Fluid Mechanics Lecture 2

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Viscosity- It is a property of
fluid which offers resistance in
motion at one layer of fluid over
another adjacent layer.
Here a shear stress is present between
the adjacent layers because of flow ,
this shear stress is proportional to the
rate of change of velocity with respect
to y (as shown in dia.).
Shear stress is denoted by ‘Ʈ’ (tau).
i.e. Ʈ α (du/dy)
Ʈ = µ (du/dy),
µ (proportionality factor ) is the
dynamic viscosity of fluid.
du/dy= velocity gradient
Unit of viscosity= Newton second/ meter 2 (S.I. unit)

Dynesecond/ centi- meter 2 (C.G.S. unit)

2. Kinematic Viscosity- It is the ratio of dynamic viscosity to mass

density or simply density.

It is denoted by ‘ν’ (nu)

ν= µ/ ρ

Unit of kinematic viscosity m2 / sec

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3. Newton’s law of viscosity- The shear stress is directly
proportional to the velocity gradient .

i.e. . Ʈ α (du/dy) or Ʈ = µ (du/dy)

• Fluid which obey the above relation are called Newtonian fluid.

•Fluid which do not obey the above relation are called Non-
Newtonian fluid.
4. Types of fluid-

•Ideal fluid:- A fluid which is incompressible , having no viscosity.

It is only imaginary fluid as all fluid.

•Real fluid:- A fluid which possesses viscosity is known as real


•Ideal plastic fluid:- A fluid in which shear stress is more than the
yield value and shear stress is proportional to the rate of shear

•Newtonian fluid:- Ʈ = µ (du/dy)

•Non-Newtonian fluid:- Ʈ ≠ µ (du/dy)

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