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Unit I

What is Communication?
We live in a world of communication: a world in which people
react violently or peacefully to a statement, an action, or a
concept. Pick up the newspaper, snap on the radio, or flip on
the TV for proof. A world leader directs a statement of
hostility to another (communication), and tanks begin to roll! A
president or prime minister steps down (communication), and
peace settles over a torn and battered nation. A
representative speaks in the United Nations (communication),
and fifteen minutes later, rioting and bloodshed take place six
thousand miles away. Nations, companies, families, and
individuals in today’s world constantly act and react as a
result of communication.

Sigband and Bateman 1981

Relevant Questions about




What is communication?
Can we ever agree on the true nature of communication?
Here are some descriptions of human behavior. Does
communication take place in all of them?
(A) _______You yawn, but no one sees it.
(B) _______You yawn, and your friend later realizes that you
were tired even though she didn’t pay any attention to it at the
(C) _______You yawn, and your friend says, “Am I that
(D) _______You wave at a friend, but he doesn’t see you.
(E) _______Your friend later says, “I’m sorry I didn’t wave
back, but I was thinking about something else and didn’t
realize you had waved to me until after I turned the corner.”
What is communication?
(F) _______You wave to a friend, and she waves back.
(G) _______You send a letter to a friend, but it gets lost in the
(H) _______Your dad lectures you for having a messy room,
and although you know he is talking to you, you really
aren’t paying much attention.
(I) _______You give a speech to a group that is eager to
hear what you have to say.

Adapted from Littlejohn 2002: p. 8

• Communication is the transferring and
understanding meanings
• The best idea, or suggestions, or plans cannot
take form without communications
• Communication can take many forms:
– Oral vs. written
– Verbal vs.non-verbal
– Interpersonal vs. organizational
Communication is the process of sending
and receiving messages.
Communication is complete when feedback
is received, message is understood, the
receiver assigned the same meaning to
the message as you intended, and action
Achieving success in today’s
workplace depends on
effective communication among
employees and their managers as
well as with people outside the
organisation such as customers,
suppliers, government, NGO(non-
governmental organizations),and
stakeholders (various groups you
interact with)
Communication challenges in
today’s workplace
• Advances in technology: Use of new technological
tools (internet, e-mail, voice mail, faxes, intranet,
extranet, e-commerce) increase the speed,
frequency,and reach of communication.
• Market Globalization: Increasing tendency of the
world to act as one market driven by technological
advances in telecommunication
• Workforce Diversity: Workforce is made up of
people with diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
• Team-based Organizations:Organizations use
teams and collaborative work groups to make fast
decisions required to succeed in a global and
competitive market place.
Communication: The Role of ICT
In business, communication can be:
• between individuals
• between individuals and organisations
• within a business
• between a business and an external
Communication takes place within
networks. These are some of the types of
• chain
• circle
• wheel
• all-channel
• A chain network e.g
formal contact
• A circle network e.g.
between people at the
same level
• A wheel network e.g.
sales teams report to
head office
• An all-channel network
e.g. brainstorming
Communication in the business world is
very different today compared to twenty
years ago, because of:
• Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
Examples of ICT Use
• Mobile telephones
• Video and tele-conferencing
• Lap-top computers
• E-mail
• Multi-media communications
Communication Failure

No matter what medium of communication is

used, it can fail if:
• jargon is used inappropriately
• badly written messages are transmitted
• the message goes to the wrong receiver
• information overload takes place
• the communication channel breaks down
Communication Failure
In the UK until recently, firms wanting to move
into e-commerce have been:
• prevented due to slow connection speeds
• affected by lack of broadband services

Go to the Activity for more on this.

Communication in Business
• Transferring information from one part of the
business to another that leads to some outcome,
changed behaviour or changed practice
• Formal Communication – established and
agreed procedures
• Informal Communication – channels not
formally recognised – ‘the grapevine’

Finance Dept

Change in
payment systems

Sender or Channel Medium Receiver

• Methods:
– Verbal – face to face
– Written
– Electronic
– Visual
– Audio
– Group meetings
– Notice boards
– Text!
• Medium:
– Letters
– Memo
– Report
– Notice board
– Faxes
– Telephone
– E-mail
– Face to face
– Body language
– Video/video conferencing
– Internet
• Choice of Medium affected by:
– Need for record
– Direction of the information flow
– Number of people to be reached
– Confidentiality
– Nature of the information – length, complexity, speed of
– Cost of the medium
The Communication Process

Encoding Channel Decoding

Message Message

Sender Receiver

The six steps of communication process:
1) The sender has an idea
2) The sender encodes the idea
3) The sender transmits the message
4) The receiver gets the message
5) The receiver decodes the message
6) The receiver sends feedback
(Comm.Process cont.)
1.The sender has an idea

You have an idea/information

and want to share it. Express
the idea.
(Comm.Process cont.)

2.The sender encodes the idea

When you put your idea into a message
form that your receiver will understand,
you are encoding it. You decide on the
message’s form (words, facial expression,
gesture), length, organization, tone, and
style- all of which depends on your idea,
your audience, and your personal style or
(Comm. Process cont.)

3.The sender transmits the message

To physically transmit your message to
your receiver, you select a communication
channel (spoken or written) and a medium
(telephone, letter, memo, e-mail, fax,
report, face-to-face exchange). This
choice depends on your message, your
audience’s location, your need for speed,
formality required, and the media available
to you.
(Comm. Process cont.)
4.The receiver gets the message
For communication to occur your receiver
must first get the message. If you send a
letter, your receiver has to read it before
understanding it. If you are giving a
speech, your receiver has to hear you and
has to pay attention.
(Comm. Process cont.)

5.The receiver decodes the message

Your receiver must decode (absorb and

understand) your message. The decoded
message must then be stored in the
receiver’s mind.
(Comm. Process cont.)

6.The receiver sends feedback

After decoding the message, the receiver

may respond in some way and signal that
response to you. This response
(feedback) enables you to evaluate the
effectiveness of your message.
Write out the steps of
communication process and use
these steps to communicate to
Mr. Akshay that his application for
the position of Project Manager
has been accepted by the
Communication Channels

Written Communication

Verbal Communication

The Grapevine

Nonverbal Cues

Electronic Media
Identifying barriers
Communication is about overcoming barriers.

State all the barriers

that you can think of
that impact on your
Common barriers to communication:
Apparent ‘cause’ Practical Example
Physiological Message in an internal report not received due to blindness.

Psychological Message from external stakeholder ignored due to ‘groupthink’

Cultural Message from organisation misinterpreted by members of a

particular group
Political Message from internal stakeholder not sent because individual is
Economic Message not available to a public sector organisation due to lack
of resources
Technological Message not delivered due to technical failure

Physical Message cannot be heard and visual aids cannot be seen by

some members of the audience

Common barriers to communication: probing for ‘causes’

Communication Barriers


Apprehension Perception

Language Overload

Communication Barriers
1)Perceptual and Language Differences

2)Restrictive Environments

3)Deceptive Communication Tactics

Comm. Barriers
1) Perceptual and LanguageDifferences:

Perception is people’s individual interpretation of

the sensory world around them.
Selective perception: As a sender you choose
the details that seem important to you. As a
receiver, you try to fit new details into your
existing pattern, if a detail doesn’t quite fit,
you’re inclined to distort the information rather
than rearrange your pattern- a process known
as selective perception.
Comm. Barriers cont.
1)Perceptual and Language Differences:

Language: is an arbitrary (random) code

that depends on shared definition
Comm. Barriers cont.

2)Restrictive Environments
Restrictive environment is when
information flow is limited, blocked by an
authoritarian style of management.
Comm. Barriers cont.
3)Deceptive Communication Tactics

Deceptive comm. (exaggerating

benefits,quoting inaccurate statistics,
hiding negative or positive information,
displaying graphic data unfairly, leaving
out crucial info.) manipulates receivers,
blocks comm. and leads to failure.
Comm. Barriers cont.
• Physical Distractions: Background
noise, bad connection on phone, poor
accoustics, illegible copy, uncomfortable
chair, poor lighting, health problems, poor
air conditioning
Comm. Barriers cont.

• Emotional Distraction: When you are
upset, hostile, or fearful, you have hard
time shaping your message objectively.
Comm. Barriers cont.
4)Distractions cont.
• Information Overload: Too much
information make it difficult to discriminate,
sort out what is useful/not useful
• Round the clock accessibility: To be
accessible immediately wherever
whenever. Technology demands instant
answers. Professionals are constantly tied
to work by cell phones, voice mail, e-mail.
Physiological Barriers
• Physiological barriers to communication are those that result from
the performance characteristics and limitations of the human
body and the human mind.
Perception – object recognition

Perception – object recognition

What’s your perception?
Optical illusion (1)
Optical illusion (2)

Port 1010 building in the Docklands region of Melbourne, Australia.

1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 3008
Human memory processes

Human memory processes: a three-stage model

Human Memory
• The sensory memory acts as a
kind of temporary collection-
point for incoming stimuli of all
kinds; this limit is often identified
as 6–7 separate pieces of

• Consider the three out of ten

best slogans of all time
according to Inc. magazine:
Social, cultural and ethical barriers
• Social barriers to communication include the social
psychological phenomenon of conformity; a process in
which the norms, values and behaviours of an individual
begin to follow those of the wider group.
• Cultural barriers to communication, which often arise
where individuals in one social group have developed
different norms, values, or behaviours to individuals
associated with another group.
• Ethical barriers to communication; these occur when
individuals working in an organisation find it difficult to
voice dissent, even though their organisation is acting
in ways they consider to be unethical.
Cultural barriers
• Cultures shape the way we think and behave.
• They can be seen as both shaping and being shaped
by our established patterns of communication.
• Nations, occupations, organisations, teams and
other social groupings, all share a tendency to
develop distinctive cultures.
The iceberg metaphor for culture

Figure 2.5 The iceberg metaphor for culture

Culture and environment
Robert Laws, a Scottish missionary working in Malawi, Africa, in the late 1800s:
“The influence of culture and environment can have an effect on our visual
perception. What you see will largely depend on where you live in the world.”

• Where are they?

• What is above the
woman's head?
Barriers to ethical behaviour
Three communication-related barriers to ethical
behaviour in business organisations are:
• ‘moral silence’, failing to speak up about issues
that are known to be wrong;
• ‘moral deafness’, failure to hear or attend to
moral concerns raised by others;
• ‘moral blindness’, failure to recognise the moral
implications of actions.
(Bird 2002)
Ethical choice (1)
Your company has been a major employer in
the local community for years, but shifts in the
global marketplace have forced some changes
in the company. In fact, the company plans to
reduce staffing by as much as 50% over the
next 3 to 5 years. The size and timing of future
layoffs have not been decided, but a small
layoff will certainly start next month. You are in
charge of writing a letter on this issue. Your first
draft is as follows:
“this first layoff is part of a continuing series of
staff reductions anticipated over the next
several years.”
Ethical choice (2)
Your first draft is as follows:
“this first layoff is part of a continuing series of
staff reductions anticipated over the next
several years.”
Your boss is concerned about the negative
tone of the language and suggests the
following sentence:
“this layoff is a part of the company’s ongoing
efforts to continually align its resources with
global market conditions.”
Do you think this suggested wording is ethical?
Ethical choice (3)
• “This first layoff is part of a continuing series of staff
reductions anticipated over the next several years.” (Too
• “This layoff is a part of the company’s ongoing efforts to
continually align its resources with global market
conditions.” (Unethical)
• The company should be as specific as possible without
causing itself unnecessary damage.
“Unless business conditions change, we anticipate further
reductions in the future, but we are currently unable to
identify the timing or extent of such reductions.”
Overcoming Bias in Language
Example Unacceptable Preferable
Gender bias Salesman Salesperson;
Sales representative
Manpower Workforce; Workers
Man-made Artificial; Manufactured
Ethnic bias Jim Wong is an Jim Wong is very tall
unusually tall Asian
Disability bias Crippled workers Workers with physical
face many barriers disabilities face many
on the job barriers on the job
Overcoming the barriers
 Taking the receiver more seriously
 Thinking more clearly about the
 Delivering messages skilfully
 Focusing on the receiver
 Using multiple channels and
 Securing appropriate feedback
Guidelines for overcoming
communication barriers:
1)Adopt an audience-centered approach

2)Foster open-communication climate

3)Commit to ethical communication

4)Create efficient messages

Overcoming communication
1)Adopt an audience-centered
approach:Make your message
meaningful for those who will receive
2)Foster Open-Communication
Climate:Get everyone participate
share their ideas and feelings freely
with everyone else.
Overcoming communication barriers
3)Commit to ethical communication
Ethics are principles of conduct that
govern a person or a group. Ethical
communication includes true
accurate information. Ethical people
are trustworthy, fair, not deceptive,
respecting the rights of others.
Overcoming communication barriers
4)Create efficient messages:
Minimize physical distractions
Minimize emotional distractions
Communication Barriers
• Constrain emotions

• Watch nonverbal cues

• Use feedback

• Simplify language

• Listen actively
M.B.A.-II Semester (PGDM-IB)

Unit I

Types of Communication
Types of Communication
1. Personal communication and Business
2. Internal communication and External
3. Upward communication and Downward
4. Formal communication and Informal
5. Lateral communication
6. Interactive communication
7. Mass communication
8. Grapevine
Communication in organizational settings

Internal External
• Formal • Formal
communication communication
network network
• Informal • Informal
communication communication
network network
Internal Communication

The exchange of information

and ideas within an
Internal Communication cont.

Formal Communication Network:

Information may travel down, up,
and across an organisation’s
formal hierarchy.
Internal Communication cont.

Informal Communication
People have casual
conversations with friends in the
office about anything (personal
and business matters)
External Communication

External communication
carries information into and
out of the organization.
External Communication cont.

Formal Communication Network:

(letter, website, phone, fax, internet,
Marketing or public relations team’s job is
to create and manage the flow of formal
messages to outsiders.
External Communication cont.

Informal Communication Network:

Informal contacts with outsiders
are important for learning about
customer needs.
Effective Business
• Provide practical information
• Give facts rather than impressions
• Clarify and condense information
• State precise responsibilities
• Persuade others and offer
Forms of Communication
1. Oral communication
2. Written communication
3. Non-Verbal communication
4. Visual communication
5. Audio-Visual communication
6. Silence
M.B.A.-II Semester (PGDM-IB)

Unit I

Verbal and Non-Verbal

Defining Verbal & Non-Verbal
Before we turn our attention to a detailed
explanation of non-verbal communication
(NVC), we need to be very clear about our
understanding of the term ‘verbal’

Quick discussion – what do you think

‘verbal’ means?
Verbal Communication
• We often use the term ‘verbal’ to mean
‘spoken’ eg. “I gave her a verbal warning”

• In Communication & Culture, we use the

word ‘verbal’ in a slightly different and
more technical way
Definition of Verbal
Verbal = communicating with words
and language (as opposed to images,
actions or behaviour)

Verbal communication is restricted to

‘Design Features’ of Language
• Language enables us to communicate
about events beyond our immediate
sensory experience

• The capacity of language is infinite

Introduction to non-verbal
– in communication with others only 30 % of the
communication is verbal, 70 % is non-verbal

– non-verbal communication involves gestures,

facial expressions, eye contact …

– our non-verbal behaviour is mostly

Definition of NVC
“All communication other than that involving words and

• This is fine but could include everything from animal

communication to films to gardening. For our purposes
we will use a more restricted definition:

“Bodily communication, other than words and language”

Comparing verbal and non-verbal
• both are symbolic, communicate meaning and
are patterned

• all societies have different non-verbal languages

• the non-verbal communication is more than just

body language; the use of time and personal
space, our voice etc.

1. Different categories (or types) of NVC

2. The functions (or uses) of NVC

Before we do this, we need to establish some

general points about NVC and its relationship
to language and culture
Relationship between NVC,
Language & Culture
• When travelling, we do not, on the whole, make the
assumption that everyone will understand our first and
preferred language

• Most of us accept we must either learn a new language

or rely entirely on verbal signals for communication

• We assume we will have no difficulty in decoding non-

verbal clues

• We need to be aware of the enormous range and

diversity of non-verbal behaviour
What emotions do these facial
expressions portray?
NVC, Language & Culture
• Even in the secure territory of your own
familiar culture, care is needed in the
interpretation of non-verbal clues

• Jumping to conclusions about meanings

of non-verbal clues can be dangerous
Your Approach to NVC
• You should suggest possible meanings and
interpretations when analysing NVC, whilst
paying due regard to the influence of context
and culture and context
• Your own culture and context has an impact on
the deciphering of NVC
• Interpretations are both relative and subjective
Categorisation of NVC –

- The way we speak (also known as prosodic features)

- Volume, pitch, intonation, speed of delivery, articulation, rhythm
- The sounds we make other than language
- Laughter, crying, yawning, sighing, screeching, coughing
- Filled pauses such as ‘Mmmm’, ‘Ahhh’, ‘Ummm’
- Unfilled pauses
Categorisation of NVC -

There are clear variations both within and between cultures in the
use of paralinguistic features.
David Crystal points out some cultural differences:

A ‘creaky’ or ‘gravely’ tone of voice is often used in English to

convey unimportance or disparagement; but in Finnish, it is a
normal feature of many voice qualities. And there is no
equivalent in English to the use of strongly nasalised speech to
convey a range of emotional nuances in Portuguese”
(Crystal, 1987)
Accent & Paralanguage

Elocution lessons were once very popular amongst

the middle classes, especially for those young
people who were sent to ‘finishing school’ as a
preparation for ‘polite society.
Categorisation of NVC – Physical
• Clothing, hairstyle, make-up, body adornment,
jewellery, tattoos, piercing, glasses, facial hair,
accessories such as bags

• You only have to think of the huge industries

associated with the above examples to
recognise the cultural significance of physical
Categorisation of NVC – Physical
• Includes the things with which we cover or
adorn our bodies, but also the shape and
size of our bodies
• It is the body’s capacity to communicate
aspects of an individual’s identity which
makes us so aware of our physical
Categorisation of NVC – Physical
• Self expression is a fairly recent
development in historical terms

• Many societies had (and some still do

have) highly regulated codes of dress,
often linked to rank and status
Tudor monarchs, such
as Elizabeth I, used
Sumptuary Laws and
Statutes of Apparel to
control what people
could wear eg. only royalty
were permitted to wear
ermine trims while fox and
otter trims were restricted
to members of the nobility.
Categorisation of NVC – Physical
• Self expression in contemporary culture is also
limited by requirements to wear uniforms or to
observe dress codes
• Not necessarily restricted to schools and public
• Many corporations and organisations expect
employees to communicate a corporate rather
than an individual identity
Further Categories of NVC -
- Body movement (kinesics)
- Closeness (proxemics)
- Touching (haptics)
- Eye movement (occulesics)
- Smells (olfactics)
Body Movement - Kinesics
• Gesture, facial expression, posture, head
nodding, orientation
• Emblems – gestures with specific cultural
meanings attached
• Illustrators reinforce words of speakers
• Adapters are unconscious gestures to relieve
stress or boredom
• Posture is heavily laden with value judgements
Closeness - Proxemics
• Study of how we use space and distance
• Includes seating arrangements, queuing
and territoriality
• Ideas of ‘personal space’, ‘invasion of
personal space’ and ‘comfort zones’
• Use of objects as ‘markers’ to indicate
ownership of space
Touching - Haptics
• Physical contact such as holding, hitting,
kissing, stroking, shaking hands, guiding
• Linked to proxemics
• Touch is very important in our early
• Many rules and taboos regulating physical
Eye Movement - Occulesics
• Eye movement, length and direction of
gaze, changes in pupil size
• We are hypersensitive to information
imparted by eyes
• Can be argued eyes reveal the
truthfulness of what is being said
Smell - Olfactics
• Humans do not have a particularly well-
developed sense of smell compared with
other species
• Perfumes and deodorants send powerful
messages, as can the natural body odours
we try to suppress
• A rapidly growing industry has developed
around the use of smells
Complex Messages
• Rare for these non-verbal codes to operate in
isolation from one another, or separately from
• We create and perceive messages using signs
from a range of verbal and non-verbal codes
• To make this even more complex, these signs
and codes to not always pull in the same
Communicative Competence
This idea refers to our ability to use language not just
accurately but appropriately. A competent communicator

- Recognise and use different verbal and non-verbal styles

as they are suited to different social situations
- Recognise the subtle interplay of verbal and non-verbal
elements in communication
- Compensate for possible misinterpretations in
communication with others
The Functions of NVC
• Communicating feelings, emotions and

• Replacing and regulating language

• Other Functions
Communicating Feelings, Emotions
and Attitudes
• NVC has a particularly important role in establishing
and maintaining relationships, otherwise known as an
affective function
• We rely more heavily on NVC in this area of personal
• Looks, glances, changes in orientation allow others to
know what sort of relationship we want to have
• We use NVC to establish a mutually acceptable level
of intimacy
• Non-verbal leakage – messages
‘slipping out’ in spite of our attempts to
control them – ensures that high
credibility is given to non-verbal cues in
the area of feeling, emotion and attitude
• Puts a lot of power in the hands of a
skilled communicator
• Interpersonal attitudes can also be
indicated by body closeness and
Communicating Power & Status
• Within organisations such as the army,
positions within the hierarchy are clearly
signalled by uniforms, badges and
behavioural codes such as saluting
• In other organisations the non-verbal rules
of the pecking order may not be so overt,
but they are just as carefully observed
Peter Collett’s Handshake Theory
• The Bonecrusher
• The Limp Handshake
• The Firm Handshake
• The Limpet Handshake
• The Clammy Handshake
• The Reinforced Handshake
• The Relocated Handshake
• The Upper Handshake
The Limp Handshake may seem the most likely to offer evidence of
submissiveness, but this is not necessarily so, as Collett’s more detailed
explanation reveals:

“A limp handshake occurs when someone offers a hand that is totally

relaxed. It doesn’t exert any pressure on the other person’s hand and
it doesn’t contribute to the mutual production of the handshake. A
person who offers a limp handshake is someone who, in more senses
than one, doesn’t connect with the other person. Like their hand, they
remain passive and detached – they’re simply not focused on the
person they’re greeting. This often happens with people who are self-
important or who have to shake hands with a lot of people…Women
who want to cultivate an impression of languid femininity often
present a rather limp hand to the person they’re greeting. Strong
people often do the same, but in their case it’s to emphasise their
strength. It’s said that Mike Tyson offers a relaxed, almost tender
hand when he greets people outside the boxing ring – the complete
opposite to what happens inside the ring.”
(Collett, 2003)
Replacing & Regulating Language
• The role of NVC in inflecting the meaning
of a sentence can be explored by
‘performing’ the following sentence in
different ways

Well, I really enjoyed the party last night.

Replacing & Regulating Language
• Paralinguistic features, such as pitch, tone and
• Throw in other non-verbal cues such as eyebrow
lifting or illustrators such as the use of the index
and first finger of both hands to indicate inverted
commas around a word
• Number of potential meanings rapidly increases
Replacing & Regulating Language
• Non-verbal cues also make a significant contribution of
conversation management
• Rules of turn taking allow us to have coherent
discussions without constantly talking over the top of
each other
• Paralanguage, gaze, eye contact and head movement
all play a part
• It’s a set of rules that takes some time to grasp
• Women typically have a more cooperative
conversational style whereas men tend to provide less
non-verbal feedback
Other Functions
• Many other uses to which we put our non-
verbal codes including:
- self expression
- group membership
- persuasion and rhetoric
- indicating role
Activity 1
Write and stage a brief scenario to show
NVC at work in one of the following areas:

- Power/status
- Emotion/feeling
- Attitude/Identity
Activity 2
Watch a scene from a television drama with
the sound turned down, paying particular
attention to non-verbal clues. Watch again
with sound. How much of a contribution
has the performance of non-verbal codes
made to the meaning of the scene and the
identity of the characters?
Activity 3
Look at the following situations. In each case try to identify a verbal
form, a verbal function, a non-verbal form and a non-verbal function
that could be associated with the situation.

A JUDGE addressing a member of the jury who is not paying attention

An upset and lost child approaches YOU in a busy supermarket

YOU want to get past the doorman and into a crowded pub

A MOTHER wants her teenage daughter to come home before 9 p.m.

Comparing verbal and non-verbal
• non-verbal communication is learnt through
relations with others

• non-verbal behaviours can reinforce, substitute

for or contradict verbal behaviour

• we often trust our non-verbal behaviour to reveal

our true feelings
The universal use of non-verbal
• there is some universality in non-verbal communication,
especially in facial expressions

• six basic emotions are communicated by facial

expressions in much the same way in most societies:
– happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise

• but what causes the non-verbal behaviours can vary

• there are also variations in the rules for non-verbal

Non-verbal codes
how people use personal space; to keep someone at the
right distance
– contact cultures and non-contact cultures

body posture, hand gestures, facial expressions and eye

the use of time
– M-time (Monochronic) and P-time (Polychronic)
Non-verbal codes
the use of silence in conversations

the use of touching
– high-touch cultures and low-touch cultures

rate, pitch, loudness, articulation, tone, accent,
pronunciation etc.

things, objects, decorations etc.
M.B.A.-II Semester (PGDM-IB)

Unit II

Oral Communication
• In most of the cases where immediate action is to be
taken, it is advisable to transmit a message orally to
save time.
• Oral communication also saves money.
• Speech is a powerful means of persuasion and control
and the executives often prefer to transmit messages
• The speaker can get an effective and immediate
feedback if the speech or oral statement given makes a
favorable impressing on the receiver or antagonizing
him, whether the receiver will acquiesce or protest, or
whether the receiver has clearly under stood his
meaning or is feeling perplexed or baffled, and he can
mould and adjust his message accordingly.
• Face to Face to communication may seem to be
similar to Oral communication however; there are
certain situations which distinguishes the two.
• A conversation in a telephone is oral but it cannot
be called a face to face communication.
• In some cases face to face communication is not
a oral communication
• An important prerequisite of effective oral communication
is that words should be pronounced clearly and correctly.
• When people take pleasure in talking then tend to over
• Precision makes oral communication very effective.
Saying “Can you come to office early tomorrow?” is not
as good as “Can you come to office half an hour early
than the usual time?”
• Lack of Conviction causes lack of confidence. Conviction
comes from careful planning and thinking.
• Jumbled ideas create confusion, so an effective
statement is made only if the message delivered is
arranged in a logical sequence.
• The major problem with communication is the assumption that it
has been accomplished. To avoid this it is important to carefully
select the words to be used. In a oral communication it is advisable
to choose words familiar to the listener rather than words the
speaker is familiar about.
• Speaker should avoid hackneyed phrases and clichés like “What I
mean is?”, “Basically...”, “Do you follow?”. These words interrupt
the flow of speech. These phrases are used unconsciously &
conscious effort is to be taken to avoid it.
• Some speakers create a style to impress the audience which will
make it even worse. The most effective speech is that which is
correct and at the same time natural an unaffected. The speakers
should cutivate a pleasing tone and speak clearly and distinctly.

• There may be lot cases where it is

required to give a oral instruction to other
employees. It needs to be handled
• Do not assume that the listener would have prior knowledge
about the subject. Start giving the instruction from the basic
details or an overview of the subject.
• Select the appropriate time to deliver the statement in such a
way that neither you nor the listeners are in a hurry and you
have plenty of time to explain it in detail if demanded.
• Organize the instruction that is to be given which would make
sense to the listeners.
• Use simple and clear language along with a pleasing tone.
• Do not provide any irrelevant or distracting details. Do not
over talk or over load with a lot of information confusing the
• Watch for the expressions and gestures of the listeners which
is a immediate feedback and alter the style accordingly.
• Allow the listeners to clarify themselves if not clear.
• Repeat if there are any complicated instructions or make it
interactive so it reaches well.
• If necessary practice you oral statement in writing.
• Body language
• Speak with conviction
• Maintain eye contact
• Pause
• Humor
• Audio-visual aids
• Handouts
• Written Copy
• Adjudicators look for knowledge of the subject matter, sincerity in
presentation of material, skilful development of the theme, and effective use
of Plain English. Your speech should be prepared, and varied if necessary,
for the particular audience and setting in which it is to be delivered.
• Length of Speech
• Topic
• Speech Writing and Preparation
• Writing
• Make Contact!
• Voice
• Accent
• Pronunciation
• Gesture and Movement
• Notes and Prompt Cards
1. As soon as you are invited to an interview, confirm with
the company that you can attend, or if you are unable to
keep the appointment, arrange with them a mutually
convenient time and date.
2. Find out as much as you can about the company, its
products and it services. If it is a local company this may
be quite easy. If not you may have to do your research
in the library / internet.
3. Read through a copy of your application to the company
to refresh your memory.
4. List questions you may wish to ask about the
company/job but never ask about money directly. Ask
only 1 or 2 or 3 maximum
5. Prepare your interview techniques. Rehearse positive
language and think of any awkward questions that may
be asked. Prepare your response and get someone to
give his or her opinion on how it comes across.
The nature of oral presentations
• Why some speakers perform badly?
– Misconception of the nature of oral communication
– Not connected to linguistic problems

• Oral communication is different from written

– Receiver has no control on information flow [silence]
– No feedback monitoring successful comprehension
– Real danger of loosing contact with the audience

• Oral communication is a complement to written

Focusing on a 15 min. contributed
talk in a conference.
Before the beginning
• Do your paperwork well before...
• In doubt: prepare, prepare, prepare
• Check your colours carefully if you don’t want bad
• Check carefully that your presentation works correctly in
the conference computer (use pack & go/package for
• Keep a backup
• Check that figures display correctly at the projector
• Dressing
– Always dress a little better than the audience
The beginning
• It’s normal to be a somewhat nervous/tense, but
so is the audience…
• The talk is for the audience
– Stand out in front of the audience without any physical
– Face the audience, look relaxed, unworried and
• even if you are close to panic (body communication &
– Look to the audience in silence, building eye contact,
then talk to them
– The audience is curious and friendly towards you
– Can they hear you?
• 1. Speech & Writing/Printing: a
• Speech : pitch, volume, tone, speed,
pauses, body movements, facial
• Writing/Printing: punctuation,
capitalization, spacing, margins, fonts
• 2. Pronunciation of Words:
(a) vowel and consonant sounds
• (comparison of sounds with letters a-z);
The letter “a” in :
fat /æ/, father /a:/,
fate /eɪ/, about /ə/
Or the letters “th” in “thin” /ɵ/ & “then” /ð/.
Also notice
(b) word-stress: ‘language, communi’cation

3. Pronunciation of Sentences:
intonation and rhythm
INTONATION: rising / (yes /)
falling \ (yes \)
combination \/ (yes \/)

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