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• Lime or linden tree. Family: Malvaceae (in older books the Tiliaceae).
• Often listed in books as Tilia cordata Mill., but this is now an
uncommon tree. T. platyphyllos Scop. and T. x vulgaris (a hybrid
between the other two species) are also used medicinally. See chart
on next slide.
• Tall long-living deciduous trees with heart shaped leaves.
• Star shaped flowers attached to a large oblong bract.
• Parts used: flowers and bracts.
Tilia species in the British Isles
Species Leaf size Leaf characteristics Flowers
T. platyphyllos 60 – 120 mm wide Petiole approx. 1/3 length of leaf Inflorescence of 1 – 5
large leaved   Sparse hairs on upper surface and hairs on flowers
lime veins below Flowers below leaves
T. cordata 35 – 70 mm wide Petiole approx. 2/3 length of leaf Inflorescence of 4 – 10
small leaved Reddish hairs only in axils of veins on lower flowers
lime surface Flowers above leaves
T. x vulgaris 60 – 100 mm wide Pale hairs only in axils of veins on lower Inflorescence of 4 – 10
aka T. x surface flowers
europaea   Flowers below leaves
in flower

Picture by Warburg
Used under Creative Commons licence
Tilia x vulgaris

Picture by Alvesgaspar
Used under Creative Commons licence
Tilia - actions
• Diaphoretic.
• Sedative.
• Antispasmodic.
• Hypotensive.
Tilia - uses
• Essentially Tilia’s uses relate to cooling – in terms of both temperature
and temperament.
• Used to reduce fevers by way of its diaphoretic action.
• Used for colds and flu it also reduces nasal catarrh and speeds
• Used for menopausal hot flushes/sweats – especially at night.
Although diaphoretic it seems to reduce menopausal sweats.
• As a sedative, Tilia helps induce restful sleep and is also useful for
anxiety and panic attacks.
Tilia - uses
• Helps relieve headaches – including migraine.
• Helps reduce blood pressure – especially when caused by stress, and
can help reduce palpitations.
• Is said to help reduce atherosclerosis – but no supporting research
• Soothing for digestive problems – helps reduce symptoms of
dyspepsia and indigestion.
• Externally has been used for itchy skin conditions.
Tilia - constituents
• Glycosides that may induce diaphoresis.
• Flavonoids – anti-inflammatory.
• Caffeic acid – immune stimulating.
• Mucilage – soothing to GIT.
• Tannins.
• Traces of substances that act like benzodiazepines – i.e. sedating – but
as yet unidentified.
Tilia - resources
There is little useful information about Tilia online but the report below
includes a summary of recent research
• European Medicines Agency report on Tilia

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