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Caption is a brief text to complete a picture or illustration.
(Caption adalah teks singkat untuk melengkapi gambar atau ilustrasi.)

Function of caption :
Caption is used to explain or reinforce the message in a picture, chart, graphic,
table, or diagram.
(Caption digunakan untuk menjelaskan atau memperkuat pesan dalam gambar,
bagan, grafik, tabel, atau diagram.)
Generic structure of caption
(Struktur umum teks caption)

• The title
• The lead
• Section Heading
Language Features

• Exclamation
• Question
• Adjective Phrase
• Personal Phrase
Rule of Writing a caption? (Aturan Penulisan)
1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question) {dengan dibuatnya
caption pada foto, maka harus bisa menjawab apa yang ingin diketahui oleh
pembaca. Seperti siapa, dimana, kapan dll.)
2. Use present tense on the first sentence (Gunakan present tense jika ingin
membuat caption berupa wejangan atau kata-kata motivasi)
3. Caption are written in a complete sentences (Biasanya caption dibuat
dengan menggunakan kalimat utuh tanpa adanya kesan setengah-setengah)
4. Clearly identify the people and location in the photo (Mencantumkan
siapa, dan dimana pada foto ketika caption yang kalian buat memberitakan
suatu kejadian atau peristiwa)
5. Identify the person from left to right (Menuliskan semua orang yang ada di
How to a write caption text? (Bagaimana cara menulis caption
1. Observe the picture or video you will give the caption (amati
foto atau video yang akan diberikan caption)
2. Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before
you write caption (Cari /beri pesan yang terkandung dalam foto
sebelum menulis caption)
3. Write sentence or phrase under the picture (tulislah kalimat
atau frasa dibawah atau dimanapun yang sesuai pada gambar)
1. Identification bar : It only states the subject the picture or
who is in the picture
Example :

Taufik Hidayat Indonesian badminton player

wins gold medal in 2004 Athena Olympics.
2. Cutline : It is often be found in the media. It states who is in
the picture and what he/she is doing.
Example :

Police officers’ cordon off a road in front of the Police Mobile Brigade
headquarters (Mako Brimob) in Depok, West Java, on Wednesday
morning following a riot inside the Mako Brimob detention center.
3. Summary : It makes the information on the picture be more
detailed by giving the information of who, what, when, where,
and how.
Example :

Passengers wearing protective masks and face shields queues for a public
bus, following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, at a central
bus spot in Jakarta, July 27 2020. The health ministry reported 1,525 new
cases and 57 deaths on Monday, taking the total number of infections and
fatalities to 100,303 and 4,838 respectively.
4. Expanded : It is a caption that contains a completed information and
usually be written fonger than any kinds of caption.
Example :

Slam dunk… Making the final basket of the season against the Bonanza
Bengals, junior Jhon Smith sealed the fate of the team at the Lawlor
Events Center Feb. 11. Smith sunk the winning shot as the buzzer
sounded, ending the game 102 – 100. “it was really like that in real life;
the shot felt like it was in slow motion- like in the movies,” said Smith
5. Group identification : It states the subject of the picture,
which usually more than a person.
Example :

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his wife, Sophie Gregorie

Trudeau, their sons Hadrien and Xavier, and daughter Ella Grace, second
right, prepare to pose in fornt of Taj mahal in Agra,india on sunday
6. Quote : It is a caption that is usually used to express a message
indirectly. Quote is usually taken from a writing or statement of
famous figures
Example :

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

(Quote from: Thomas Edison)

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