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Institutions (MSIs)
(as of May 18, 2021)
MSIs’ Program Offerings
1st Semester AY 2020-21

Program Offering
1 Balabagan Trade School (BTS),
Balabagan, Lanao del Sur Master of Arts in Education

Bachelor of Elementary Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Senior High School

Junior High School

2 Hadji Butu School of Arts and
Trades (HBSAT), Jolo, Sulu Bachelor of Secondary Education

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Bachelor of Science in Technical and Livelihood Education

Two-Year Technical Trade Education

Junior High School

MSIs’ Program Offerings

1st Semester AY 2020-21

Program Offering
3 Lanao Agricultural College (LAC),
Lumbatan, Lanao del Sur Master of Arts in Educational Management

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Agronomy

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Animal Science

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

Bachelor of Elementary Education

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Certificate in Professional Education Program

Agricultural Technology

Junior High School

Senior High School

MSIs’ Program Offerings
1st Semester AY 2020-21

  MSI Program Offering

4 Lapak Agricultural School (LAS),
Siasi, Sulu Master of Arts in Education
Master of Science in Agriculture
Master of Public Administration
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Bachelor in Secondary Education
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Senior High School
Junior High School
MSIs’ Program Offerings
1st Semester AY 2020-21

  MSI Program Offering

5 Unda Memorial National Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Administration
Agricultural School (UMNAS), Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
Masiu, Lanao del Sur
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
Senior High School
Junior High School
6 Upi Agricultural School –
Provincial Technical Institute of Bachelor of Elementary Education
Agriculture, (UAS-PTIA) Upi, Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Home
Maguindanao Economics
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Crop Science
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major in Animal Science
Junior High School
Senior High School
MSIs Enrolment Data
AYs 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21

1st Semester 1st Semester
  1st Semester AY 2016-17 1st Semester AY 2017-18 1st Semester AY 2018-19 AY 2019-20 AY 2020-21
  Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher
  Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total
1 BTS 560 174 734 707 229 936 764 333 1,097

2 HBSAT 1,808 428 2,236 2247 237 2,484 2,181 126 2,307
3 LAC 947 284 1,231 671 197 868 618 183 801

4 LAS 1,157 537 1.694 997 297 1,294 863 355 1,218

5 UMNAS 867 135 1.002 894 201 1,095 782 276 1,058

6 UAS 653 780 1,433 956 524 1,480 950 447 1,397 1,121 362 1,483 1,362 417 1,779

  TOTAL 6,289 2,005 8,294 6,638 1523 8,161 6,344 1,684 8,028
MSIs Graduates Data
AYs 2017-18. 2018-19 & 2019-2020

    AY 2015-16 AY 2016-17 AY 2017-18 AY 2018-19 AY 2019-2020

Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher Basic Higher
    Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total Educ. Educ. Total
1BTS 116 49 165 161 103 264 186 17 203
2HBSAT 387 140 527 413 157 570 389 45 434
3LAC 57 25 82 68 27 95 180 22 202
4LAS 221 190 411 340 216 556 271 40 311
5UMNAS 808 97 905 884 183 1,067 145 11 156

6UAS 65 220 285 76 244 320 181 187 368 235 207 442 248 95 343
  TOTAL 1770 688 2458 2101 893 2,994 1,419 229 1,648
MSIs Faculty, Administrative and Staff
2nd Semester AY 2020-21

  MSI Basic Higher Total Administrativ Personnel
Education Education Faculty e & Staff

1Balabagan Trade School 10 14 24 24 46

2Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades 60 17 77 32 109

3Lanao Agricultural College 28 20 48 26 74

4Lapak Agricultural School 25 17 42 26 68

5Unda Memorial National Agricultural School 16 3 19 8 27
6Upi Agricultural School 7 30 37 38 75
  TOTAL 192 102 294 149 387
MSIs Tuition & Miscellaneous Fees
1st Semester AY 2020-21

Tuition Fee Per Miscellaneous

    Sem Fee
1BTS 1,600/semester
2HBSAT 0/unit 970
3LAC 15/unit 150
4LAS 0/unit 655
5UMNAS 0/unit 0
6UAS 100/unit 1,200
MSIs Data:
Higher Education Department
Completion Rate
AY 2019-20

  Completion Rate
MSI AY 2019-2020
1Balabagan Trade School 66.40%

2Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades 58.15%

3Lanao Agricultural College 95.00%
4Lapak Agricultural School 100.00%
Unda Memorial National Agricultural
5 School 82.20%
6Upi Agricultural School 68.80%
  Average Completion Rate 78.43%

Completion rate = the no. of graduates in AY 2018-19 (1st sem + 2nd sem + summer graduates)
the no. of 1st year students in the first semester of AY 2015-16
Classroom : Student Ratio*
MBHTE-Supervised Institutions (MSIs)
1st Semester AY 2020-21

High School College

  CSI Dept. Dept.
1Balabagan Trade School (BTS) 1:52 1:50
2Hadji Butu School of Arts and Trades (HBSAT) 1:70 1:40
3Lanao Agricultural College (LAC) 1:56 1:31
4Lapak Agricultural School (LAS) 1:30 1:30
5Unda Memorial National Agricultural School (UMNAS) 1:85 1:62
6Upi Agricultural School (UAS) 1:60 1:46
  AVERAGE 1:59 1:43

* Computation based only on no. of functional classrooms. Some classrooms are still
existent yet already not functional and HAZARDOUS to the occupants.
Enrolment in BARMM HEIs*
AY 2019-20

Province PHEI MSI LUC SUC Total

Basilan 4,609 - - 627 5,236
Lanao del Sur 11,966 665 - 11,380 24,011
Maguindanao 9,991 362 227 2,755 13,335
Sulu 2,584 634 - 7,388 10,606
Tawi-Tawi 2,107 - - 4,003 6,110
TOTAL 31,257 1,661 227 26,153 59,298

Note s :
1) PHEI - Pri vate Hi ghe r Educati on Ins ti tuti on
MSI - MBHTE-Supe rvi s e d Ins ti tuti on
LUC - Local Uni ve rs i ty and Col l e ge
SUC - State Uni ve rs i ty and Col l e ge
2) The re 's onl y 1 LUC i n BARMM - the Re gi onal Madras ah Graduate Acade my i n Bul uan, Magui ndanao.
3) The re i s no CSI i n Bas i l an and Tawi -Tawi provi nce s .
* Doe s not ye t i ncl ude 17 PHEIs and 1 SUC i n Cotabato Ci ty and 1 SUC e xte ns i on campus i n Batul awan,
Pi ki t, Cotabato al re ady wi thi n the ge ographi cal juri s di cti on of BARMM due to the BOL rati fi cati on
* Data for AY 2020-21 are s ti l l be i ng col l e cte d due to the fact that the 1s t s e me s te r e nrol me nt i s s ti l l goi ng on.

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