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 Born some time in the closing year of

the 15th century
 Parents: Giovanni Pigafetta and
Angela Zoga
 The eldest child among his siblings
of 2
 Was a native of Vicenza, a town
about a hundred kilometers west of
Venice, Italy

 Studied astronomy, geography, and


 Commissioned by the King

Charles I of Spain to accompanied
Ferdinand Magellan together with
Juan Sebatián Elcano in the
famous expedition to Moluccas
which began in August 1519 and
ended in September 1522.
MARCH 17, 1521 (MARCH 16,1521) APRIL 1, 1521 (MARCH 31, 1521)
 Arrival in Zamal (Samar at  The first Mass in the Philippines
present) was held in Mazaua (Limasawa)
 The Island was called Humunu
APRIL 27, 1521 (APRIL 26, 1521)

 According to Zula (principal man/chief of Matan) Cilapulapu refused

to obey the king of Spagnia and requested one boatload of men so that
it might help him and fight against with the other chief
 The captain decided no to thither with three boatloads.
 At midnight, sixty men of us set out armed with corselets and
helmets, together with the Christian King, the prince, and some of the
chief men, and twenty or thirty balanguias.
 The captain did not wish to fight then
The message

 If they would obey the King of Spagnia, recognize the Christian King
as their sovereign, and pay us tribute, he would be their friend; but if
they wished otherwise, they should wait to see how our lances
The reply

 If we had lances they had lances of bamboo and stakes hardened with
fire. (They asked us) not to proceed to attack them at once, but to wait
until morning, so that they might have more men.
 When morning came forty-nine of us leaped into the water up to our
thighs, and walked through water for more than two crossbow flights
before we could reach the shore.
 The boats could not approach nearer because of certain rocks in the
o When we reached land,
those men formed in three
divisions to the number of
more than one thousand
five hundred persons.
o The local islanders formed
three divisions
o The captain cried to them,
“Cease firing! Cease
firing!” but his order was
not all headed.
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 Seeing that the captain-general sent some men to burn their houses in
order to terrify them --- they were roused to greater fury
 They shot the captain through the right leg with a poisoned arrow
 Ordered us to retire slowly
 Recognizing the captain, so many turned upon him that they knocked
his helmet twice but he always stood firmly like a good knight.
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oAn Indian hurled a bamboo spear in the

captain’s face, but the latter immediately
killed him with his lance, which he left in
the Indian’s body

oTrying to lay hand on sword, he could

draw it out but halfway, because he had
been wounded in the arm with a bamboo

oThey all hurled themselves upon him.

o One of them hurled him on the
left leg with a large cutlass.
o That caused the captain to fall
face forward, when
immediately they rushed upon
him with iron and bamboo
spears and with their
cutlasses, until they killed our
mirror, our light, and our true
o Among other virtues which he possessed, he was
more constant than every any one else in the great
o He endured hunger better than all the others
o More accurately than any man inn the world did
he understand sea charts and navigation.
o No other had had so much natural talent and
boldness to learn how to circumnavigate the
world, as he had almost done.
o The captain desired to fight on Saturday, April
27,1521 (April 27, 1521), because it was the day
especially holy to him.
o The Christian King sent a message with our
 8 of our men were killed with him in that consent to the people of Matan.
battle and four Indians.
o If they would give us the captain and the
 Of the enemy, only fifteen were killed other men who had been killed, we would
give them as much merchandise as they
o They intended to keep him as a memorial

The most cited documents by Historians who wished to

study the pre-colonial Philippines
It was the earliest detailed documentation
It was believed it was the writings account for the purest pre-
colonial society
 Pigafetta's journal is the only known document about Lapu-Lapu's life
 Served as an evidence that the world is round and not flat
 Aids the researchers and students of today in understanding the
context of the Magellan expedition and how the whole Europe-
Philippines conflict commenced.
 Philippine is rediscovered not discovered.

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