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New President, New Portfolio(s)

May–June 2007 as Minister of Agriculture and

Her background as a lawyer, expected that her
mastery of English and her negotiation skills would
be useful in ongoing World Trade Organization
negotiations, and also because that Minister of
Agriculture and Fisheries was externally focused.

2007–2011 as Minister of Economy, Finance,

Industry and Employment

Nicolas Sarkozy
Taking the Reins as Finance Minister
16 May 2007 – 15 May 2012
 Involved not only the executive team, but
also all the employees who worked at the
 a town hall-type speech  full of
appreciation to all employees
 Respect another, kindness and treat people
Political pressure  On the International Stage
statement on gas rising price
and to shift ride bicycle While Lagarde seemed to face
Criticize on wearing challenges domestically, she took the
expensive jewelry and stage with ease when representing
clothing France at international meetings as the
new Finance Minister

She hired former Le Parisien She is clear without bruising feelings. In

reporter Jean-Marc Plantade as meetings, she is open to new views, but
her communications director, she cannot be pushed away from a
but by then, her comments had position she wants to take. She gets her
already done a lot of damage points across, but always gracefully,
Friendly with foreign press never harshly
rather than France media
French Ministers are often seen as imperial, but she is not pretentious.
she is quite modest and can listen, which is very appreciated. She knows
how to develop relationships with leaders.
She knows English and understands the Anglo-Saxon world.

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