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CIA - 2

Prof. Firdaus khan

KRUTHIKA.V 20MBAR0419 Topic-01
RAHUL VARMAN 20MBAR0550 Topic-02
It would be nice to believe that 2021 will be about stability and getting back to normal; however, this year is likely to be
another full of major transitions. While there has been a lot of focus on the increase in the number of employees working
remotely at least part of the time going forward.

Here are some trends that will shape work in 2021 and beyond:

 Employers shifted from managing the employee experience to managing employee’s life experience.
It’s become clear that supporting employees in their personal lives more effectively enables employees to not only have better
lives, but also to perform at a higher level. That’s why 2021 and 2022 will be the year where employer support for mental
health, financial health, and even things that were previously seen as out of bounds, like sleep, will become the table stakes
benefits offered to employees.

 More companies will adopt stances on current societal and political debates. 
Employees’ desire to work for organizations whose values align with their own has been growing for some time. In 2020, this
desire accelerated: Gartner Research shows that 74% of employees expect their employer to become more actively
involved in the cultural debates of the day. I believe CEOs will have to respond in order to retain and attract the best talent.
 The gender-wage gap will continue to increase as employees return to the office. 
Many organizations have already adopted a hybrid workforce — or are planning to this year — that enables employees to
work from the corporate office, their home, or an alternate third space (cafe, co-working space, etc.). In this hybrid scenario,
men are more likely to decide to return to their workplace, while women are more likely to continue to work from home.
According to a recent survey 64% of managers believe that office workers are higher performers than
remote workers, and in turn are likely to give in-office workers a higher raise than those who work from home. Hence, it is
expected that managers over-rewarding male employees at the expense of female employees.

 New regulations will limit employee monitoring. 

During the pandemic, more than 1 out of 4 companies has purchased new technology, for the first time, to passively track and
monitor their employees. However, many of these same companies haven’t determined how to balance employee privacy
with the technology, and employees are frustrated.  Given the variability that this will create, companies are likely to adopt
the most restrictive standards across their workforce.

 Flexibility will shift from location to time.

While enabling employees to work remotely became commonplace across 2020 (and will continue this year and beyond), the
next wave of flexibility will be around when employees are expected to work.

 Leading companies will make bulk purchases of the Covid vaccine for employees and will be sued over Covid
vaccine requirements.
Employers that provide the Covid vaccine to their workforce will leverage this action as a key differentiator to attract and
retain talent.
 Leading companies will make bulk purchases of the Covid vaccine for employees — and will be sued over Covid
vaccine requirements.
Employers that provide the Covid vaccine to their workforce will leverage this action as a key differentiator to attract and
retain talent.

 Mental health support is the new normal. 

Across the last several years, employers have offered new benefits to support their employees, for instance, expanded
parental leave. Even before the pandemic, a research revealed that 45% of well-being budget increases were being
allocated to mental and emotional well-being programs. By late March, 68% of organizations had introduced at least one
new wellness benefit to aid employees during the pandemic.

 Employers will look to “rent” talent to fill the skills gap. 

The number of skills employers are looking for has risen dramatically analysis show that companies listed about 33%
more skills on job ads in 2020 than they did in 2017.

 States will compete to attract individual talent rather than trying to get companies to relocate. 
States and cities have historically offered incentives to get companies to relocate to their jurisdictions. The belief being if
you can incentivize companies to come, they will bring jobs with them. The new era of remote and hybrid work will
evolve this strategy – where an employee lives will be less tied to where their employer is located than ever before.
In 2021, gold rates were trading positive but have been fluctuating throughout the month of February due to various factors
in the international market. Compared to 2019, the average gold prices for the year had increased substantially due to the
COVID-19 crisis and other factors.
With the U.S. government pushing to release another stimulus package to combat the crisis of COVID-19, gold prices may
increase in the market. However, the value of the metal keeps fluctuating as there are many factors which determine its price.
If we take the average annual gold price in India in the past 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, the lowest yearly average was in
2010 when the price of gold was Rs.18,500 per 10 grams. In 2020, the average gold price in India was Rs.48,651 per 10
Taking into consideration the annual average price of gold in India, the highest increase in gold prices was from 2010 to 2011
when the annual average gold price had increased from Rs.18,500 per 10 grams to Rs.26,400 per 10 grams.
The price of gold showed a fluctuating trend through the year of 2020 after opening the year on a positive note due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. With the precious metal serving as a safe-haven for investors, the demand for gold increased and so
did its price. The equities market suffered during the pandemic but showed signs of recovery at the end of 2020 when the
price of gold declined marginally.
As for the year 2022, March month shows a closing point of 47971 and there has been a decrease from the month of May 22
with 45393 to 45400 in July-22. A slight increase can be witnessed in the month of August-22 to 44038, with a total
percentage change of -8.20%.
The growth in the market does not affect huge ups and downs in gold regarding the price. It also does not undergo high
volatility, leading to buyers’ attention and substantial growth in demand and sales.

Depending on this raw data, the gold prices in the next ten years can achieve positive gains for a long period.
In the current scenario, the status of gold in the market is mature and stable in terms of movement. It is calculated and
recognized by the increase or decrease in the dollar value.
If both the entities, that is, the dollar value and the stocks, observe decline, it affects the value of gold.
Recently, the gold value has tipped over. It is because of the recession that globally spread a feeling of uncertainty and fear
in the markets.
During the pandemic, the unstable market and revolving factors caused an increase in the value and continue to contribute to
the same.
It is because of the uniqueness of gold that makes it a valuable asset. However, some factors affect makeup
and impact the price of gold.
These include the US dollar as mentioned above, investment demand, RBI involvement for buying, trading
volumes on the commodity exchanges like MCX & NCDEX, technical indicators, production via mine
supply, other economic and monetary factors.
Artificial Intelligence
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is accelerating the drug discovery and development processes.
Startups are exploring the use of these technologies to address the various challenges in the pharma industry, such as
automation and optimization of the manufacturing processes, as well as designing effective marketing and post-launch
strategies. Patient identification is a crucial step in the drug discovery and development process, especially for conducting
clinical trials. AI simplifies the identification of eligibility criteria and the inclusion of patients and also makes the cohort
identification process faster and cheaper.

Flexible Production
The pharma industry is exploring new ways of manufacturing due to the changing market dynamics, such as small batches
for precision medicine. Single-use technology is gaining popularity as it reduces downtime and increases productivity by
eliminating complex steps like cleaning and validation between separate production stages. New types of bioreactor systems
and continuous manufacturing processes address the increasing focus on biopharmaceuticals. In addition to eliminating
downtime, continuous manufacturing has low energy needs, achieves high productivity, and minimizes the amount of waste.
Precision Medicine
Precision medicine comes from the idea of treating each patient as a unique individual. Advancements in omic and data
analysis are providing new insights into how the human body responds to drugs. This knowledge, along with advanced
manufacturing methods such as additive manufacturing, is making personalized medicine a reality. Drug exposure models
determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of drugs for arriving at the right dosage for drugs based on
age, sex, comorbidities, and other clinical parameters.

 Additive Manufacturing
The need for precision medicine is also making pharmaceutical companies rethink the manufacturing process. A lot of
research is underway for making advanced 3D printers that print tissues or cells. 3D printing of human tissues has great
applications in drug development, organ engineering, and regenerative medicine. This allows the development of age or
physiology-dependent medical formulations, as well as precision pills. Bioprinters also help in pushing innovation in
bioinks, tissue engineering, and micro fluidics.

Blockchain technology is very significant for the pharmaceutical industry in every stage of the production and distribution of
drugs. The stakeholders in the pharma industry are, in general, extremely secretive about their data due to the sensitive nature
of the data. Block chain technology is also being explored to tackle the use of counterfeit medicines and substandard drugs
that enter into the pharmaceutical supply chain and kill thousands of patients every year. The digitalization of transactions
makes blockchain a promising solution for tracking and securing the pharma transaction ecosystem.
What (not) to expect from a COVID-19 vaccine
Probably the most immediate impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the pharmaceutical industry, and the network of
scientists supporting it, has been to turn the spotlight on vaccines. More than 200 vaccines are already in development for
COVID-19 worldwide, with 47 of these in clinical development and 10 in Phase III clinical trials.
A vaccine for COVID-19 is unlikely to eliminate a virus whose origins, immunological effects, mutability and longevity
remain uncertain. Vaccines rarely, if ever, confer total immunity against any disease. Nonetheless, they represent the best
chance of bringing COVID-19 under control without repeated recourse to lockdowns and other economically,
psychologically or socially destabilising restraints.
Accelerating digital transformation
Digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry was already happening before COVID-19 shook the world to its
foundations. The combination of fast-moving, consumer-driven technology and a relatively sluggish, conservative
industry, accustomed to a tight regulatory grip, sometimes made for uneasy bedfellows.
Under pandemic conditions, many of the industry’s core activities had to move abruptly into the virtual sphere. If working
remotely has brought its share of frustrations, it has also significantly accelerated adoption of digital technologies and
media, both within the pharmaceutical industry and in the healthcare systems it serves.

Artificial intelligence: welcome to the machine

As in the wider digital universe, the most striking features of the emerging landscape for artificial intelligence are speed of
technological evolution and the range of potential applications. Those applications relate directly to industry processes and
activities (particularly in R&D), or indirectly to the broader healthcare environment, where AI has inescapable
implications for the way pharma operates. It is debatable whether that pace of change is matched by uptake that recognizes
AI’s full potential to facilitate or accelerate innovation, efficiency or access to care. Many healthcare systems and
pharmaceutical companies, though are already forging ahead with AI initiatives.

Market access challenges heap up

Whatever the pharmaceutical industry does, in the end it all comes down to market access. That is both a global issue and
a critical component of national, regional or local healthcare environments.
Companies need a physical presence in the marketplace and the ability to drive uptake at remunerative and sustainable
cost. Without those fundamentals, innovation, expertise, investment, and strategic planning will generate neither
commercial gain nor better outcomes for patients and healthcare systems.


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