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Introduction to Science,

Technology, and Society

Science, Technology, & Society
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College of Computing and Information Technologies

About Science

What is Science?

 Science is a method of investigating nature--a way of knowing about nature--

that discovers reliable knowledge about it.

 Science a knowledge about or study of the natural world based on the facts
learned through experiments and observations

 Science is the human activity of seeking natural explanations for what we

observe in the word around us.
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Science and Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is thinking correctly for oneself

that successfully leads to the most reliable
answers to questions and solutions to problems.

Scientific thinking is identical in theory and

practice, but the term would be used to describe
the method that gives you reliable knowledge
about the natural world.
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Scientific Method

Scientific method is principles and

procedures for the systematic pursuit
of knowledge involving the recognition
and formulation of a problem, the
collection of data through observation
and experiment, and the formulation
and testing of hypotheses.
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Components of Scientific and Critical Thinking

The scientific method is practiced within a context of scientific thinking, and

scientific (and critical) thinking is based on three things:

1. Empiricism: The Use of Empirical Evidence - Empirical evidence is evidence

that one can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell; it is evidence that is
susceptible to one's senses.
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Components of Scientific and Critical Thinking

2. Rationalism: The Practice of Logical Reasoning - Logic allows us to reason

correctly, but it is a complex topic and not easily learned. Logic is not an ability
that humans are born with or one that will gradually develop and improve on its
own but is a skill or discipline that must be learned within a formal educational
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Components of Scientific and Critical Thinking

3. Skepticism: Possessing a Skeptical Attitude - the constant questioning of

your beliefs and conclusions. Good scientists and critical thinkers constantly
examine the evidence, arguments, and reasons for their beliefs. Self-
deception and deception of yourself by others are two of the most common
human failings. Self-deception often goes unrecognized because most
people deceive themselves.
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Scientific Theories

A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can

be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method,
using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of
results. Where possible, theories are tested under controlled conditions in an
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10 Scientific Laws

Let us start the countdown:

10. Big bang theory - The theory of the

big bang gained widespread support in
the scientific community after Arno
Penzias and Robert Wilson
discovered cosmic microwave
background radiation in 1965.
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9. Hubble’s Law of Cosmic Expansion -
While the 1920s roared past and the
Great Depression limped by, Hubble
was performing groundbreaking
astronomical research. Hubble not only
proved that there were other galaxies
 besides the Milky Way, he also
discovered that these galaxies were
zipping away from our own, a motion he
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called recession.
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8. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion -
Kepler's three laws of planetary motion —
formed in the early 17th century —
describe how planets orbit the sun. The
first law, sometimes called the law of
orbits, The second law, the law of areas,
The third one, the law of periods.
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7. Universal Law of Gravitation - The
benefit of the universal law of gravitation
is that it allows us to calculate the
gravitational pull between any two
objects. This ability is especially useful
when scientists are, say, planning to put
a satellite in orbit or charting the course
of the moon.
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6. Newton’s Law of Motion - His three 
laws of motion form an essential
component of modern physics. The 1st
law states an object in motion stays in
motion unless acted upon by an outside
force. The 2nd law represents force,
measured in Newtons. The 3rd law for
every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
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5. Laws of Thermodynamics is the study
of how energy works in a system,
whether it's an engine or Earth's core.
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4. Archimedes’ Buoyancy Principle -
According to Archimedes' buoyancy
principle, the force acting on, or buoying,
a submerged or partially submerged
object equals the weight of the liquid that
the object displaces.
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3. Evolution and Natural Selection -
Populations of organisms developed
different traits, through mechanisms
such as mutation. Those with traits that
were more beneficial to survival such as,
a frog whose brown coloring allows it to
be camouflaged in a swamp, were
naturally selected for survival; hence the
term natural selection
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2. Theory of General Relativity -
Einstein's breakthrough was to say that
space and time are not absolute and that
gravity is not simply a force applied to an
object or mass. Rather, the gravity
 associated with any mass curves the
very space and time (often called space-
time) around it.
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1. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle - In
postulating his Uncertainty Principle,
Heisenberg realized that it was
impossible to simultaneously know, with
a high level of precision, two properties
of a particle. In other words, you can
know the position of an electron with a
high degree of certainty, but not its
momentum and vice versa.
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About Technology

What is Technology?

 Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in

the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives,
such as scientific investigation and audience

 Technology the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or

applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives.
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History of Technology: From the Earliest Tools to the Modern Age

We humans like to think of ourselves as master tool builders – and certainly, as

we stand at the threshold of the wonders of the 21 st century, we have much to
be proud of. But we’re really the heritors of a long traditional of life, in all its
forms, fashioning tools from lifeless materials born long ago in the hearts of
massive stars. So here’s a brief history of technology, from 4 billion years ago
to the beginnings of the modern age.
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Uses of Technology in 21st Century Jobs

Technology is indispensable in our work-lives, and it pervades every aspect of

businesses and the public space.

Here are 10 ways in which technology has become an integral part of everyday
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Uses of Technology in 21st Century Jobs

1. Communications technologies

2. Office productivity

3. Record keeping and retrieval

4. Internet and search

5. Decentralized work and cloud computing

6. Analytics and new decision structures

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Uses of Technology in 21st Century Jobs

7. Automation, robotics and future factories

8. Adoption of virtual and augmented reality

9. Conversational systems: Chatbots, assistants

10. Information security

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Emerging Technologies and Application

Global society is embracing brave new ideas and technologies at an

unprecedented pace and scale. The good news is that a growing number of
elected officials around the world understand these challenges and they're
confronting problems with mission-critical digital government leadership that
will ultimately help solve societal problems while transforming the public sector
into an innovative leader for the new economy of the 21st century" (
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The leading emerging Technologies in 2017 and beyond

1. Augmented Reality 7. Civic Technology 

2. Internet of DNA 8. Quantum Computing

3. Game-Based Learning 9. Artificial Intelligence

4. Machine & Computer Vision 10. Speech Recognition

5. Nanotechnology & Genetic Engineering

6. Machine Translation, Language Assistance Tools

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About Society

What is Society?

 Society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and

culture. Social Groups consist of two or more people who interact and identify
with one another.

 Society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a

large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject
to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
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Types of Societies

The society we live in did not spring up overnight; human societies have
evolved slowly over many millennia. However, throughout history, technological
developments have sometimes brought about dramatic change that has
propelled human society into its next age.
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Hunting and Gathering Societies
Survive by hunting game and gathering edible plants. Until about 12,000 years
ago, all societies were hunting and gathering societies.

There are Five basic characteristics of hunting and gathering societies:

1. The primary institution is the family, which decides how food is to be shared
and how children are to be socialized, and which provides for the protection
of its members.
2. They tend to be small, with fewer than fifty members.
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3. They tend to be nomadic, moving to new areas when the current food supply
in a given area has been exhausted.
4. Members display a high level of interdependence.
5. Labor division is based on sex: men hunt, and women gather.
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Horticultural Societies
In a Horticultural Society, hand tools are used to tend crops . The first
horticultural societies sprang up about 10,000–12,000 years ago in the most
fertile areas of the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. The tools they used
were simple: sticks or hoe-like instruments used to punch holes in the ground
so that crops could be planted. With the advent of horticultural machinery,
people no longer had to depend on the gathering of edible plants—they could
now grow their own food. They no longer had to leave an area when the food
supply was exhausted, as they could stay in one place until the soil was
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Pastoral Societies
A Pastoral Society relies on the domestication and breeding of animals for
food. Some geographic regions, such as the desert regions of North Africa,
cannot support crops, so these societies learned how to domesticate and breed
animals. The members of a pastoral society must move only when the grazing
land ceases to be usable. Many pastoral societies still exist in Africa, Latin
America, and parts of Asia.
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Industrial Societies
An Industrial Society uses advanced sources of energy, rather than humans
and animals, to run large machinery . Industrialization began in the mid-1700s,
when the steam engine was first used in Great Britain as a means of running
other machines.
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Postindustrial Societies
A Postindustrial Society, the type of society that has developed over the past
few decades, features an economy based on services and technology, not
There are three major characteristics of a postindustrial economy:
1. Focus On Ideas: Tangible goods no longer drive the economy.
2. Need For Higher Education: Factory work does not require advanced
training, and the new focus on information and technology means that people
must pursue greater education.
3. Shift In Workplace From Cities To Homes: New communications
technology allows work to be performed from a variety of locations.
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Mass Society
As industrialized societies grow and develop, they become increasingly
different from their less industrialized counterparts. As they become larger,
they evolve into large, impersonal mass societies. In a Mass Society,
individual achievement is valued over kinship ties, and people often feel
isolated from one another. Personal incomes are generally high, and there is
great diversity among people.
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Social Issues in Today’s Society

Top Ten Social Issues:

The world has had to tackle several social issues, and it would be interesting to
list the top ten social issues that have hit humanity. In this way, we can analyze
where we are heading towards. With this brief introduction we shall now
proceed to look into the top ten social issues that have made an impact on this
entire world.
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5. Poverty:
1. Obesity: 3. Youth Alcohol Usage:
Strategic Focus: Self-Sufficiency
Strategic Focus: Health Strategic Focus: Health

2. Smoking:
Strategic Focus: Health

4. Transportation:
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Strategic Focus: Self-Sufficiency

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7. Homelessness: 9. Teen Violence and Abuse:
Strategic Focus: Self-Sufficiency Strategic Focus: Education

6. Basic Needs:
Strategic Focus: Self-Sufficiency
8. Homeless Population:
Strategic Focus: Self-Sufficiency
10. Teen Depression and Suicide:
Strategic Focus: Education
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Some of the major social issues include, but are not limited to:

1. Abortion 11. Suicide and Assisted Suicide

2. Censorship 12. Illegal Immigration
3. Public Nudity 13. Genital Mutilation
4. Blasphemy Laws 14. Gun Rights
5. Capital Punishment 15. Corporal Punishment
6. Bullying 16. Drug Laws
7. Alcohol Laws 17. Tobacco and Smoking Laws
8. Grambling Laws 18. Prostitution Laws
9. Ageism / Youth Rights 19. Age of Consent
10. School Leaning Age 20. Gay Marriage
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1.What are the idea / principles of science?

2.List at least five scientific laws and theories and briefly discuss.

3.Enumerate the different uses of technology in the 21 st century.

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