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Histamine and antihistamine


Department of Pharmacology & Therapy

Faculty of Medicine – Universitas Kristen Indonesia

• histamine
• serotonin
• endogenous peptides
• prostaglandins
• leukotrienes
• After you have taken this lecture, you are:
• Understand the history of hitamine and anti-
• Know the profiles of some antihistamine
• Know the use and side effects of anti
The primary site the mast cell granules (or
• Mast cells are important in that they release
histamine in response to potential tissue injury
Other sites
• central nervous system :neurotransmitter
• the fundus of the stomach: major acid

5 4

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Sir Henry Dale,
Penemu histamin
Types of Histamine receptors
Location Type of Effect Treatment
H1 Throughout the body, specifically
in smooth muscles, on vascular
G-protein coupled,
linked to
Mediate an increase
in vascular
Allergies, nausea,
sleep disorders
endothelial cells, in the heart and intercellular Gq, permeability at sites
the CNS which activates of inflammation
phospholipase C induced by histamine

H2 In more specific locations in the

body mainly in gastric parietal
G-protein coupled,
linked to
Increases the release
of gastric acid
Stomach ulcers

cells, a low level can be found in intercellular Gs

vascular smooth muscle,
neutrophils, CNS, heart, uterus

H3 Found mostly in the CNS, with a

high level in the thalamus,
G-protein coupled,
possibly linked to
Neural presynaptic
receptor, may

caudate nucleus and cortex, also intercellular Gi function to release

a low level detected in small histamine
intestine, testis and prostate.

H4 They were recently discovered in Unknown, most Unknown In addition to

2000. They are widely expressed likely also G- benefiting allergic
conditions, research in
in components of the immune protein coupled
the h4 receptor may
system such as the spleen, lead to the treatment
thymus and leukocytes. of autoimmune
diseases. (rheumatoid
arthritis and IBS)
Histamine: Storage and Release

Immunologic Release: 
• The most important mechanism for histamine
release is in response to an immunological
• In mast cells, if sensitized by surface IgE
antibodies, degranulate when exposed specific
• Degranulation means liberation of the contents
of the mast cell granules, including histamine. 
• Degranulation is involved in the immediate
(type I) allergic reaction.
Mechanical/Chemical Release:
• A second type of release occurs following
chemical or mechanical injury to mast cells. 
• In these injuries caused degranulation
Mechanism of Action –
• Histamine mediates its effects by interacting
with receptors. 
• Receptor Types   H1, H2,and H3 types. 
Pharmacological effects of Histamine

1)Histamine promotes (intestinal and Bronchiolar )

smooth muscle contraction which is an H1
receptor mediated effect

2)Histamine significant increase in gastric acid and

gastric pepsin secretion which is an H2 receptor
mediated effect

3) Vasodilation of arterioles and precapillary

sphincters which is an H1and H2 receptor
mediated effect
• Increase the systole
dilation the small vein and small artery
• Increase the gastric acid secretion
• Mainly contract the smooth muscle,especially
in bronchus
Histamine antagonists

receptor antagonists:
• selective blockade of histamine
receptors (H1, H2, H3 types)
H1 receptor antagonists
• diphenhydramine
• promethazine
• chlorpheniramine
• orally active, hepatic metabolism
• H1 receptor blockers: competitive
Clinical Uses of Antihistamines
• Allergic rhinitis (common cold)
• Allergic conjunctivitis (pink eye)
• Allergic dermatological conditions
• Urticaria (hives)
• Angioedema (swelling of the skin)
• Pruritus (atopic dermatitis, insect bites)
• Anaphylactic reactions (severe allergies)
• Nausea and vomiting (first generation H1-
• Sedation (first generation H1-antihistamines)
Therapeutic uses
1 ) Allergic Reactions:
allergic rhinitis , Atopic dermatitis, hay
fever, urticaria
2 ) Motion sikness:
vestibular disturbances
Therapeutic uses

3)Sedation and hypnotics. :

• these agents to be used has sleep-aids, i.e.
• The newer H1 antagonists, by contrast, cause
minimal or no sedation.
1. Difenhidramin -> bersifat sedativ, antiemetik, antivertigo
2. Klorfeniramin -> untuk alergi
3. Prometazin -> untuk obat batuk
4. Dimenhidrinat -> untuk mabuk perjalanan dan muntah-
muntah waktu hamil
5. Antazolin -> alergi pada mata dan hidung
6. Feniramin -> meredakan batuk
7. Siproheptadin -> menambah nafsu makan
8. Mebhidrolini Napadisilat -> gatal-gatal pada alergi dan
tidak bersifat menidurkan
9. Setrizina HCL -> rinitis alergi, perineal rinitis
10. Loratadine -> rinitis alergi, rasa gatal pada hidung dan
mata, rasa terbakar pada mata.
Adverse effect
• 1) Inhibition of CNS

• 2) Some first-generation H1 antagonists have

strong antimuscarinic actions (atropine-like

• 3) others: Second-generation overdosage:

may induce cardiac arrhythmias
First antihistamine
• Piperoxan
• Discovered in 1933 by Jeff Forneau and
Daniel Bovent while developing a guinea
pig animal model of anaphylaxis
• They received the Nobel Prize in 1957
Classes of first generation H1 receptor
antagonist antihistamines
• Ethylenediamines
• Ethanolamines
• Alkylamines
• Piperazines
• Tricyclics
Common Structural Features of classical
first generation antihistamines
• 2 aromatic rings, connected to a
central carbon, nitrogen, or
• Spacer between central atom
and the amine, usually 2-3
carbons in length. (Can be linear,
ring, branched, saturated or
• The amine is substituted with
small alkyl groups
• Chirality at X and having the
rings in different planes
increases potency of the drug
• These were the first group of clinically
effective H1-antihistamines

Mepyramine (Pyrilamine)
• This class has significant anticholinergic side effects and sedation, however
reduced the gastrointestnal side effects

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
• Oldest and most effective antihistamine on the
• Available over the counter
• Because it induces sedation, it’s used in
nonprescription sleep aids such as Tylenol PM
• Also inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, which led
to the search for viable antidepressants with similar
structures (prozac)
Carbinoxamine(Clistine) Doxylamine succinate

• Is used to treat Hay fever and is • 2nd in effectiveness of anti-allergy

especially popular to children due activity only to Benadryl
its its mild taste
• Active ingredient in NyQuil
• After 21 reported deaths in
children under 2, its now only • Potent anti-cholinergic effects
marketed to children above 3
(FDA, June 2006)
Clemastine (Tavist) Dimenhydrinate

• Exhibits fewer side effects

than most antihistamines • Anti-emetic (anti nausea)
• Widely used as an antiprurtic
• Also causes strong sedation
(stops itching)
• Readily crosses the BBB
• Isomerism is an important factor in this class of drugs, which
is due to the positioning and fit of the molecules in the H1-
receptor binding site
• These drugs have fewer sedative and GI adverse effects, but
a greater incidence of CNS stimulation
• These drugs lack the “spacer molecule” (which is usually a
nitrogen or oxygen) between the two aromatic rings and at
least one of the rings has nitrogen included in the aromatic
Chlorphenamine Brompheniramine

• Originally used to prevent

allergic conditions
• Available over the counter
• Shown to have antidepressant
properties and inhibit the • Used to treat the common cold by
reuptake of serotonin relieving runny nose, itchy, watery
• The first SSRI was made as a eyes and sneezing
derivative of chlorphenamine
Triprolidine hydrochloride Pheniramine (Avil)

• Used to alleviate the symptoms • Used most often to treat hay fever or
associated with allergies urticaria (hives)
• Can be combined with other cold • Antihistamine component of Visine-A
medicine to relieve “flu-like”
• Structurally related to the ethylenediamines and the ethanolamines and
thus produce significant anti-cholinergic effects
• Used most often to treat motion sickness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting

• Used to treat the symptoms associated with
motion sickness, vertigo and post-op
following administration of general
anaesthesia and opiods
• Mechanism of inhibiting motion sickness is
not well understood, but it may act on the
labyrinthine apparatus and the
chemoreceptor trigger zone (area of the brain
which receives input and induces vomiting)
Chlorcyclizine Hydroxyzine

• In addition to treating itches and

irritations, its an anti emetic, a weak
• This drug is used to treat motion analgesic and an anxiolytic (treat
sickness anxiety)
Meclizine Cetirizine (Zyrtec)

• It is most commonly used • This drug treats indoor and

to inhibit nausea and outdoor allergies and is safe to use
vomiting as well as in children as young as 2
vertigo, however it does
cause drowsiness
• These drugs are structurally related to tricyclic
antidepressants, which explains why they have cholinergic
side effects

Promethazine (Phenegran)
• This drug has extremely strong anticholinergic
and sedative effects
• It was originally used as an antipsychotic,
however now it is most commonly used as a
sedative or anti nausea drug (also severe
morning sickness) and requires a prescription
Cyproheptadine Ketotifen (Zaditor)

• This drug both an antihistamine and an

antiserotonergic agent • This drug is available in two forms: an
• It is a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist and also ophthalmic form used to treat allergic
conjunctivitis or itchy red eyes and an oral
blocks calcium channels
form used to prevent asthma attacks
• Used to treat hay fever and also to stimulate
• It has several adverse side effects including
appetite in people with anorexia
drowsiness, weight gain, dry mouth,
• It is also rarely used to treat SSRI induced irritability and increased nosebleeds
sexual dysfunction and also Cushing’s
Syndrome (high level of cortisol in the blood)
and migraine headaches
Alimemazine (Vallergan) (Optimine or Trinalin)

• This drug is used to treat itchiness

and hives that results from allergies
• This drug is used to treat symptoms of
• Since it causes drowsiness, it is allergies and the common cold such as
useful for rashes that itch worse at sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery
night time eyes, itching, hives and rashes
• It is also used to sedate young
children before operations
Second generation H1-receptor
• These are the newer drugs and they are much more selective
for the peripheral H1-receptors involved in allergies as opposed
to the H1-receptors in the CNS
• Therefore, these drugs provide the same relief with many fewer
adverse side effects
• The structure of these drugs varies and there are no common
structural features associated with them
• They are however bulkier and less lipophilic than the first
generation drugs, therefore they do not cross the BBB as readily
• Recent studies have also showed that these drugs also have
anti-inflammatory activity and therefore, would be helpful in
the management of inflammation in allergic airways disease
(Devalia and Davies).
Second generation H1-receptor
Acrivastine (Semprex-D) Astemizole (Hismantol)
• This drug has a long duration
of action
• It suppresses the formation of
edema and puritus
• It doesn’t cross the BBB
• It has been taken off the
market in most countries
because of adverse
interactions with
• This drug relieves itchy erythromycin and grapefruit
rashes and hives juice

• It is non-sedating because it
does not cross the BBB
Second generation H1-receptor
Loratadine (Claritin) Terfenadine (Seldane)

• It is the only drug of its class • It was formerly used to treat allergic
available over the counter conditions
• It has long lasting effects and does • In the 1990’s it was removed from
not cause drowsiness because it does the market due to the increased
not cross the BBB risk of cardiac arrythmias
Second generation H1-receptor
Azelastine Levocabastine
(Astelin or Optivar)

• It is a mast cell stablilizer

• Available as a nasal spray
(Astelin) or eye drops for
• Both of these drugs are used as eye drops
pink eye (Optivar)
to treat allergic conjunctivitis
Third generation H1-receptor
• These drugs are derived from second generation antihistamines
• They are either the active enantiomer or metabolite of the second
generation drug designed to have increased efficacy and fewer side
Levocetirizine (Zyzal)
• This drug is the active enantiomer of cetirizine and is
believed to be more effective and have fewer adverse side
• Also it is not metabolized and is likely to be safer than
other drugs due to a lack of possible drug interactions
• It does not cross the BBB and does not cause significant
• It has been shown to reduce asthma attacks by 70% in
Third generation H1-receptor
Deslortadine (Clarinex) Fexofenadine (Allegra)

• It was developed as an alternative

• It is the active metabolite of
to Terfenadine
• Fexofenadine was proven to be
• Even though it is thought to be
more effective and safe
more effective, there is no
concrete evidence to prove this
The future of antihistamines
• The anti-inflammatory activity of second generation
antihistamines, about which little is known, will continue to
be researched and possibly lead to an effective alternative to
corticosteriods in the treatment of allergic airways conditions.
• The action of the H4 receptor will also continue to be
researched and will possibly lead to effective treatment of
autoimmune dieseases.
• Creating antihistamines with higher selectivity and less
adverse side effects will continue to be the goal
H2 receptor antagonists

• Cimetidine (Tagamet)

• Ranitidine (Zantac)

• Famotidine (Pepcid)
Clinical uses

• Peptic Ulcer and Duodenal Disease

• Gastric Ulcer: reduce symptoms

promote healing for benign gastric ulcers

• Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (erosive

Clinical uses

Hypersecretory Disease:
•   Zollinger-Ellison syndrome:
• acid hypersecretion -- caused by gastrin-
secreting tumor
• Systemic mastocytosis and multiple
endocrine adenomas:
adverse effects
Generally well tolerated
• Most common adverse effects: diarrhea ,
dizziness , somnolence , headache , rash,
thrombocytopenia , neutropenia , aplastic
adverse effects
• cimetidine --------CNS effects (uncommon):
elderly: confusion states, delirium, slurred
speech (most associated with cimetadine)
• ---------antiandrogenic effects
• ---------Blood Dyscrasias
(granulocytopenia , thrombocytopenia ,
neutropenia , aplastic anemia)

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