, if you walked into a Filipino restaurant, you might
encounter paella, a traditionally Spanish dish, or spring rolls, which are part of Chinese
cuisine. [4] Street food is another important aspect of Filipino cuisine. [5] Filipino street
food includes a wide variety of fried items, such as bananas, plantains, dumplings, squid
balls, battered quail eggs, and fruit or vegetable spring rolls.
Which of the following is the best option for combining Sentences 4 and 5?
A. Another important aspect of Filipino cuisine is street food, which includes many fried
items such as bananas, plantains, dumplings, squid balls, battered quail eggs, and fruit or
vegetable spring rolls.
B. Another important aspect of Filipino cuisine, including many fried foods, such as
bananas, plantains, dumplings, squid balls, battered quail eggs, and fruit or vegetable
spring rolls, is street food.
C. Street food—including many fried foods such as bananas, plantains, dumplings, and
squid balls—is another important aspect of Filipino cuisine, and it can also include
battered quail eggs, and fruit or vegetable spring rolls.
D. Including many fried foods such as bananas, plantains, dumplings, squid balls,
battered quail eggs, and fruit or vegetable spring rolls, street food is another important
aspect of Filipino cuisine.

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