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(READINGS 1 & 2)

5th III – 2021 – Week 29


Before reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central Africa
Choose the correct answer.

1. The Black Sea is facing __________ catastrophe as a result of pollution.

a. ecological b. dotted c. rainfall d. vegetation

2. Many flowers of the heath grow on the central ___________.

a. ecological b. plateau c. grasslands d. climates

3. What is the definition of climate?

a. Weather b. Journey c. Rainfall d. Forest

4. What is the opposite of ecological?

a. Environmental b. Unsustainable c. Biological d. Organic

5. What is the synonym of oasis?

a. Harbor b. Journey c. Ecological d. Plateau
•While reading activities: The three Climate Zones of West and Central Africa

Listen to the story. Read along to practice your pronunciation.

[1] If you were to travel across West and Central Africa, you would see the landscape and
climate change a lot during your journey. You might visit rocky plains, green fields, and forests
full of tall trees. This is because there are three very different ecological zones in this part of
the world: The Sahel, The Savanna, and The Rainforest. The amount of rainfall is the main
difference between each zone.

[2] What would you see if you traveled to The Sahel? The landscape is mostly flat and sandy
with very few bodies of water, like a desert. In fact, it is a transitional zone between the Sahara
Desert to the north and the grasslands to the south. It shares characteristics with both deserts
and grasslands. Like a desert, it receives very little rainfall. However, some parts of the Sahel
are covered in short grasses, and there is just enough water for some trees and tough plants to

[3] South of the Sahel lies The Savanna, a huge grassy plateau dotted with trees. One of the
most important features of this ecological zone is its rainy season. Although this region is very
dry for part of the year, summer rains transform the savanna into an oasis. Because of this,
many kinds of vegetation that cannot survive in the dry Sahel grow in the savanna.
•After reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central África

Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

1. Main Idea What is the passage mainly about?

a. Landscape flat in Africa.

b. Deforestation.
c. Climate changes of West and Central Africa.
d. Ecological Zones in Africa.

2. Detail How many ecological zones exist?

a. It has eleven.
b. It has only three.
c. It has nine.
d. Only one.
•After reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central África

Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

3. Detail Which is INCORRECT about the passage?

a. The Sahel, The Savanna, and The Rainforest.

b. Many kinds of vegetation that cannot survive in the dry Sahel grow in the
c. Some parts of the Sahel are covered in short grasses.
d. The quantity of rainfall is not main difference between each zone.

4 . Detail Which one is CORRECT about the second paragraph?

a. South of the Sahel lies The Savanna.

b. The landscape is not flat and sandy in Sahel.
c. South of the Sahel lies The Savanna.
d. There is enough water for some trees and tough plants to grow.
•After reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central África

Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

5. Comprehension What is the main difference between each climate zone according
to paragraph 1?

a. The amount of rain that falls there.

b. The annual number of crops produced.
c. The types of vegetation that grow there.
d. Their size and location.

6. Comprehension The word it in paragraph 2 refers to:

a. The Sahara.
b. The landscape.
c. The Sahel.
d. The climate.
•After reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central África

Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

7. Comprehension The word dotted in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:

a. Concealed.
b. Illuminated.
c. Gathered.
d. Covered.

8. Comprehension Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential

information in the underlined sentence in the passage?

a. Plentiful rains nourish the diverse plant life that exists in the savanna.
b. The savanna is sometimes dry but receives plenty of rain in the summer.
c. The region south of the Sahel does not get much rainfall throughout the year.
d. Severe changes in weather are responsible for modifying the savanna landscape.  
•After reading activities: The Three Climate Zones of West and Central África

Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

9. Comprehension What does the landscape of Sahel look like?

a. Very dry.
b. Plentiful rains.
c. Huge plateau.
d. Sandy and flat.

10. Inference What can be inferred about the Sahara?

a. Many kinds of vegetation that cannot survive in the dry Sahel grow in The Savanna.
b. The amount of rainfall is the main difference between each zone of Central Africa.
c. The Sahel has a good landscape and good climate during the whole year.
d. None of the above.
Before reading activities: The food Chain
Choose the correct answer.

1. You don't want to__________ yourself too hard.

a) doom b) create c) push d) pull back

2. Whichever strategy parents may choose today; these ideas will surely continue to
_________ over time.
a) undergo b) evolve c) keep d) debate

3. What is the definition of “identical”?

a) Different b) Same c) Formal d) Informal

4. Which word is the synonym for “evolve”?

a) Change b) Create c) Include d) Argue

5. Which word is the antonym for “enforce”?

a) Apply b) Ignore c) Strength d) Weakness
While reading activities: The food Chain
Listen to the story. Read along to practice your pronunciation.

[1] Organisms that cannot make their own food depend on other living things to sustain them
and are called consumers. There are different levels of consumers; primary consumers include
plant-eating animals like mice. Known as herbivores, they eat only producers and do not
consume other animals. These primary consumers are themselves consumed by meat-eating
animals, or carnivores, referred to as secondary consumers. Cats are secondary consumers,
since they eat mice. (a) In some food chains, there are tertiary or third-level consumers. A wolf
that eats both cats and mice would be a tertiary consumer.
[2] Secondary and tertiary consumers that eat plants in addition to animals, such as pigs, cows,
and bears, are called omnivores. (b) The food chain does not end with tertiary consumers.
After being transferred from producers to consumers, the energy in a food chain moves to
decomposers. These are organisms like bacteria and fungi that break down dead tissues and
return nutrients to the soil to feed the growth of new producers. Thus, the food chain’s energy
continues to be exchanged.
[3] One way to visualize the energy within a food chain is as a pyramid with a wide base and
narrow top. (c) Only about 10% of the energy an organism receives through consumption is
transferred to the level above. The rest is used by the organisms for maintenance and
movement, or is lost as body heat. Consequently, the total amount of energy in the pyramid is
constantly decreasing as it rises through the different levels of consumers.
After reading activities: The food Chain
Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

1. Main Idea What is the passage mainly about?

a. It’s about food.

b. It’s about feeding relationships among organisms.
c. It’s about how animals get food.
d. It’s about how we can survive in jungle only with animals.

2. Detail What kind of consumer is a Wolf?

a. Primary consumers.
b. Secondary Consumers.
c. Tertiary Consumers.
d. None of the above.
After reading activities: The food Chain
Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

3. Detail Who are secondary consumers?

a. Fungi.
b. Bacteria.
c. Mice.
d. Cats.

4. Detail How many consumers does the food chain have?

a. Three consumers.
b. Four consumers.
c. Two consumers
d. Six consumers.
After reading activities: The food Chain
Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

5. Comprehension The word sustain in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:

a. Tolerate.
b. Boost.
c. Comfort.
d. Nourish.

6. Comprehension According to paragraph 1, what makes cats secondary consumers?

a. They are eaten by wolves.

b. They consume both meat and plants.
c. They feed on primary consumers.
d. They do not eat plant eating animals.
After reading activities: The food Chain
Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

7. Comprehension The word them in paragraph 1 refers to:

a. Organisms.
b. Consumers.
c. Herbivores.
d. Producers.

8. Comprehension Where would this sentence best fit in the passage?

“Therefore, lions and other carnivores that are high up on the pyramid have to eat
many herbivores in order to satisfy their energy requirements.”

a. In some food chains, there are tertiary or third-level consumers. A wolf that eats
both cats and mice would be a tertiary consumer…
b. The food chain does not end with tertiary consumers…
c. Only about 10% of the energy an organism receives through consumption is
transferred to the level above…
d. Consequently, the total amount of energy in the pyramid is constantly decreasing
as it rises through the different levels of consumers…
After reading activities: The food Chain
Read the questions and think about the best answers according to the text.

9. Comprehension What do primary consumers eat?

a. They eat cats and wolves.

b. They only eat plants and animals.
c. They eat only producers and do not consume other animals.
d. They only eat animals.

10. Inference What can be inferred about the passage?

a. The food chain is about how animals survive.

b. The food chain is important only for its 6 consumers.
c. The food chain is about how well we eat.
d. The food chain describes who eats whom in the wild.

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