Unit 4: Finding Problems and Writing Questions

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Unit 4: Finding

Problems and
Unit 4: Finding Problems and
Writing Questions
Introduction to the Topic:
This unit focuses on the process of
identifying research problems and creating
researchable questions. Critically analyzing
a research question is key to determining if it
is appropriate evidence for nursing practice.
of the

Figure 4.1
Nursing Research Concepts
• Abstract ideas that must be narrowed to
researchable questions for study
• Common categories for nursing research:
– Patient-sensitive concepts
– Staff-member-sensitive concepts
– Organizationally sensitive concepts
Sources of Research Problems
• Clinical practice observations
• Educational experiences
• Consumer/customer feedback and personal
• Theoretical models and frameworks
Sources of Research Questions
• Professional literature
• Performance improvement studies
• Research reports and priorities
• Social issues
The Research Question
• Specifically identifies the key elements to
be studied
• Guides the design and methodology
• Carefully constructed and refined
Classifications of Questions
• Descriptive
– Studies a subject of interest in a defined population or
• Analytic
– Studies that compare interventions and outcomes
Classifications of Questions
• Prospective
– Studies that are planned and carried out in the future
under control of the researcher
• Retrospective
– Studies that use existing secondary data to answer a
research question
The PICO Approach
• Population: Who is the patient, or what is
the population of interest?
• Intervention: What is the planned nursing
• Comparison: What is the comparison
• Outcome: What is the outcome of
Problem Statements
• Statements of the gap between what is
known and unknown
• Articulate the area of concern and provide
support for the extent of the problem
• Focus the research process on a known
nursing practice problem
Purpose Statements
• Objective statement indicating the general
goal of the study
• Describe the direction of the inquiry
• Contain the key variables to be studied,
their possible relationships, and the nature
of the population of interest
A Qualitative Example
Problem statement Purpose statement
“I have been surprised to find “To fill this gap, I began a
that while the neonatal study to answer the following
literature presents a research question: ‘How do
description of what happens parents interact with babies
when parents in the neonatal and nurses around the
unit are excluded from their provision of comfort care in a
babies’ pain management, it neonatal intensive care unit
does not provide a picture of where information and training
what happens when they are in comfort care have been
involved.” provided?”
A Quantitative Example
Problem statement Purpose statement
“To date, we have been unable “The main aim of this study
to find any research that was to investigate the extent to
compares the relative which (i) clinical indicators
contribution of (i) essential such as Hgb A1c, diabetes
clinical indicators of diabetes treatment, diabetes-related
regulation, (ii) coping styles, complications, disease
and (iii) perceived social duration and BMI, (ii) coping
support to the variation in styles, and (iii) perceived
diabetes-related distress support from healthcare
among adults with type 2 professionals and family are
diabetes.” related to diabetes-related
Research Questions
• Specify the population of interest
• Identify the variables to be measured
• Describe the comparison group
• Relate the outcome of interest
• Sometimes include the measurement
Research Requires All Three…
• Problem Statements
– Identify a gap in knowledge that requires
disciplined study
• Purpose Statements
– Declarations of intent of the study
• Research Questions
– Identify the specifics of who, what, when, and
how in a study
The Critical Reader
• Development gets more specific
• The purpose, problem, and question are
explicit and easy to find
• These statements are unbiased
• The design is described
• The population, variables, and setting are
• The purpose and design are congruent
FINER Criteria
• Used for evaluating the desirability of a
research question
– Feasible
– Interesting
– Novel
– Ethical
– Relevant
Feasibility of the Study
• Appraised prior to developing the study
• Evaluate:
– Requires resources
– Ethical considerations
– Specific variables to be studied
– Availability of the population
– Potential access to the setting
An Example…
Does the use of teach-back as a method of
validating discharge understanding
decrease diagnosis-related readmissions in
patients with heart failure, as compared with
patients who receive standard discharge
An Example…
What is the population?
Patients with heart failure
What is the intervention?
Teach-back method of validating discharge
What is the comparison group?
Those receiving standard discharge instructions
What is the outcome of interest?
Diagnosis related readmissions
• A research problem starts the research
• The purpose statement clearly identifies
what the study will accomplish
• The research question makes the
elements of the study explicit
• All three are needed to translate research
into practice

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