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Fertilizing Through The

Liquid Medium

3 Liquid Manures are very quick to make and hence very useful during
the farm conversion eriod
± uts the material through a fermentation rocess
± acts like a quarantine es  when you get material from outside which are
likely to have chemical residues
3 Used as a lant tonic (to rovide nutrients like nitrogen, hos horous)
± this is a su lement and hence use only after 20-25 days after sowing
3 Different ty es of liquid manures can be made redominantly from
locally available lant materials
± Even weeds on your farm can be used
3 Weeds indicate a deficiency in a certain element and it hel s ut the deficient elements
back into the soil
3 Weeds are often called accumulator lants for this reason
3 Used also as a insect/ est & fungal control and to rovide trace

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3 To rovide nitrogen
± Foliage from Gliricidia, esbania, unhem or —lfalfa (has 24% Nitrogen)
± Fish meal (crushed heads and other waste arts of fish ± es  good for fodder
cro s & vegetables)
± Neem, Castor, Pongemia cake
3 To rovide hos horous
± use Chicken/ Cow dung or even Pigeon dung
3 To rovide Potassium
± Bat dung
± Bats eat a rich variety of insects and the dung is rich in Potassium and Urea
3 To rovide micro-nutrients
± ea Weed
± t also is a good source for Potash
3 To rovide trace elements
± Your locally available weeds (including Parthenium)
± Yarrow

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3 nsect Control
± Marigold , Neem, Calitro is, Datura, Jatro a,
± Neem+Gliricidia
3 50-50 very good
± Gliricidia leaves
3 es  good for re elling cater illars
± Lantana
3 This lant is rarely sick
3 Has an ingredient that gives it this resistance
3 Fungus Control
± Casurina (Whis ering Tree)
3 Es  good in orange orchards

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3 For leaves/flowers
± Use a 200 litre drum
± Fill the drum ¾ full with the material
± Fill with water till the material is com letely immersed
3 For oil cake, seaweed
± Use 125 kg er 200 litre drum
3 Mix each BD re  (502-506) from a BD set (1 gm each) in a
CPP ball and lace just below the surface
± You can ack each ball in a coconut fibre ouch
3 BD507 is stirred with a little water and oured into the drum
3 Place 3 bricks on the surface of the foliage to kee the leaves
below water level
3 Cover with gunny sack to revent water eva oration

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3 Let the re aration stay undisturbed for two

3 —fter after 2 weeks stir daily
± Otherwise the material will rot and anaerobic
fermentation will ha en and you will have a terrible
± Kee the drums along a road well travelled by you so
that every time you walk ast the drums you can give
it a good stir
3 t is ready for use in 8-10 weeks
3 Can last/store for 6 months

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3 Use in a dilution of 1:10

± ie 4 litres to 40 litres er acre
± tir for 10 minutes before a lying
3 — ly 2 days before full moon in the evening
3 —lternate every 2 weeks with CPP a lication
till 2 weeks before harvest

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3 Uses 5 by- roducts from the cow

± Cow Dung 10 Kg
± Ghee 2 Kg
± Milk 5 Lts
± Curd 5 Lts
± Cow Urine 5 Lts

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3 1st day mix cow dung and ghee and let it stand
± Mix just like we did for making the CPP
3 Mix in the curd, urine and milk and stir well for 5 minutes
3 You can hasten the rocess by adding either 1 Kg of jaggery or
coconut water (from 2 coconuts)
± this gets the yeasts rolling
3 You can o tionally add 10 bananas
3 —dd ½ Kg CPP
3 tir every day
± You cannot add the Pre s because it needs to be stirred everyday
3 Ready after 15 days
± Yields about 25 litres of Panchagavya
± t will be golden coloured and sweet smelling when ready

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3 Use at 5% dilution ie for 100 liters add 5 liters of Panchagavya

3 100 liters er acre after dilution
3 For fruit trees
± Use this as a foliar a lication every month
3 For a field cro
± 3 times
3  ray during the evening and descending moon
3 Can be used to withstand a drought ± because the ghee uts a
thin film on the leaves and lessens the trans iration
3 Can be used as a seed dressing ± 5% dilution
3 —fter green manure loughed in use this to s eed u the
decom osition
3 n low ressure irrigation system be careful because the fat can
clog u the s rinkler and there can be small articles

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