2 - Stages of Man's Growth

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Stages of Human

I. The Prenatal Time
or Pregnancy Period
(9 months before birth)
 Ovum (1st 2 weeks)
- fertilized cell attaches to the uterus &
divides into millions of cells
 Embryo (2 weeks – 2 mos.)
-there’s differentiation into different
 Fetal Stage (2 mos.-birth)
- structures continue to develop … heart,
lungs, nervous system)
Characteristics of Prenatal
 Time of fixed hereditary endowment,
which serves as the foundation for
later development
 Favorable conditions on mother’s
body = foster hereditary potentials...
Unfavorable conditions = stunt
development even distort pattern of
future development
Characteristics ...
 Sex of newly created individual is fixed
once and for all at the time of conception
 Stage of proportionally greater growth and
development taking place
 Time when significant people form
attitudes towards newly created individual
(will leave marked influence)
 Time of many hazards (physical &
Infancy (birth-2 wks)
 Adjustment to outside world
 Use organs for breathing, swallowing and
elimination of body wastes
 Reflexes are present
 A plateau in development
 A preview of later development (preface)
Babyhood (2wks-2 yrs)
 Growth in height and change in body
 Great dependence of the mother or
Babyhood Characteristics
 It is the true foundation age (behavior)
 Age of rapid growth and change
 Age of decreasing dependency & increased
 Beginning of socialization
 Beginning of sex-role typing
 Appealing age
 Beginning of creativity
 Hazardous age
Early childhood(2-6 y.O.)

 Bones grow and harden (some are

fused 260 - 206)
 Muscles increase in weight
Early Childhood Characteristics
 Activity Age (tasks)
 Discovery Age (environment)
 Exploration Age (manipulates)
 Socialization age
 Imitation (copies models who gets his
 Play age
Early Childhood Characteristics..
 Vocabulary age (thru interactions)
 Curiosity Age
 Inquisitive/Questioning age
 Troublesome age
Emotional Development

 Emotions (love, fear, joy, jealousy, anger)

Strongly and openly expressed
Lasts only for a few minutes
Dealing With Children’s Fear
 Setting up counter-resources and skills
helpful in meeting helpful situation
 Promoting familiarity w/ feared object
but not coercion
 Arranging to observe others who show
no fear in the feared situation
 Direct reconditioning
Social Development
 Development of Child’s Self-concept
Great Influences:
Playmates, Teachers, Peers, Classmates
 Sex-Role Identification (inborn, learned,
reinforced further by significant others)
 Father-Son Relationships & Masculine
 Role of early Childhood Education
Role of the Family
 Support (physiological & psychological)
 Model
 Identity (careful feedback, family gathering)
 Love
 Encouragement
Children Learn What They Live
 Criticism - Condemn
 Hostility - Fight
 Ridicule - Shy
 Shame - Guilty
 Encouragement – Confidence
 Praise – Appreciate
 Security – Faith
 Fairness – Justice
 Approval – Like himself
 Acceptance & Friendship- Find Love in the world
Late childhood(6-12 y.O.)

 Cognitive and language development take

 Development of perceptual, social,
emotional aspects
Late childhood Characteristics
According to Parents:
 Troublesome age (peer influence)
 Sloppy age
According to Educators:
 Critical Period in Achievement Drive
According to Psychologists:
 Gang age
 Age of conformity
 Play age
Essential Elements of Discipline
Aid in Building a Moral Code
 Emphasize reasons why certain patterns of
behavior are acceptable, why not
• Praise or special treat
 (+-+ approach)
• What is right today is still right tomorrow ...
Puberty (12-13 y.o.)

 Transition period from childhood to

maturity (Prepubescent, Pubescent, Postpubescent)
 Development of primary and secondary
sex characteristics
 Time of rapid growth & change
 A negative phase
 Occurs at variable age
 Heightened emotionality
Adolescence (13-21 y.o.)
 Emotional & sexual development
 Stage of hero worship/object of admiration
 Strong peer approval & disapproval
 Period of stress and tension
Characteristics of Adolescence
 Important Period
 Transitional Period
 Period of change
 Problem age
 Time of search foe Identity
 Dreaded Age
 Time of Unrealism
 Threshold to Adulthood
Common Causes of Family Friction
 Standards of Behavior
 Methods of Discipline
 Relationships with siblings
 Feeling victimized
 Hypercritical Attitudes
 Family size
 Immature behavior
 Rebellion against relatives
 Latchkey Problems (Social life break family rules)
Danger Signals of Adolescent
 Irresponsibility (neglect)
 Overly aggressive
 Insecurity feelings
 Feelings of martyrdom
 Excessive daydreaming
 Regression to earlier levels of behavior
 Use of defense mechanisms
 Rebellion against relatives
Early adulthood (21-40 y.o.)

 Establishment of ego identity

 Finishing a vocation
 Starting a career
 Establishment of permanent personal
 Courtship & marriage take place
Early adulthood Characteristics
 Settling down age
 Reproductive age
 Problem age (w/o parental consent)
 Period of emotional tension
 Time of Commitment
 Time of value change
 Adjustment to new lifestyles
Middle Age(40-60 y.o.)

 Sandwich generation
 Menupausal/climacteric
 Prime of life
 Realizing one’s ambition for family, work,
 Reaching peak of one’s economic career
Middle Age Characteristics
 Dreaded Age (not getting younger)
 Time of transition
 Time of Stress
 Dangerous age (overwork)
 Awkward age
 Time of Achievement
 Time of evaluation
 Evaluated by a double standard
 Time of boredom (routine work of some)
Old Age(60 y.o. and onwards)

 Retirement period
 Loss of work, friends, spouse
 Physical & personality changes
 Decline in strength & health
 Period of many ailments

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