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Hafifah, M.Pd
English Program
Obligation is a necessity to do/ give strong advice about a good ideas. An obligation is a c
ourse of action that someone is required to take.
“ So, obligation adalah situasi dimana kita harus melakukan sesuatu karena itu adalah tug
as/kewajiban kita”

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The use of should


Should is used to talk about obligation, things

that are necessary to do.
1 . Should + V1
We use this to talk about future obligation or advice.
The time of doing is often not really matter.

The us e o f s h o u l d Ex:
You should take your medicine.
You should call your teacher tomorrow

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Should is used to talk about obligation, things

that are necessary to do.
2. Should + be + V-ing
We use this to talk about present obligation that nee
ds to be done. It may also be used to express predica
tion, probability, or what is likely.

The us e o f s h o u l d Ex:
They should be taking a rest for a while
He should be consulting his essay sooner

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Should is used to talk about obligation, things

that are necessary to do.
3. Should + have + V3
We use this to talk about past obligation. It may also
express regret due to failure to do the obligation.

The us e o f s h o u l d I should have done all my video project

She should have bought her assignment to Mr. Jodhi

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Obligation / Necessity
OBLIGATION In our daily life, we often ask and talk about obligati
on or necessity. Simply speaking, obligation means
our duty or something we have to do. While, necessi
ty is less mandatory than obligation.

Some expression we can use to ask and talk about o


Asking for Obligation Stating Obligation

 what should you do as a students?  We should … (study hard)
 What must we do now?  We must … ( clean the house)
 What do I have to do?  You have to call your parents now.
 What are we ought to do?  We are ought to practice the new dance

Have to / M u s t

We use must or have to to say that it is neces

sary to do something. There is sometimes a d
ifference between must and have to.

Must, the speakers are giving their own feelin

gs, saying what they think is necessary:
Ex: I must study English if I want to pass the

Have to, the speakers are not giving their feel

ings. They are just giving facts:
Ex: Students have to wear uniforms at this sc

N o te s : )

 Must/have to = 100% obligation. Should = 50% obliga

tion. It’s more an advice than and obligation.
On the other words, must/have to is a higher than shoul
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