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•Syamsyul bt Azizan

•Siti Hajar Nor bt Muhammad

•Nur Adza Rina bt Mohd Nordi
Clear : feed
: sawdust
: feces

House washing


Chicks from German Breed: Lohmann Brown &
Lohmann Sandy


Move to other flocks

(6th week)

Starts to lay eggs

(19th week)

Production age
(21st week-68th week)

Selling of chickens
(68th – 70th week)
• Flock 6 : 2 houses, 30 000 chicks
• Close house system
• Flooring : 6 inches sawdust (removed on 35 th day)

• Brooding circle : made of plywood

: 500-1000 chicks
: 10 feed tray+10 water bottle
• T : 32-34 oc (heater)
• Lighting : 0 day -24 hours
: 1 day -23 hours
• Diet : prestarter ( 1st -10th days)
: starter ( 11th day- 10th week)
• Debeaking : 8th day
• Change water bottle : 15th day
6th – 8th week old
• Transfer chick from brooding (flock
6) to flock 1,2,3,4, and 5.
• 10 female:1 male
• Stay until 70th week old.
9th – 70th week old
• lighting
-9th week old – 25th week old = 14 hour
-26th week old – 70th week old = 16 hour
• Nutrition
-phase 1 (10th-20th week old) – grower
-phase 2 (21st-65th week old) - layer
-phase 3 (65th above) – sell
* feed silo – 13 tonnes max, use chain feeder
* feed frequency
- 6th – 21st week (2times)
- 22nd – 36th week (3times)
- 36th above (5times)
* Drinking water (nipple
• Floor management
~ softwood shaving.
~ remove wet litter
~ clean after selling chicken.
~ nest and egg collection
- put nest at 18th week old
- keep the nest clean regularly
- collect the egg twice a day
- every 60 square feet, 10 nest
• Isolation of chickens
~too small
~showing disease symptoms
• Temperature
~ 30 oC
~ maintained by cooling pad and exhaust fan
• Humidity
~ 60 – 70 %
• Vaccination
~ ND + IB = 6-7 day
= 13 day
= 22-24 day
= 7 wk
= 11 wk
= 16 wk
= 19-20 wk
= after 20 wk – every month
~ IBD = 6-7 day
= 13 day
= 22-24 day
= 19 wk
~ fowl pox = 22-24 day
= 14 wk
~ ILT = 8 wk
~ coryza = 7 wk
= 16 wk
~ EDS = 16 wk
~ AE = 14 wk
~ MG = 9 wk
~ route of vaccination
* eye drop
* injection
* wing web
* drinking water
• Egg selection
~ select the normal egg, clean the egg,
transfer to hatchery
~ abnormal egg :
1. jumbo
2. too small
3. white shell
4. crack
5. abnormal shape
6. too dirty
• Production
~ 360 eggs/chicken/year
~ young chicken : small eggs
: less production
~ 36 wo-56 wo : peak production
• Selling chicken
~ after 68 weeks old
~ send to slaughter house
~ Farm price : RM 2.20/kg
~ Market price : RM 7.50/chicken
• Salmonella checking
~Every 3 months
~300 chickens/flock
~+ve Salmonella–send to lab
• Monitoring chicken
~every day = mortality
normal : 2-3 chicken/house/day
~monthly = uniformity
>80% - good
= body weight
too fat – low fertility
- low hatchability
= feed consumption
•Waste management
~ feces – sell as fertilizer
~ dead chicken – sell to catfish pond
• Biosecurity
~ Fencing
~ Disinfection = personal shower
= vehicle spray
= foot dip
~ Bird proof house
~ Restricted human traffic

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