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Knol Khol

• English Name: turnip rooted cabbage

• Botanical Name: brassica caulorapa

• Family: Cruciferae

• Origin: West Europe

• Environmental requirement

– Cool season crop

– Tolerant to wide range of rainfall

– Highest yields are obtained at or above 1500 feet

Areas where widely grown

Carrbean, malaysia, Indo-pak

• General Description
– Biennial

– Grown as annual

– Swollen stems

– Roots 3-4 inch in diameter

– Swollen stems may be white or purple

– Leaves blue green

• Cultivars
– Early white

– Early purple
• Water 93ml
• Protein 1.5g
• Fat 0.2g
• CHO 4g
• Fiber 0.8g
• Ca 40mg
• Iron 0.5mg
• Vit.A 30 i.u
• Thiamine 0.05mg
• Riboflavin 0.05mg
• Nicotinaminde 0.3mg
• Ascorbic acid 40mg
• Uses
– Swollen stems cooked before fully matured
– Leaves are also edible
– Used as salad purpose
• Soils
– Grown in different types of soils
– Best grown in heavy soils with good drainage
• Land Preparation
– 3-4 ploughing+planking
– Mix 40 ton FYM
– Deep tillage to 8-10 inch
• Seed Rate
– 4 kg/acre.
• Sowing Method
– By seed
• In boxes
• Raised beds
• Spacing
• R-R distance 12-15 inch.
• P-P distance 9-12inch.
• Sowing time
– March- May
– Aug- Oct
• Method of Sowing
– Early crop should be sown through nursery method
– Late crop directly sown in field
• Irrigation
– First immediately after sowing and then weekly or after 10 days.
• Fertilizer
– NPK several days before planting
– NPK@40:30:25
– Potassium nitrate 80kg/ac
– Sulphate of ammonia at intervals of 14-21 days.
• Time of maturity
– 8-10 weeks after sowing

• Thinning
– If crop is directly sown then thin at a height of 3-4 inch

– Plants are thinned to 9-12 inch distance

• Transplanting
– At height of 3-5 inch

– Towards end of wet season

• Harvesting
– Plants lifted when stem fully developed and become woody

– Harvested when swollen fleshy stems is about 2.5-3 inch in dia

– Tap root is cut off near fleshy stem with all leaves
• Yield
– 5-7 tons/acre
• Pests
– Several kind of beetles
– Several kind of caterpillers
– Mature seeds sometime roosted.
– Leaves and flower buds are also edible.
• Diseases
– All diseases are similar to cabbage and cauliflower

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