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Course code:8602


Introduction to measurement assessment
and evaluation
Resource person :Muhammad Ilyas

Online Workshop



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 You can ask questions through chat box.

 Last ten minutes will be for discussions

and queries
Todays session will cover following aspects

• Concept of measurement, assessment and evaluation

• Classroom Assessment: Why, What, How and When
• Types of Classroom Assessment
• Principles of Classroom Assessment
• Role of class room assessment
What do you know about ?

Measurement Assessment Evaluation

Your idea ? Your idea? Your idea?

Measurement, assessment and evaluation

• the process of obtaining numerical values of students progress.
• the process of assigning numerical values.
• process provides the information regarding how much a student has learnt.
• Measurement provides quantitative description of the students’ performance
• For example: paper marks in numbers,
• for example Raffia solved 23 arithmetic problems out of 40. But it does not include
the qualitative aspect for example, Raffia's work was neat.
Measurement, assessment and evaluation

• It is a process to collect, analyze, interpret and communicate the information about student
• Educational assessment is the process of documenting usually in measureable terms,
knowledge, skills and attitudes
• The process of gathering information to make informed decisions
• It might be qualitative or quantitative.
• Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. For example, a teacher may assess the
knowledge of English language through a test and assesses the language proficiency of the
students through any other instrument for example oral quiz or presentation. Based upon this
view, we can say that every test is assessment but every assessment is not the test.
Measurement, assessment and evaluation
• Testing
•Test is a tool used to collect information about students learning.
•Set of questions in organized way.
•Is a systematic procedure to measure a students learning.
•Is quantitative descriptions.
•Other tools for students information
e.g.: Observation, interview etc.
Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation

• Evaluation
• Is a process of value judgment.
• Evaluation is much more comprehensive term than measurement and assessment.
• It includes both quantitative and qualitative descriptions of students’ performance.
• It always provides a value judgment regarding the desirability of the performance
for example, Very good, good etc.
• The central idea in evaluation is "value." When we evaluate a variable, we are
basically judging its worthiness, appropriateness and goodness.
Measurement, assessment and evaluation
Classroom Assessment: Why, What, How and

• It is an integral part of teaching learning process.

• It is widely accepted that effectiveness of teaching learning process is directly
influenced by assessment.
• Hamidi (2010) developed a framework to answer the Why; What, How and When to
assess. This is helpful in understanding the true nature of this concept.
• Why to Assess: Teachers have clear goals for instruction and they assess to ensure
that these goals have been or are being met.
• What to Assess: In classroom assessment, teachers are supposed to assess
students' current abilities in a given skill or task. The teacher can assess students’
knowledge, skills or behaviour related to a particular field.
Classroom Assessment: Why, What, How and When

• Who to Assess: Teachers should treat students as 'real learners', not as course or
unit coverers. Teachers should understand the level and ability of their learners
(e.g. slow learner, active)
• How to Assess: Teachers employ different instruments, formal or informal, to
assess their students. They can adjust the assessment types to what they are going
to assess.
• When to Assess: There is a strong agreement of educationists that assessment is
interwoven into instruction. Teachers continue to assess the students learning
throughout the process of teaching. (E.g. Formative and summative assessment)
Types of Classroom Assessment

• Assessment is a purposeful activity aiming to facilitate students’

learning and to improve the quality of instruction.
• Assessment is systematic way to collect data of students learning
interpetate and report .
• Generally divided in two types.
• Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)
• Summative Assessment( Assessment of Learning)
Types of classroom assessment

Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)

• Day to day (e.g. class room test daily, interview to diagnose the students, question
during lecture to check students activeness)
• Gather qualitative and quantitative both
• Ongoing and continuous process
• The purpose of this assessment is to improve teaching learning process
• Use for immediate decisions in students learning
• Help teachers to determine next step during the learning process.
Types of classroom assessmentin

• Instructional strategies of formative assessment

• Observation
• Questioning strategies
• Self and peer assessment
• Students record keeping
Types of classroom assessment

• Summative assessment (Assessment of Learning)

• Evaluate the students learning at the end of the semester or year.(E.g
end test, final paper)
• The purpose of this assessment is to help the teacher, students and
parents know how well student has completed the learning task.
• is used to assign a grade to a student which indicates his/her level of
achievement in the course or program.
Types of classroom assessment
• Types of summative assessment
• Final Examination (a truly summative examination)
• Term Examination(submitted at the end of session)
• Projects (submitted at the end of session)
Principles of Effective Classroom Assessment

• Main principles of classroom assessment when you are going to assess

your class. Following are some the some main principal to assess the
• It should be
• Be formative
• Be Clearly objectives
• Be Specific
• Be Diagnostics (leaner strengths and weakness)
• Be Well-planned and organized
• It should serves the teacher, the student and institution.
• Be Flexible not rigid
• Be Learner centered
Role of classroom assessment
• To motivate students for learning (e.g. Low grade students
motivated for improvement
• To diagnose the problems, learning difficulties etc.(e.g.mathamtics
• For grading purpose (e.g. scoring, pass fail concept)
• Remedies of teaching to improve teaching
• Performance indicator for teacher, students and institution
Any Question? Please

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