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Case study and rules

Voice interaction in productivity software

Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every

organization on the planet to achieve more. Microsoft apps
(Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive etc.)
have dominated the productivity space and provided world-
class experience.

The age of touch as the primary user interface is giving way

to a new age of voice and digital assistants. Voice is no longer
a niche in the interaction paradigm landscape (in addition to
touch and type). Voice is expected to replace touch as the
primary means of interacting with technology.

Problem Statement
As a PM in Word app on Android team, design voice
interaction features to deliver simplified productivity
experiences that save time and improve efficiency.

PGP 1 M I C R O S O F T C O N F I D E N T I A L – I N T E R N A L O N LY
Case study submission guidelines

Teams are expected to submit one functional spec in .doc or .pdf format, covering
the solution to the case.

How to form a team? Please note that you should form a team of 2 along with your
batchmate from the same college.

What’s not allowed:

• Team of 1
• A team with participants from 2 different colleges or batches
Where can I submit the functional spec – details will be shared soon.
By when should I submit the functional spec- 20 th Sept 2021
Which email ID can I write to incase I have doubts

What should a functional spec (max 1750 words) contain?

o Problem Definition (approximately 400 words – focus on why – problem, customer value, business
o Goals & Non-Goals (approximately 200 words – focus on what – requirements & user scenarios
that you aim to solve/not solve)
o Feature Description (approximately 900 words – focus on how – features leading to solutions for
user scenarios)
o Success Metrics (approximately 200 words – how to evaluate success for the features planned and
the overall product)
o Workflow (max 1 page (2 slides) – UX design, flow charts etc.)

M I C R O S O F T C O N F I D E N T I A L – I N T E R N A L O N LY

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