Which Platform Is Superior? Why?: Property of STI

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Which platform is superior?


*Property of STI SH1724

Collaborative Online Platforms
for ICT Content Development

❑ Online Platforms for ICT Content

❑Collaborative ICT Development

*Property of STI SH1724


*Property of STI SH1724


*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Online Platforms

1.Social Media Platforms

2.Blogging Platforms

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Online Platforms

• Social Media platforms are hampered by low

customization but are strengthened by their
• Blogging platforms are not as popular but are
highly customizable

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Online Platforms

• Blogs, news, and shopping websites use CMS which

stands for Content Management System
• CMS is a computer application that allows you to
publish, edit, manipulate, organize, and delete
web content

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Online Platforms

• Cloud computing applications are those that do not

need any installation and are readily available over
the Internet. You just need an Internet connection
to access it

*Property of STI SH1724

*Property of STI SH1724
*Property of STI SH1724
*Property of STI SH1724
*Property of STI SH1724
Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Basic Web Page Design Principles

• Balance
• Emphasis
• Rhythm
• Unity
• Contrast

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Basic Web Page Design Elements

• Line
• Shape
• Texture
• Space
• Size
• Value

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Basic Web Page Creation

• Would you consider to create your own personal

web page to promote your professional
achievements in the future?
• Do you think creating a web page is helpful in the
future? Why?

*Property of STI SH1724

Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Basic Web Page Creation

• Doing multiple tasks is an advantage that will help

you outwit other people which is important in
careers and in the professional world
• Companies would likely to hire people who can
multitask, are flexible, and knowledgeable on
doing different tasks especially computer and
communication related.
*Property of STI SH1724
Online Platforms for ICT Content
and Development
Basic Web Page Creation

• Integrating or inserting pictures is fun and it

improves the impression
• Your knowledge on the different kinds of materials
that you can insert or integrate and its
characteristics can help you create a more
efficient, richer document not only in content but
also in physical form.
*Property of STI SH1724
Collaborative ICT Development


In a whole sheet of paper, write a draft of what

your web page will contain, what it will look like,
and who will be the audience.
*Property of STI SH1724
Collaborative ICT Development

We study ICT because it is

good for everyone’s career
in the future and its
additional knowledge is very
useful in many ways like
ICT Life
inspiring and learning life

*Property of STI SH1724

Collaborative ICT Development

We will not make web

pages to create scandalous
content, post destructive
information that may
badly affect our readers,
or materials not
appropriate for children. ICT Life

We are good and just


*Property of STI SH1724

50 points
Criteria Description Points
Main Idea The topic and messages of the web page are clear and  10
easily understood and relevant in the track chosen.
Content Accurate facts/concepts are displayed in the web page.  10
and Details Details (including labels) support the main idea without
distracting with clutter.
Graphics – The graphics used represent information appropriately.  15
Relevance/ Color, shape, size, and arrangement of graphics
Visual contribute meaning to the overall message.
Design/ The design/layout is neat, clear, and visually appealing. 10 
Layout Applied what is discussed in the class.
Grammar/ There are no grammatical mistakes. Capitalization and  5
Mechanics punctuation are correct throughout.
*Property of STI   SH1724  50

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